Creation of Animals in the Extermination of Corpses and Ghosts in Xiangxi

【588】Ancestor, you are such a dick, does Miss Wei know?

At this moment, Lin Hei'er, who was unconscious next to him, suddenly groaned, opened his eyes, and looked at all the people present in a daze. Seeing this, Lin Buyi hurried over and helped Lin Hei'er's body. He got up, and said softly, "Xiao Lian, lie down for a while."

Lin Heier struggled to get up, and said, "I really hate..."

Zi Lingding stood aside and said coldly: "If you want to take revenge, I'll be there anytime."

Lin Heier was trembling with anger, struggling to get up, to fight Zi Lingding again, Lin Buyi frowned, and said: "This is the end, Xiao Zi, you should stop talking."

Zi Lingding snorted coldly, and said to Tang Fang, "Tang Fang, come out with me."

Tang Fang was slightly taken aback, and had no choice but to follow Zi Lingding out. Wang Xianqiao originally wanted to follow, but was stared at by Zi Lingding's piercing eyes, and stayed where he was, swallowing his tongue.

Perhaps the people Zi Lingding hates the most in her life are none other than Wu Xie and Lin Buyi. Because of Lin Buyi helping Tang Fang many times, Zi Lingding's hatred for him has diminished a lot, and it is no longer the beginning. That kind of resoluteness, Wu Xie has already died in her hands once, although it is not enough to offset the shame that Wu Xie brought to her back then, but time has passed, and Zi Lingding's own mentality has also changed at this time.

As for Lin Hei'er, Zi Lingding and her are not mortal enemies. Of course, when they were at Longhu Mountain that day, the two had already become enemies, but Zi Lingding's hatred for her was more of an ambiguous statement. unclear relationship.

Unknowingly, it's time to play, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the cool breeze is refreshing. Walking on the streets of the ancient town is also a special feeling.

Zi Lingding took the initiative to hold Tang Fang's hand, and Tang Fang turned back and held Zi Lingding's hand even tighter.

Zi Ling looked up at the sky, and casually said: "What Miss Su and Lin Buyi said just now, do you think it is somewhat credible."

Tang Fangdao: "I just have a question in my mind, a very strange question."

"You said."

"You said that Hai was defeated by Qing Fairy back then, so he was taken in by the Wang family, and he was suppressed with the Fantian Seal for so long..."


"Over the past few hundred years, although the Wang family, Yun Daozi and others have not conspired, they have been thinking about one thing with all their might, and that is how to deal with Fa Hai who will wake up at any time."


"This is the crux of the problem. Instead of dealing with a Fa Hai who might wake up, why didn't the Wang family or Yun Daozi or the current Lin Buyi think of a way to make Fa Hai never wake up? Can’t even wake up, or even make him disappear from this world forever? Maybe you will think that Fa Hai has no other way, but how can the Wang family and Lin Buyi be ordinary people? They can spend hundreds of years Think about it, there will always be a way..."

Hearing this, Zi Lingding was shocked, she really never thought about this matter, yes, instead of going all out to deal with Fa Hai, why not destroy him forever when Fa Hai is sleeping?

Tang Fang looked at the front and said: "I really can't figure it out, it's too illogical, of course, maybe they have been working hard for hundreds of years, but they just failed... But in the past few hundred years, how many high-ranking Taoists People have appeared, even if there are a few people who ascended in the daytime, since Fahai is the common enemy of the Taoist sects in the world, why didn't these high-level people remove this hidden danger before ascending in the daytime? Or all of them have a last resort The difficulties of..."

Zi Lingding froze in place, thought for a long time before saying: "You said... all of this is fake?"

Tang Fang grabbed his hair in pain and murmured, "I don't know, I really don't know..."

Zi Lingding said: "Do you trust Sanniang and Wang Yunguang?"

Tang Fang thought for a while, then slowly shook his head.

Ziling said in a shy voice, "I don't believe Lin Buyi either."

"However, if this is a scam, so many people have worked so hard to maintain such a scam, the entire Wang family has perished, and Lin Buyi has paid so much for me. If all this is fake, what did they plan? What is it, and how much interest is maintaining this lie?"

"And as Lin Buyi, he almost begged me in a humble tone, and Wang Yunguang even more so, begging again and again, what secrets are I, Tang Fang, hiding?"

Zi Lingding said: "Fame and fortune, wealth and honor are all floating clouds to a master of Lin Buyi's level. If he wants it, there are probably only four words."

Zi Lingding said word by word: "Fly up in the daytime."

"Then... what about Wang Xianqiao?" Tang Fang said, "The great battle that year was experienced by him personally, and the killing blade is the proof. Fa Hai did exist, and Fairy Qing did exist. These are all true. If these It's all true...then...what is false."

Zi Lingding sighed quietly and said, "Yes, what is true and what is false."

The two fell silent at the same time.

The night is like water, shining on the two of them.

"So, I decided," Tang Fang said, "I'm going to go to Fahai first to make sure what's going on."

"That's fine." Zi Lingding held Tang Fang's hand tightly, and said softly: "No matter what, I will follow you in this life. Wealth and glory, I will accompany you. I will accompany you. If you betray me, I will accompany you." I will kill everyone in the world."

Tang Fang was taken aback, and said: "So cruel, it seems that no matter what, I will be with you in this life, even if it is for the sake of the world, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

"It's still beautiful," Zi Lingding said with her eyes wide open, "Am I ugly? Is it a wicked girl Rakshasa or a saltless ugly girl? Tell me!!"

"There is no such beauty in the sky, nor on the earth." Tang Fang suddenly squeezed Zi Lingding's hand, and said, "So in order to prevent you from running away, I decided to marry you first!"

Zi Lingding was overjoyed suddenly, her face darkened immediately, and she said: "Let's talk about this matter later."

"No." Tang Fang suddenly turned Zi Lingding's head around, met his own eyes, and said, "I must marry you the future...I'm afraid I won't have time..."

Zi Ling said in a solemn voice: "Let's talk about it later, okay?"

"Why, won't you marry me?"

"'s just that I'm a disciple of Longhu Mountain. Although I haven't become a monk, I'm actually growing my hair and"

"What Laoshizi's Longhushan headmaster, it doesn't matter if you don't do it..." Tang Fang blurted out, and suddenly noticed that Zi Lingding's face was different, and quickly changed his words, "This is, actually... Forget it, I will talk about it later, I will talk about it later... "

Zi Lingding suddenly said: "Tang Fang, you just said... said... marry me, is that true?"

"of course."

"Okay, I'll marry you!" Zi Lingding resolutely said, "I just want to ask you one thing, and you must tell the truth."

"Say it." Tang Fang couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, his eyebrows almost floated to the sky.

"Can you... forget her?"

"She, which one?" Tang Fang raised his hands in surrender, "Wang Xianqiao? Please, I have a pure friendship with him!"

"Forget it, in which person's heart, everyone has a corner in their heart, where there is a secret to share alone. Why should I do this? If you say you forget it, then forget it."

Tang Fang suddenly hugged Zi Lingding into his arms, jumped onto the roof suddenly, and flew back and forth on the roof like crazy after a few ups and downs, scaring Zi Lingding's face to pale.

"I'm getting married!" Tang Fang shouted hysterically from the roof of the house.

"Congratulations, congratulations, grandpa, you are such a dick, does Miss Wei know?" Wang Xianqiao's death-like voice came from the window.

The atmosphere was instantly destroyed.

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