"Where is it, going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health, doesn't your sister also get up very early." Tang Fang also greeted warmly.The third lady Su and Wei Rou found a seat and sat down. Wei Rou seemed to avoid Tang Fang intentionally or unintentionally, not at all as arrogant as yesterday.

After a while, Wang Yunguang also got up, and when he saw Wei Rou was there, he immediately looked a little uncomfortable, but was stopped by Miss Su, so he had to bite the bullet and sit at the same table with San Niang, never daring to look at Wei Rou.

There are gradually people in the shop, and Xiao Er just opened the shop, dealing with many customers back and forth, San Niang and others just ordered some simple meals, reluctantly moved their chopsticks and stopped talking, and the two tables were far apart. It wasn't too close, but it wasn't too far away, so they didn't say a few words. After a while, Zi Lingding suddenly stood up and said coldly, "I'm going back to my room."

Tang Fang quickly stood up, accompanied Xiaoxin and said, "Shall I see you off?"

"No need." Zi Lingding glanced at Wei Rou and said, "It seems that you have someone more important to accompany you."

Once a woman is jealous, no matter how smart and generous she was before, she will have a petty temper. Tang Fang suddenly felt like a big head, so he had to accompany Zi Lingding upstairs without saying a word. At this moment, Wang Yunguang suddenly said: : "Brother Tang Fang, I have something to talk to you in private."

"Huh?" Tang Fang was about to reply, when suddenly a figure appeared out of nowhere, startling everyone, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be the surviving Wang Xianqiao.

It's just that today's Wang Xianqiao seems to be different from the past. He has changed into a brand new outfit. He looks a bit rich and wealthy, and he looks like a fool. How about it?"

Tang Fang didn't have the heart to joke with him, so he took a look and said perfunctorily, "Not bad."

"The key is that the color is good. Last night, I specially invited the best tailor in the town to tailor it for me. Once I put it on, I feel refreshed immediately, and my whole person is different."

"Some people wear green hats too." A diner next to him laughed and said, "This kid looks really innocent, maybe when he grows up, the green hat will really be fastened for him."

Cough cough, Wang Yunguang coughed a few times, as if to hide his uneasiness, Wang Xianqiao straightened his waist and said proudly: "That's right, I think this color is festive and beautiful, you ordinary people, how do you know the aesthetics of the ancestors?"

Tang Fang didn't bother to talk to him, and said to Wang Yunguang, "What did you just say?"

Wang Yunguang said with an unnatural expression: "It's nothing..."

"Oh." With Zi Lingding in mind, Tang Fang hurriedly followed.

"Bang." Zi Lingding slammed the door shut and said, "It's getting late, I should rest too."

Tang Fang ate a closed door, and said sullenly: "Isn't it dawn just now?"

"Can you control it?" Ziling asked coldly from inside the door.

"Well, well, you have worked hard these few days, even if you take a break, you should take a break, but can you open the door, I will go in to see you, and give you a massage by the way, my massage technique is very good, you can try it Know."

Tang Fang flattered him outside the door.

"Don't dare to bother the Great Master Tang," Zi Lingding replied coldly inside.

"Xiao Zi, you let me in first, I'm standing outside, it's so ugly," Tang Fang said with a mournful face.

"If you don't want to stand, you can do it. If you want to sit, you can go back to the room and lie down. No one wants you outside."

"But," Tang Fang stood at the door, his heart fluttering. He really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zilingding's gourd, so he had to stand where he was and cry with him.

At this moment, Wang Xianqiao sneaked out from some corner without anyone noticing, and whispered: "Is this girl, Patriarch Zi Lingding, still angry?"

Tang Fang smiled wryly and shook his head.

"A woman's heart, everyone talks about sea needles, but to me, Immortal Wang, it's the simplest thing in the world," Wang Xianqiao whispered, "I have a plan, and I will definitely turn this little girl's anger into joy. But what happens later will depend on the ancestor's own efforts."

Tang Fang grinned, slapped Wang Xianqiao on the shoulder, and said, "I know you have the most evil ideas. Say it, say it!"

Wang Xianqiao smiled mysteriously, and said, "But I'm afraid the ancestor will be a little tired."

Tang Fang was taken aback, and saw Wang Xianqiao kick Tang Fang's ass unceremoniously. Tang Fang only felt that Wang Xianqiao's kick was very powerful, and was about to be furious, but Wang Xianqiao blinked and was already pulling his throat He cried out: "Old Ancestor, what's the matter with you, what's the matter. Oh my god, this is going to die."

Tang Fang didn't understand at first, but when he saw Wang Xianqiao's sly eyes, he suddenly became enlightened, as if he had been poisoned by a deadly poison, he began to roll over non-stop, and his hoarse voice made people look sideways.

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, what's wrong with you, come and have a look, Old Ancestor is going to die..." Wang Xianqiao showed emotion on his face, and Tang Fang also had a good voice and a perfect cooperation.

Bang, the door slammed open, and Zi Lingding looked flustered. Seeing Tang Fang lying on the ground, her whole face turned pale with fright. It won't work."

"Hehe." Tang Fang used a skillful force to hug Zi Lingding suddenly, and hugged Zi Lingding tightly in his arms. Zi Lingding couldn't break free with all her strength. A kiss on the forehead, judo: "Xiao Zi, I knew that you are the only one who loves me the most in this world."

"You!" Zi Lingding slammed Tang Fang's chest a few times, pretending to be furious, and said, "I didn't expect you to co-operate with me to lie to me!"

"If not, how would I know that you are so nervous about me, Xiao Zi? I swear, Xiao Zi, I will be with you for the rest of my life. Life is yours, death..."

Zi Lingting covered Tang Fang's mouth with her hands, and said, "You're doing well, why mention such an unlucky word."

With Zi Lingding's forgiveness, Tang Fang felt very happy, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yeah, I will listen to you whatever you say." After finishing speaking, before Zi Lingding agreed, he grabbed Zi Lingding with his hand. Picking her up by the waist, Zi Lingding didn't even have time to snort, Tang Fang had already said: "Please also invite Fairy Zi into the house to heal my younger brother."


Tang Fang closed the door firmly with his foot.

Wang Xianqiao shook his head again and again outside the door, and said: "The daytime prostitution, my ancestors are getting better and better, more and more in line with my Wang Xianqiao's taste..."

Wang Xianqiao was smug in his heart, and tiptoed up.

"Wang Xianqiao, if you dare to appear within 800 meters of me, I will cut off your head and use it as a chamber pot!" Tang Fang shouted loudly from the room.

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