Lin Buyi sighed, stood up, looked at Lin Heier who was left with only a black cloak on the bed, and murmured: "If you want revenge, I will raise a hundred thousand Yin soldiers to avenge you. If you want to cultivate immortality , I will devote all my Dao thoughts in this life, wishing you to soar in the daytime, if you want to be an ordinary person, I am also willing to make a house for you... I should give you three things, don't say three things, just If you say 33 hundred things, I will obey you, but why did you mention the only thing that I can't agree to..."

"If I don't kill you, you know that I have too many things... I have worked so hard for so many years, and I have paid so much. Seeing that I am about to succeed now, how can I ruin it overnight? I can't let all of this happen. Even if it's just a little Lian...I'm sorry..."

With a wave of Lin Buyi's hand, a red light slowly rose. Lin Buyi stared at the palace lantern for a long time, sighed, and with a light wave of his hand, the palace lantern disappeared out of thin air. Lin Buyi slowly tidied it up. He picked up Lin Hei'er's black cloak, tidied it up carefully, wiped away the tears on his face, and walked out calmly.

At this time, in stark contrast to Lin Buyi, Tang Fang chatted endlessly in the restaurant Datang as if he had taken an aphrodisiac, and Wang Yunguang beside him was also smiling, congratulating repeatedly, and Wang Xianqiao even crawled on the bar. On the table, dancing with hands and feet.

Only Zi Lingding sat beside her quietly, with her head slightly lowered, and a rosy glow appeared on her pretty face.

Lin Buyi coughed lightly, calmed down, and said with a smile, "Brother Tang Fang and Xiao Zi are really planning to get married?"

Before Tang Fang could reply, Wang Xianqiao said with a chuckle, "Even you know, the news spread quite quickly."

Lin Buyi smiled wryly and said, "Brother Tang Fang made such a fuss just now, even if I want to keep my ears quiet, I can't."

Zi Lingding asked, "Where's Lin Hei'er?"

Lin Buyi's face darkened slightly, and he said: "She is not in good health, I have already given him a golden elixir for her to retreat, from now on, there will be no more titles like the Holy Mother of Huanglian in the Taoist sect."

"Aren't you afraid that she will heal her wounds in the future and come back to harm Daomen?" Zi Lingding asked hesitantly.

"I said she won't come out, so she won't come out," Lin Buyi explained with a rare impatient expression, knowing that she had lost her composure, "I brought up Xiaolian, and I know her character best. She will devote herself to Taoism in the future and will no longer enter the world of speed, she has already agreed."

Of course, everyone knows what a stubborn person Lin Hei'er is. How could he agree to Lin Buyi with just a few words? Thinking that the Holy Mother of Huanglian will not appear in the Taoist sect in recent years, Zi Lingding eliminated a huge hidden danger in Longhu Mountain, and a huge boulder hanging in midair was released.Naturally, I didn't ask any more questions.

It's just that everyone can't dare to imagine that Lin Hei'er has turned into flying ash and disappeared without end...

Except for Wang Xianqiao, the corners of his mouth were raised, showing meaningful eyes, and he glanced at Lin Buyi, as if he wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them abruptly, and clapped his hands: "Old Ancestor, since you want to marry us Purple Fairy, will you be a housekeeper or a house-filling concubine when you go back? You already have a regular wife Tang Wei, so Zi Fairy must be ready to be a concubine, and even mentally prepared to be a slave. Yes, I don't think anything is needed for the wedding, the ancestor will have his bridal chamber tonight, and I, the Great Immortal, will decide for you about this marriage."

Zi Lingding's whole face darkened immediately, she gave a piss, and spat: "Wang Xianqiao, if you talk about it again, I will really cut your tongue."

Lin Buyi looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "My Lin family marrying a daughter is naturally a regular wife, how can I be a concubine."

Wang Yunguang cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Lin's words are wrong. I also admire the relationship between Brother Tang Fang and Fairy Zi, but Brother Tang Fang married Wei Rou, the daughter of Wei's patriarch first. There is a principle of first come first, Fairy Zi With a noble status, naturally she can't be a concubine, but Zhu Youwei's family is also a big family that has lasted for thousands of years, how could she be wronged."

Lin Buyi said: "Tang Fang and Wei Rou were forced by the situation back then when the fourth eldest of the Wei family forced Tang Fang to agree. This is different from the past. The young girl and Tang Fang have gone through hardships before they are what they are today. Tang Fang and the young girl are in love with each other, a match made in heaven. , I will naturally discuss the matter of the Wei family with Wei Laosi, I believe that Wei Laosi will definitely let the young lady of the Wei family abdicate for the sake of my face."

Wang Yunguang sneered and said: "It's a joke, the wedding between Tang Fang brothers and Miss Wei Rou was held under the witness of all the heroes, everyone in the world knows that Miss Wei did not break the seven-out rule, how can she divorce her at will! "

"How can my Lin Buyi's daughter have two daughters and one husband!" Lin Buyi said coldly.

In front of Lin Buyi, the strange man in the world, Wang Yunguang has always been polite and respectful, always replacing it with the courtesy of his seniors, but when Wei Rou's issue was involved, he suddenly became aggressive and said without giving in: "Mr. Lin is a strange man from seniors. Everyone in the world looks up to her, Zi is even more noble now, but since Brother Tang Fang married Miss Wei, the so-called wretched wife will not go to court. Besides, I wish you a bloodline, and I may not be worse than you Longhushan. "

Good guy, before Tang Fang and Zi Lingding have discussed it, Wei Rou's past "old lover" and Zi Lingding's past "foster father" have already started a war.

Tang Fang's face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd. He stayed where he was, and wanted to add a few words, but he always felt that he didn't know where to start. He felt that neither side should be offended, and both sides had a reason.

"Tang Fang, what do you say!" Lin Buyi shot Tang Fang with his eyes, and said coldly.

"Brother Tang Fang is a person who understands things well, and he will not do such a thing that makes people in the world feel disgusted." Wang Yunguang also faced Tang Fang, his eyes were like knives on Tang Fang's face.

"This..." Tang Fang was speechless for a moment.

Tang Fang slapped Wang Xianqiao on the head with a slap. Wang Xianqiao, who had been smiling, suddenly encountered such an innocent disaster. He rubbed his head in aggrieved manner, and said with a mournful face, "Old Ancestor, what are you doing?"

"You look so ugly, I have long wanted to fix you." Tang Fang said viciously.

Wang Xianqiao jumped up, his whole face turned into a bitter melon, and said: "Is there something wrong with being ugly?"

Tang Fang wanted to fight again, Wang Xianqiao immediately ran towards the door, how could Tang Fang allow him to escape, the two of them, one in front of the other, wanted to flee through the door and leave this place of right and wrong.

boom!The door was suddenly pushed open, and a gleaming sword touched Tang Fang's pen.

Then there was a soft voice: "Tang Fang, believe it or not, I cut your balls."

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