A few people came to a restaurant in Linzhen. Although the battle between Zilingding and Lin Heier was earth-shattering just now, but in this age of war, compared with a group battle involving millions of people, it seemed insignificant. , Overnight, the doors of all the rooms were closed, even those who didn’t have the courage to take a peek outside the windows did not poke their heads out of the room until it was broad daylight.

Of course, the local Dibao, the Imperial Association Army, etc. also guessed that the Imperial Army must have drunk too much and made the matter worse, so they dared not speak up and suppressed the matter.

Therefore, although this matter was widely circulated, no one dared to mention it in Mingli, because the so-called "stable and disciplined" obedient citizens are what the Japanese want to see.

So this restaurant is still open, but there are not many people coming and going, a few people asked for a few vacant rooms, and surrounded Lin Buyi's room.

Lin Buyi opened the window and let in some air. Lin Hei'er on the bed was still unconscious. Did Lin Buyi feel her forehead or pulse to confirm that the problem was not serious before he breathed a sigh of relief.

But his brows were still tightly furrowed, he sighed, and said, "Xiao Zi, you've overdone it this time."

Zi Lingding gave a disdainful smile, puffed her chest out and said, "Good and evil are incompatible, I am the contemporary headmaster of Longhushan, and it is my duty to eliminate evil, but you don't distinguish between good and evil, so why do you forcibly rescue me?" reason."

"Actually...Xiao Lian isn't that bad..."

"Hmph!" Zi Lingding snorted coldly, and said, "The Holy Mother of Pagoda Sect, Huanglian, has a lot of blood in her hands, and there is no way to harm others. Is she still a good person?"

"Actually, many things are rumored by Taoists, and Xiao Lian also had difficulties back then..."

"The pagoda religion is evil, and people and gods are angry. Is there anyone else who forces her to fail? Not to mention, she is so cruel that she doesn't even care about her own flesh and blood. Is such a cold-blooded person still a good person?"

"Purple Fairy, you don't know the situation back then. Many things were passed on by the so-called upright people in Longhu Mountain. Winners and losers, that's how it is... Sigh..." Miss Su San sighed slightly.

"People of the Tower Cult, are there any good people?"

Miss Su's complexion changed, Tang Fang took into account his sister's feelings, and hurried out to be a peacemaker and said, "Xiao Zi, you did the right thing. The Pagoda Sect has done a lot of outrageous things, but there are also many people who are not heinous, just like Lin Mr. said, maybe some of them also have unavoidable difficulties..."

"So, I was wrong?" Zi Lingding said coldly.

Tang Fang hit a snag, swallowed his tongue in fright, shrank his neck and dared not speak. .

Wang Xianqiao looked at Zi Lingding with a smile. She knew that Zi Lingding looked like she didn't care about anything on the surface, but she was actually very anxious about Tang Fang. As long as Tang Fang said anything to a woman, her jealousy would be overturned. , just didn't say it on the surface, but it always made things difficult for Tang Fang.

This jar of jealousy was pushed on Zi Lingding's head by his old fairy Wang. With Wang Xianqiao's wretched and shameful character, how could he not be happy?

Lin Buyi sighed: "Xiao Zi, I don't need to tell you, you may have guessed that Xiao Lian was actually brought up by me, but she treated me when she grew up...but I couldn't accept her kindness, so……"

"Old man Lin, you really have the habit of liking minors. You always like to adopt a child when you have nothing to do, but you have a good eye. The girls you adopt are all good-looking. What's the secret? I'll find a little girl tomorrow." Yangyang. Playing with grandparents and grandchildren, haha..." Wang Xianqiao laughed loudly.

Such sarcasm, if it were someone else, I am afraid that they would turn their faces on the spot. Zi Lingding is too lazy to talk to this shameless villain, and Lin Buyi is a person with extraordinary self-cultivation. Slightly smiled and said: "Misunderstood, the reason why Lin adopted Xiao Zi and Xiao Lian is actually for a reason."

"Because they have the same blood on their bodies?" Wang Xianqiao said with a grin, "You really have the patience, old boy."

"That's right," Lin Buyi nodded and said, "Both of them are descendants of Fairy Qing, with her blood, but..."

"It's just that you are more satisfied with Xiaozi's 'work', but Lin Heier is a failed 'work'?" Wang Xianqiao said with a smile, "So when you find that Lin Heier is not the work you want, You just threw it away like trash, that's why this little girl hated you out of love, and clung to you as soon as she came out."

No matter how well-bred Lin Buyi was, he couldn't resist Wang Xianqiao's aggressive questioning, his face changed slightly, and he said in embarrassment: "There are various reasons, very complicated, but Lin has always done things with a clear conscience."

"A person like you, no... This kind of 'thing' still has a 'conscience', wasn't it taken away by Fahai hundreds of years ago? Lin Buyi, Lin Buyi, back then you These juniors don't know what Hushan did, but you and I are of the same generation, I have a clear understanding of your old background, don't force me, once you force me, I will tell you what you did back then Fairy Qing pursued and beat her fiercely, and all the nasty things that she almost lost her position as a teacher were revealed."

Lin Buyi said calmly, "That Yun Daozi from back then has already sat down, and now it's only Lin Buyi standing in front of you. Wang Xianqiao, don't make a mistake."

"Hehe, does changing a skin really mean changing a person? Can the Nether Blood Sea really wash away your evil debts in personnel affairs?"

Lin Buyi said with pain in his eyes: "Yes, if I hadn't insisted on going my own way back then, Fahai would not have wiped out my Qijia land on Longhu Mountain easily, but if it weren't for me, Fahai would have wiped out all the Taoist sects in the world long ago. go……"

"It's worth it..." Wang Xianqiao waved his hand and said, "Those are all credited to Qing Fairy, you did your shit, if it wasn't for Qing Fairy's righteousness, you kid should have played mahjong with Zhang Daoling and those old bull noses in the underground for 500 years, right? , where is it your turn to be so romantic and happy now."

Lin Buyi was silent.

Zi Lingding suddenly interrupted Wang Xianqiao coldly, and said, "I have seen some things in the past in the Land of Qijia, who is right and wrong is not important anymore, I just want to know now, Lin Buyi, you What is the purpose of asking me to find the White Snake of Animal Road, and what answer can she give us?"

The third lady Su glanced at Tang Fang, then at Zi Lingding, and murmured: "The debts of the previous life have reappeared in this life. It should be the reincarnation of heaven, and good and evil will be repaid. It's just... why are you bothering?" Woolen cloth?"

Wang Xianqiao said urgently: "Fahai will leave the customs soon, if Brother Tang Fang can't make a decisive decision, the world will be in trouble, Sanniang knows what but it doesn't matter."

"Fahai..." Miss Su San slightly opened her red lips, with a hint of sadness on her face, and said, "This is indeed related to an old secret of our animal willow veins, since you want to hear it, then I will say it... ..."

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