Everyone heard the reputation and looked, it was Miss Wei whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Wei Rou was dressed as a man, with a melon skin hat on her head, hiding three thousand black hair, adding a bit of heroic demeanor, her face was frosty, and her willow eyebrows stood erect, one had to believe that she would do what she said.

Both Tang Fang and Wang Yunguang were stunned at the same time, Tang Fang was speechless, and Wang Yunguang stammered, "Rou...Wei...Miss Wei...you...why are you here?"

Why did Wei Rou come here uninvited? Everyone was dumbfounded. Lin Buyi and Wang Yunguang were arguing about Tang Fang's marriage just now.

Whoosh... I don't know when, Zi Lingding has already flashed in front of Tang Fang, stretched out two fingers with one hand, and pinched it lightly with her hand, Wei Rou's three-foot clear front broke in response, Zi Lingding said indifferently : "Miss Wei is here, it's our fault that we went too far to welcome her, but as soon as Miss Wei came, she pointed her sword at her husband, isn't it a little too much?"

Zi Lingding deliberately put the word "we" very seriously.

In fact, Zi Lingding was not clear about it. Although Tang Fang and Wei Rou only had the name of husband and wife, they were not actually husband and wife, but after all, they were the wives that Tang Fang's matchmaker was marrying. If Tang Fang divorced his wife and married another, he would definitely be scolded by the world. Zi Lingding couldn't bear it, from the moment she agreed to marry Tang Fang, Zi Lingding had already planned to have one daughter and two husbands.

But with her high-spirited character, this is already a concession beyond her bottom line. If she is to be careful everywhere and serve this famously unreasonable Miss Wei, it will be more uncomfortable than killing her.Zi Lingding's move to break the sword was also to knock the mountain and shake the tiger, with the intention of giving Wei Rou a blow.

Wei Rou knew that Zi Lingding was powerful, and she would never be able to win favor with her if she used force, but she was the one who suffered a loss and kept quiet, so she glanced at Zi Lingding coldly, and said coldly: " What does it have to do with you when I talk to my husband-in-law?"

In the same way, Wei Rou responded with an eye for an eye, biting down the word 'my husband' to death.

Wei Rou cast a glance at Tang Fang and said, "Tang Fang, my grandfather has urgent business with you, so you come with me."

"Tang Fang, I lost my breath during my exercise yesterday, and my breath is a little unstable. You can go back to the room and adjust my breath." Zi Lingding said the same, not to be outdone.

Tang Fang couldn't help but feel his head getting bigger, and he didn't know what to do when he was caught between the two women. His gaze turned to Wang Xianqiao involuntarily. The well-behaved Wang Xianqiao had already hid in a corner, climbed a bench, and smiled with Erlang's legs crossed. watching a play.

Tang Fang hated it to the core, and said in his heart: "On weekdays, the ancestors and the ancestors are so affectionate, and when your ancestors really encounter a disaster, they just know how to shrink back, and wait for my father to escape this disaster." It's hard, let's see how to deal with you."

"Rou... Mrs. Tang, since you've come a thousand miles away, you're not in a hurry. How about having a cup of tea and taking a rest before leaving?"

This voice, transmitted to Tang Fang's ears, was as pleasant as the Sanskrit sound of fairy music, and he nodded a series of times, "Yes, yes, yes, sit down and talk about anything, sit down and talk about it."

Wei Rou gave Wang Yunguang a tender look, and there were thousands of words in it. Wang Yunguang felt ashamed in his heart and turned his face away.

Even though all kinds of feelings and hatred came to her heart, Wei Rou just sneered and said, "Madam Tang, what a Madam Tang...Wang Yunguang, you are really a man who can bend and stretch."

Wang Yunguang looked up at the sky with a complicated expression.

With Wang Yunguang's rescue, Tang Fang immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and made a gesture of invitation. In fact, although Wei Rou had a good impression of Tang Fang, she was only moved by Tang Fang's love for Zi Lingding back then. In fact, she was not He opposed Tang Fang and Zi Lingding being together, and was even willing to accept the result of Tang Fang divorced himself if necessary, but just now Wang Yunguang and Lin Buyi were bargaining like goods.Wang Yunguang kept saying that he was the wife that Tang Fangming's matchmaker was marrying, and he seemed to have no guilt. He heard it outside the door, and then he became furious, and all his anger was directed at Tang Fang, which caused the incident just now. A skirmish.But Wei Rou is not an ignorant person, she knows how important Tang Fang is to the Wei family, and now because of the relationship between Zi Lingding and Lin Buyi, Tang Fang has been gradually drawn by Longhushan, and she may break away from Zhu You's control or even defect at any time There is a possibility of facing each other, that's why Old Ghost Wei called him urgently, trying to take Tang Fang back to Zhu You no matter what, as Tang Fang's 'wife'.

Wei Rou suppressed her anger for the time being, walked to the table and sat down, Wang Yunguang was melancholy, Tang Fang was embarrassed, Zi Lingding was slightly hostile, Lin Buyi was unpredictable, Wang Xianqiao gloated, and feared that the world would not be chaotic. Several people in the hall, No one spoke, and the atmosphere was weird.

Suddenly, there was a burst of silver bell-like laughter, as if she had heard the noise outside, Mrs. Su San came out of her room, and when she saw Wei Rou, she smiled and said, "Who am I? Come, why don’t you notify me, so that I can greet you in person.”

When Wei Rou saw Sanniang, her whole body seemed to be tensed, and suddenly she let go, with tears in her eyes, she said: "Sanniang, someone is bullying me..."

Sanniang stepped forward quickly, hugged Wei Rou in her arms, and comforted: "Whoever dares to offend Miss Wei, Sanniang will vent your anger on you."

Wei Rou pointed to Tang Fang and said: "He", then pointed to Wang Yunguang and said: "There is also him."

Third Lady Su glanced at Tang Fang, then gave Wang Yunguang a hard look, and said, "You!"

Wang Yunguang looked bright and persuaded: "Mrs. Tang, you have worked hard all the way, let Sanniang accompany you to rest first, and we can talk about anything tomorrow."


Wei Rou gave Wang Yunguang a big slap without warning, and then curled up in Miss Su's arms and began to cry.

Wang Yunguang touched his red and swollen face, smiled wryly and was speechless.

Tang Fang took advantage of the situation and said: "Haha, yes, yes, everyone is tired, so you should rest early, go to bed early, go to bed early and wake up early to be healthy. Why do you think I am so tired?" Tang Fang groaned, making gestures to escape.

"Stop." Wei Roujiao shouted.

Tang Fang's whole body was shaken, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points, and he froze on the spot.

Wei Rou looked at Wang Yunguang and said word by word: "Tang Fang, I want to have sex with you!"

Ouch, Tang Fang swayed and fell on the stairs.

Swish, Zi Lingding's entire face turned pale instantly.

Swish, Wang Yunguang's entire photo instantly turned green.

"Dangdangdangdang... the room of the ancestor is here..." Wang Xianqiao rushed out of the corner like a mouse in an instant, made a gesture of please, blinked his eyes like mung beans, and said, "grandmother, please go here side walk."

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