Zi Lingding pinched a sword in her hand, and shouted sharply: "Lin Buyi, don't go!" While speaking, two precious mirrors rose in response, and two dazzling rays of light flashed, piercing Lin Buyi, Lin Buyi paused, Jumping out of the battle circle, he said: "Xiao Zi, do you even want to take my life?"

Zi Lingding and Lin Buyi originally had a deep blood feud, but these days Lin Buyi has really helped Tang Fang a lot, coupled with a series of emergencies, Zi Lingding's desire for revenge is not as eager as it was at the beginning. Absorbing Fa Jue, he said coldly: "Since you want us Tang Fang to come to Miss Su San alone, but you secretly follow us, is it because you are afraid that San Niang will say something unfavorable to us?"

Lin Buyi said anxiously: "Little Zi, don't misunderstand me. I just heard that the Pagoda Cult is plotting to deal with the Animal Cult, and you just happened to come to find Mrs. Su San, so you came here just now, I'm afraid you might make a mistake."

Zi Lingding sneered, and said disdainfully, "Three-year-olds wouldn't believe this kind of thing, do you think I would?"

Tang Fang came up, seeing that Zi Lingding was fine, he felt a little relieved, and said, "It would be better if you're here, Sanniang is here too, we'll face each other, and we'll settle this matter clearly."

"Alright, it's better to speak face to face, Brother Tang Fang, take a step to speak."

Zi Lingding was afraid that Lin Buyi might be cheating, so she said coldly: "Is there anything that you can't say here?"

Lin Buyi glanced at Zhouxia's inn that was riddled with holes by Zi Lingding, and said, "This battle of yours must have alarmed the local forces, and it will be difficult to deal with the Japanese when they come."

Zi Lingding sarcastically said: "You have already surrendered to the sun, isn't it just what you want when they come?"

Lin Buyi smiled slightly and said, "Of course, matters in the Taoist sect must be resolved according to the rules of the Taoist sect. Wouldn't it be better for us to talk in another place?"

Zi Lingding thought for a while, guessing that Lin Buyi would not be able to play tricks, she nodded and said, "That's fine."

The people in the animal way originally saw that Lin Hei'er had been defeated, and thought they would come to pick up the bargain after Zi Lingding took care of Lin Hei'er, but who knew that another Lin Buyi was killed on the way, who was Lin Buyi? Such a character, they naturally did not dare to provoke them, and suffered from being dumb in their hearts, so they had to admit it.But these people were all poisoned by the tower, and their lives were still in the hands of others. Now that Lin Hei'er was unconscious, naturally they wouldn't do anything with them, but once Lin Hei'er recovered, how could they let it go!

The white hedgehog stood up staggeringly, and said, "Mr. Lin, please stay for a while."

The third lady Su understood in her heart that when she reached the white hedgehog, she threw a porcelain bottle into his hand and said, "Although there is no cure for this tower poison, it can be controlled. You just need to take this pill and keep it for three months. It's not a serious problem, I will ask someone to slowly remove the poison for you in the future."

The white hedgehog glanced at Mrs. Su San and said coldly: "How can I trust Germany?"

Mrs. Su sighed and said: "Believe it or not, it depends on what you think. To completely eliminate the tower poison, there is only one way, that is, the frog god disappears, but I can guarantee that Lin Heier will never be able to summon the frog god." .”

"Why?" the white hedgehog wondered.

"Her life gate has been broken by Zi Lingding. Even if she wakes up, she will be in a half-crazy state. No one knows her fate, but the future Lin Hei'er will never be the current Lin Hei'er again. You can rest assured."

"If Lin Heier passes the red light on to others, wouldn't we be under the control of others again?"

"This depends on your good fortune. You are not greedy enough. You should have ended up like this. If you want to die well in the future, you need to devote yourself to cultivating the Tao and abandoning the arts of demons and ghosts. Otherwise... good and evil will always have retribution... "Lin Buyi said lightly.

Lin Buyi has a high status in the Taoist sect, even the people from the animal way did not dare to turn against him on the spot, not to mention they were treated badly by Lin Heier, so they said angrily: "What happened today, our animal way will record it. Now, Mr. Lin, you are an expert in the world, I dare not fight with you, but since Lin Hei'er has fallen into your hands, I hope you can take good care of him, if she dares to come out to do evil again, Even if we fight to the death, we will die together with Lin Hei'er."

"As long as you don't want to judge scriptures anymore, I guarantee that the Holy Mother of Huanglian will not trouble you again. This is my promise to you, Lin Buyi."

"Thank you." The pagoda cultivator cupped his hands and left in a hurry.

Suddenly there was a sound of civet cats, and everyone noticed that there was another person who hadn't moved. Duan Guanyin stood up slowly, walked in front of Tang Fang, and said lightly: "Mr. Tang, Mengya told you that day. Yes, I hope you will think about it more. This matter is a big one, and we are waiting for you, brother Tang Fang, to make a decision in a second. I hope that Mr. Tang will think twice for the sake of millions of people."

After finishing speaking, Duan Guanyin bowed her hands to Sanniang, and said: "Sanniang, I'm leaving today. I don't know when I want to see you again. I hope you will remember what I said to you and enlighten little brother Tang Fang. After all, you are her. Sister, he is willing to listen to you."

Mrs. Su San said politely: "Naturally, it's just my sister in name. It's up to me whether I can persuade the most precious person in the world. If I can't succeed, sir can't blame me..."

Duan Guanyin smiled slightly and said, "Naturally." Turning her head to Lin Buyi, she said, "Duan has already understood the relationship between the Holy Mother and Mr. Lin, and since the Holy Mother is in the hands of Mr. Lin, I can rest assured. The future and the past will go with the wind. Yes, and I hope that Mister can make the Holy Mother understand this truth."

Lin Buyi respectfully said: "Mr. Duan is one of the few people I respect most in the world, Xiao Ke naturally dare not refuse what Mr. has ordered."

Duan Guanyin said happily: "To be valued so much by Mr. Lin, Duan has not lived in vain for most of his life."

"Where, if Mr. Back then saved Xiao Lian's life regardless of the danger, Xiao Lian would have died in hell already."

Duan Guanyin looked at Lin Hei'er and sighed, "Maybe if Duan didn't do this much back then, the result might have been better..."

Lin Buyi had a feeling in his heart, looked at the unconscious Lin Hei'er in his arms, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Senior, wait a minute!" Wang Yunguang stepped forward suddenly and said anxiously: "This junior is here to find senior."

"What's the matter with your royal family?"

Wang Yunguang said: "I'm ashamed to say it, I only blame Wang for not being good at learning. Now Fahai's aura is getting stronger and stronger. Although I have suppressed the Zombie Seal Jue, but recently the juniors often feel powerless, so I ask Mr. Duan to help." Take it easy, otherwise, once Fahai is born and we are not prepared, I am afraid..." Wang Yunguang said here, his eyes were gloomy, and he hesitated to speak.

Duan Guanyin said: "Have you taken a fancy to the old man Guanyin's technique of sitting on a lotus?"

"Except for Mr., there is probably no one else in the world who has this ability..." Wang Yunguang's eyes were full of hope.

"Forget it, I'll just go there, but whether it will work or not, I'm not sure how long it can keep Fahai in check. If it can be delayed for a day, it is a day. At least it buys you time." Duan Guanyin finished speaking. Glancing at Tang Fang, he said, "Brother Tang Fang, you are really worrying."

Tang Fang didn't answer in embarrassment, Wang Yunguang saluted Duan Guanyin and said, "Mr. Thank you."

Lin Buyi looked at the remaining people on the field, and said, "Let's go, find a clean place to talk."

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