Creation of Animals in the Extermination of Corpses and Ghosts in Xiangxi

【594】I don't want your heart to treat me as before, but I only hope that my heart will treat yo

"That's my heart." Wei Rou said affectionately, "I don't hope that your heart will treat me as before, but I only hope that my heart will treat you as before."

"Injustice." Wang Yunguang no longer resisted, let Wei Rou bend down, and gently took off his clothes, the moonlight gently shone in, Wei Rou gently untied Luo Chang, one by one on the ground, Wang Yunguang never Couldn't help but grunted in her throat, Wei Rou grabbed Wang Yunguang's hand and gently stroked her body, Wei Rou's eyes were like silk, and said: "Yun Guang, the most precious thing in Rou'er's life, only Here you are alone."

The person who used to think about it day and night, is now in front of him, the woman who once made him suffer so much, and it is inevitable to toss and turn, is now in front of him, no matter how high the Taoist heart is, no matter how determined Wang Yunguang is, in front of the woman he loves, how can Can you still hold on?All of a sudden, his mind exploded. The blood feud of the royal family and the relationship between the world were all forgotten in an instant. He only knew that what he wanted was the woman in front of him. With what little strength he had left, he would die. Grabbing Wei Rou's fragrant buttocks, Wei Rou sat on Wang Yunguang's body with trembling voices like a wild and hard-to-train wild horse, and then unceremoniously merged with Wang Yunguang's spiritual desire.

Wang Yunguang only felt as if he had entered a deep valley tunnel. At the beginning, there seemed to be obstacles, but Wang Yunguang's little wit left him could not help but shout loudly: "You... unexpectedly..."

Shh... Wei Rou panted heavily, "Yun Guang, I am my first man, my body is only left to you..."

Wei Rou entangled Wang Yunguang's waist with her straight, slender, strong and powerful thighs, and her body began to move uncontrollably, each time giving Wang Yunguang the pleasure of ecstasy. Under the intense exercise, Wei Rou The loose black and bright hair, in the night, is like a layer of misty spring water, shaking up and down, and the pair of proudly standing twin peaks are flying up and down, giving Wang Yunguang the pleasure of the mechanism...

Time seemed to be at a standstill, only the two kept lingering and gasping for breath, until Wang Yunguang shot out the last drop of bone-destroying pleasure, and then became limp like a deflated ball, and Wei Rou also crawled all of a sudden. In Wang Yunguang's chest, there was an ups and downs.


"Huh?" Wei Rou spoke in a low voice, humming and moaning, and Wang Yunguang, who had fallen into the mortal world in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, regained his sanity a little bit and let out a long sigh.

Wei Rou got off Wang Yunguang's body, her face was still flushed after the incident, and she said softly, "Are you scared?"

"How can I be worthy of Tang Fang..." Wang Yunguang covered his face and sighed, his expression sad.

"My girl does things alone. If Tang Fang blames you, he will say that I seduced you. What he thinks is his business. I'm not afraid of him."

"Rou'er, you are still as willful as you were back then. You have to restrain your temper somewhat, otherwise you will..."

"What's going to happen in the future, you're afraid that Tang Fang will bully you, don't worry, I'll ask Tang Fang for a divorce letter and ask him to divorce me, isn't he also having a headache about this now, I'm doing this to fulfill his and Purple Fairy. If he refuses to forgive, I'll just give him my life."

"Wait a minute." Wang Yunguang sighed, and said, "For this matter, I, Wang Yunguang, am sorry for him, and I will naturally repay him to Tang Fang in the future, but Rou'er, today's matter, the heavens and the earth know, do you know me? "

"But he will know sooner or later... Besides, no matter what, the entire Wang family died at his hands, and you don't owe him anything, so why bother to think about him."

Wang Yunguang shook his head and said, "Now is not the time."

Wei Rou said: "Is Tang Fang so important to you?"

"Tang Fang is someone our Wang family has been looking for for many years. To be able to meet him in this life is due to heaven's pity for my Wang family. The day of Fa Hai's birth is not far away. For a while, I have time to go out of the customs to persuade Tang Fang, but, after all, time is running out, and Fa Hai's exit is not far away. If I, Wang Yunguang, cannot let Tang Fang make a decision in these few days, my Wang family's hundreds of years All the painstaking efforts will come to naught, and all the Taoist sects in the world will be doomed..."

"Fa Hai is really that powerful, even you and my grandfather can't deal with him?"

"Well. Fahai's magic power is unpredictable, otherwise my Wang family would not have set up a trap for thousands of years, and even destroyed the foundation of my Wang family and cut off the incense of the Wang family."

"Yunguang..." Wei Rou suddenly became coy and said, "The incense of the Wang family will never go out... I will conceive a child for you."

Wang Yunguang smiled wryly and shook his head, saying: "I, Wang Yunguang, have tried all kinds of tricks in my life, but this matter has not been counted... I hope God begs for mercy, pity my Wang family's loneliness, and leave this line of incense."

Wei Rou put on her clothes, stroked her messy hair, and whispered in Wang Yunguang's ear, "Actually... this is cartilage powder, it was given to me by Sanniang..."

Wang Yunguang was taken aback, and smiled wryly: "Only San Niang, who was born in the animal way, can have these things in her hands."

Wei Rou stood up, walked to the door, and suddenly turned her head and said, "Yun Guang, you are my first man and also my last man, if Tang Fang have sex with me, I will die in front of him !"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left Wang Yunguang's room.

It was slightly bright, and Tang Fang, who was used to getting up early, finished breathing in the room, and walked out of the room, just in time to meet Zi Lingding who had finished her morning class and came back. At this time, there was no one in the lobby, so Zi Lingding picked a window He sat down in his seat, as if he didn't see Tang Fang.

Tang Fang knew that Zi Lingding's anger was still lingering, so he walked over and said bravely, "Ha, today's weather is fine, and it's another day full of hope."

After finishing speaking, he bit the bullet and sat beside Zi Lingding, got a glass of water for Zi Lingding, poured it himself and drank it all, and said with a smile, "Zi Fairy never wastes her work every day, she works hard every day, really A model in our Taoist sect. Admiration."

"Get up." Zi Lingding said coldly.

Tang Fang hit a soft nail, stood up sullenly, slammed the table, and said angrily, "Why is there no one here? Do you want to do business?"

Xiao Er, who had been watching the night in front of the cabinet, had already fallen into a drowsy sleep at this time. When Tang Fang woke up, the boss was not happy, and muttered: "It's not even light yet, what business do you want to find food for yourself?" .”

"Hey, I'm still excited." Tang Fang yelled loudly, "Give me two taels of beef, three catties of dry rice, and four taels of rice. Anything less will do. Go quickly."

Although Xiaoer was unhappy, he was a guest after all, and he didn't dare to offend, so he said sullenly, "I drink early in the morning, and I'm not afraid of falling into the wine tank and drowning." She went to the back to get ready.

After a long time, Xiao Er came over. The beef was cold, and the rice was from the previous night. Tang Fang took a sip of his wine and said angrily, "This wine is also mixed with water, what's going on!"

Xiao Er said coldly: "The kitchen master hasn't gotten up yet, so eat as soon as you want, or go out and buy it yourself."

"You!" Tang Fang said loudly, "What's the matter, do you treat guests like this? Call your boss over."

"Okay." Zi Lingding said coldly, "They just took your money, if you have your son, go outside if you have the anger, don't be here."

Tang Fang smiled and said, "Yes, yes, there are a lot of Zixianzi, and they don't know ordinary people, so let's just make do with it?"

"I'm only vegetarian." Zi Lingding said firmly.

"That's going to be difficult, or I'll buy some vegetarian buns for you outside?"

"No need. I don't dare to trouble Sect Master Tang." After speaking, Zi Lingding glanced upstairs from the corner of her eye and said, "Mrs. Tang is here, and you still don't go to greet her."

Tang Fang looked upstairs, and saw Wei Rou and Mrs. Su also came out. Wei Rou seemed a little haggard. When she saw Tang Fang, she couldn't help but look aside, but it was Mrs. Su who still had her trademark smile. , Greeted all the way: "You two got up really early."

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