The third lady Su sighed leisurely, and said: "Speaking of this matter, it is really too complicated, I think you also know a little bit, although our animal way is the oldest branch of Taoism, but for our willow way In other words, in fact, it has only been a matter of hundreds of years to really gain a foothold among animals. Because the willow vein is always passed down in one vein, it is naturally rare, and it has been suppressed by other veins for many years, until the birth of that generation of white lady ..."

The third lady Su paused, and said: "Speaking of this matter, it has a lot to do with Longhu Mountain... Because the Liumai White Lady of our lineage actually came from Longhu Mountain... "

Zi Lingding was slightly surprised, but after thinking about it, it was reasonable, because when Zi Lingding was in the land of Qijia, in his dream, there was indeed a white lady and a green fairy who were sisters to each other. .It's just that since the White Snake came from Longhu Mountain, why was she judged to be a decent family and associate with "wrong ways and evil ways".

The White Snake seemed to have seen through Zi Lingding's thoughts, and sighed for the rest of her life, "Actually, this also has a lot to do with Fa Hai. Back then, the Qing Fairy and the White Snake were very friendly. Fa Hai didn't dare to touch the Qing Fairy directly. After all, the Qing Fairy He is the guardian of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, if he fights against Fairy Qing, with Fa Hai's strength back then, he might not be sure of victory."

Lin Buyi nodded and said: "Fahai didn't cultivate the real body of Yinggou back then, so he didn't attract attention in the Taoist sect. It's because we were too arrogant that we raised tigers. This is my mistake. I should bear."

"The White Snake was devoted to Taoism back then, and she was almost impeccable spiritually, but Fa Hai still came up with a devious trick, which was to use a disciple of his own to seduce the White Snake. While cultivating hard in Jinshan Temple, by coincidence, I met a handsome young man and accepted him as a registered disciple..."

"Is that person the Xu Xian in folklore?" Tang Fang couldn't help interjecting.

"That's right, that person is..." The White Snake sighed, "The story of the water flooding the golden mountain is known all over the world, but who knows the twists and turns in it? The White Snake and Xu Xian have been praised as love since ancient times. role model, but who knows the intrigue between the two?"

The White Snake said: "The later story is similar to the legend. The White Snake was really seduced by Xu Xian, moved her heart to miss the world, and was sentenced to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. The one who went down the mountain with her was naturally her good sister who was inseparable from her. After the White Snake and Xu Xian got married, they took root in Hangzhou. Fa Hai's calculation is half the success."

Zi Lingding couldn't help but said: "Since the white lady and the green fairy are both from Longhu Mountain, why did Longhu Mountain release them so easily?"

Lin Buyi remained silent for a while, and sighed, "Everyone has his own aspirations, why force him..."

Wang Xianqiao said disdainfully: "But what I heard is another version of the story. Back then, the White Snake was so terrific in Taoism that she had faintly threatened your status, so you pushed the boat along the way. In fact, it was to drive the White Snake down the mountain to get rid of the one who was with you. You are a fierce rival for the position of master."

Lin Buyi remained silent, but did not object.

"Later, the White Snake and Xu Xian had a child. Fa Hai suddenly appeared at this time, took away the two children, and forced the White Snake to frame the Qing Fairy, and took the green fairy's true essence. The White Snake refused, so Fa Hai took the Take Xu Xian away, the poor white lady is an infatuated person, how do you know that these two people are working together to deceive yourself."

"The White Snake was only in the Jinshan Temple, and originally wanted to get her husband back, but at this time she was not an opponent of Fahai, so she was captured by mistake. In a rage, Fairy Qing showed her real body, and this caused a catastrophe that flooded Jinshan. .”

"That year, I don't know how many innocent people died in Hangzhou." The third lady Su sighed, "The Taoist war has been going on for thousands of years. Fahai and Qingxian fought for three days and three nights, and there was no victory." However, it caused this catastrophe, but it angered God, and Fahai and Fairy Qing were each punished for nothing, and they were imprisoned together in the Nameless Mountain..."

Miss Su took a breath and said: "Originally, this story should end here, but no one would have thought that all of this has already been calculated by Fa Hai. What he wants is to have a relationship with Fairy Qing." A chance to be alone?"

Tang Fang was taken aback and said, "Fahai has put in so much effort, so he only wanted to be alone with Fairy Qing? This..."

"So this is where Fahai is really powerful," Miss Su San sighed, "Let me ask, as long as people stay together for a long time, they will inevitably develop feelings. The relationship of a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world is not too difficult, right?"

"If it's just to cheat affection, why didn't Fahai launch an offensive from the beginning, instead, he made such a big circle instead?"

"Qing Fairy is proud. If she wants to win her heart, she must be a man who she thinks is stronger than herself. Fa Hai has already shown her tyrannical strength in front of her. Love and hate are originally just a thought. You can see the world's sophistication. It is so transparent, apart from Fa Hai, there is probably no other person in the world."

Zi Lingding interjected, "I'm not interested in the love between Fa Hai and Fairy Qing, I just want to know what happened afterwards."

"The reason why Fa Hai must get the Green Fairy is actually because Fa Hai has his weakness, because in the final analysis, no matter how talented Shu Hai was at that time, it was only after winning the bloodline. In fact, life and death are still the same. In the hands of Yinggou, Fa Hai is a person with great ambitions, and what he wants to surpass is Yinggou!"

"The only way to surpass Yinggou is to get a more powerful bloodline than Yinggou, and Chiyou's heart is what Yinggou wants day and night, but Chiyou's heart is in the corpse ghost village, and the only thing that can open the gate of the corpse ghost village , there is only Zhu You's thirteen veins, and Fa Hai put his mind on Zhu You's side."

"Soon Fa Hai and Qing Fairy escaped from the restriction with their joint efforts... At this time, the two seem to have become a couple. My lady, Fairy Qing is even more grateful to him, thinking that Fa Hai has really been influenced by her at this time... So Fa Hai took the opportunity to propose a plan to eradicate Zhu Yousan's thirteen veins."

"Qing Fairy was born in Longhu Mountain. In her eyes, Zhu You's lineage naturally became a heretic. Fa Hai's doing so naturally gave her no reason to refuse. The two joined forces, and soon Zhu You Thirteen The pulse will all return..."

"Nonsense..." Wang Xianqiao yelled loudly, "Obviously we are cooperating with Fa Hai, so I wish you the best of luck, where did you fall..."

The third lady Su obviously didn't want to challenge Wang Xianqiao on these minor details, and continued, "Later, Fahai didn't know what method he used to earn the trust of Zhu Youshisanmai, and let Zhu Yousanmai completely betray him." Ghoul Village, open the passage to the Ghoul Village..."

"That kid is a big liar," Wang Xianqiao said, still angry, "It's just nonsense to say that we are free and let us completely get rid of the control of the zombie Allah. Fortunately, I, Wang Xianqiao, have enough mechanisms to see through This kid is not a good person!"

"Later, Fairy Qing, Fa Hai, Zhu You and the others really opened the gate of the corpse ghost village, and successfully got the treasure in the corpse village! Chiyou's heart!"

"Unfortunately, there seems to be some joint in it. The Chiyou Heart that Fahai got is actually fake! It was really replaced by the civet cat, the head of the Wang family, for the prince!"

"That boy Wang Changsong is not as smart as you. Besides Grandpa, who else in the world can steal Chi You's heart under Fa Hai's eyes," Wang Xianqiao said triumphantly, "I not only stole Chi You's heart, but also Stealing part of the memory of Yinggou, refining it into a killing blade, speaking of it, I am the real mastermind behind the scenes of this battle! What kind of shit Qing Fairy, Fa Hai, are all played around by me."

"In the corpse ghost village, for some reason, Qing Fairy and Fa Hai broke apart and became enemies. Qing Fairy returned to Longhu Mountain in a rage, but Fahai could not give up and led the zombie army obtained from the corpse ghost village. , asking for someone from Longhu Mountain in a mighty way."

Lin Buyi interjected, "The reason Qing Fairy and Fa Hai turned against each other is because Fa Hai violated the blood contract signed with Qing Fairy back then."

"Qing Fairy and Fa Hai were imprisoned in the Nameless Mountain. This restriction was imposed by the heavens. Even if the two of them had great abilities, they would never break through. Domineering physique, forcibly breaking through, Fairy Qing was bewitched by Fa Hai back then, so she signed this blood contract, but the reincarnation of heaven and earth, it is this blood contract that became Fa Hai's life-seeking talisman."

"I have explained this matter clearly to you all those years ago, but you refused to believe me. Now Tang Fang, you have heard the words of the white lady of the animal way, do you believe me?"

Wang Yunguang said: "Mr. Lin is a great sage. What he said is absolutely not false. I also ask Brother Tang Fang to put the world's common people first and agree to Mr. Lin's business. Not his opponent, and, brother Tang Fang, you still have something in your body that Fa Hai could not dream of back then. If Brother Tang Fang agrees, not only will you be able to defeat Fa Hai, but you will also be able to defeat Fa Hai, the first miracle in the ages. Shattering the void is not a joke."

"Chi You's Heart." Wang Xianqiao said with a half-smile, "That boy Wang Changsong brought out Chi You's Heart back then, and now he used it on the ancestor, so it didn't disgrace me, Immortal Wang, who suffered so many years in the corpse ghost village. Now that the ancestor has cleaned himself of his own filth, and Yinggou's blood has merged with the ancestor, even if Yinggou is alive, he cannot take away the skin of the ancestor at will, but if the ancestor has the blood jade Linglong, he can Dacheng, when the time comes, the patriarch will be among the immortals, but don't forget the brothers in the underground who share your life and death with you."

Tang Fang sighed and said: "So what about the broken void, I want to be a mortal, do something I want to do, those big things in the Taoism, I can't do it, and I don't want to do it, why are you so hard to force each other?" ?”

Lin Buyi said categorically: "This is fate. If you are not after winning the bloodline, none of this has anything to do with you, but you are, and you have caught up with the life in which Fa Hai was born. Of course, if Brother Tang Fang refuses to , we have no position to press each other, we can only rely on my old bones to deal with Fahai, but..." Lin Buyi stopped talking, sighed, and looked helpless.

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