Creation of Animals in the Extermination of Corpses and Ghosts in Xiangxi

【596】One thought becomes a demon and one thought becomes a Buddha

At ten o'clock in the evening, Wang Yunguang knocked on Zi Lingding's door, Tang Fang opened the door, Wang Yunguang nodded to Zi Lingding in the room, and said to Tang Fang: "Brother Tang Fang, can I take a step to speak?"

As soon as Tang Fang saw Wang Yunguang, Tang Fang felt a headache for no reason. It didn't mean that Tang Fang was afraid of him, let alone Tang Fangtian's fearless personality, but now Tang Fang relied on his own ability to really fight with him. He is also confident that he is [-]% sure, but in this world, if the person Tang Fang dares and does not want to face the most, it is probably this person in front of him.

After all, 72 people died in his own hands. Every time he thinks about this, Tang Fang feels his heart scratching. Do you want to talk about it tomorrow?" Then he was about to close the door.

Wang Yunguang put his hands against the door, sighed and said, "I'm afraid my time is numbered."

Tang Fang was slightly taken aback, and said: "Boy, don't make such jokes with brother, if you really die, your Wang family will be the last one."

Wang Yunguang said: "So, brother Tang Fang, please take a step to speak. It's not that Wang is trying to force you. It's really that this matter is related to the lifeline of the Wang family and the lifeblood of the world. Wang can only beg again and again with a shy face."

Zi Lingding stood up and said: "There is nothing you can't say to others, Wang Yunguang, just come in and say it."

"Yes, come in and talk, come in and talk." Tang Fang echoed.

Wang Yunguang thought for a while, walked in, slightly nodded at Zi Lingding, and said, "I'm bothering Zi Lingding."

Don't need to guess, Tang Fangfang knew what Wang Yunguang was talking about here, and said, "Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do and how to do it, I, Tang Fang, owe you a favor, I admit it."

Wang Yunguang looked at Tang Fang slowly for a while, and said, "Brother Tang Fang, after we parted, have you ever felt any changes in yourself?"

Tang Fang said: "I don't think it's good to eat and drink, life is pretty good."

"No, Tang Fang, you've changed, you've become sharper." Wang Yunguang said, "I, Wang Yunguang, can only know everything about Brother Tang Fang. That's right, Brother Tang Fang, I, Wang Yunguang, admit that from a In the beginning, I did use you."

Wang Yunguang continued: "The ancestors of my royal family exhausted all kinds of scheming to figure out your lifeblood. You have a good bloodline in Yinggou, but when I saw you for the first time, I even doubted that if it wasn't for you I have checked my palmistry and my fate, I really thought my Wang family made a mistake."

"Miscalculated." Tang Fang wondered; "Why?"

"Because of your eyes." Wang Yunguang continued, "The first time I saw you back then, your eyes were not hostile at all, and even had a trace of warmth. You must know that this winning hook is one of the four gods of zombies. , and zombies come from chaos and are full of hostility like destroying the world. Since you are born with the blood of Yinggou, you must be born with hostility. But it's strange, from the first time I saw you, I didn't feel that you The hostility in my heart, this point, I was puzzled, and I found out later. You have already been suppressed by others."

"Already?" Tang Fang wondered, "Why didn't I know."

Wang Yunguang said: "Brother Tang Fang, do you remember the person who tattooed you? If my guess is correct, it is this tattoo that suppresses your hostility."

Tang Fang nodded, and said: "That's right, the fortune teller lied to me at the time, saying that with this tattoo, I will surely be successful in my life. How many people can be fooled."

"If my guess is correct, the person who tattooed you is Lin Buyi, Zi Fairy's adoptive father."

"He's not my adoptive father." Zi Lingding interjected.

"That's right, it's me." Lin Buyi's voice sounded from outside the door, slowly pushed the door open, and said, "It's not just your Wang family who are paying attention to the inheritance of Yinggou's bloodline, I have also been paying attention from the beginning, maybe we The purpose is the same, but the goal is the same.”

Seeing Lin Buyi coming in, Wang Yunguang slowly shook his head and said, "But this special way is too big."

"Do you Wang family really think that Fahai can be restrained with Chi You's heart? Even if Fahai is really destroyed, but you may create a monster that is more ferocious and surly than Fahai, then it will be a big deal Disaster, even if the old man takes action to remedy it, is it wrong?"

Wang Yunguang sighed and said, "Even if a monster is really created, at least they won't just target our Wang family... Maybe my Wang family still has a chance."

"In these years, the old man has been watching with cold eyes and has never interfered with your Wang family's actions. On the one hand, I feel sorry for your Wang family, and I am so pitiful. In order to continue the blood, I will do everything I can. On the other hand, I also want to see how the so-called strategy of your Wang family can work." He succeeded, but you are wrong, Tang Fang is not a puppet at your mercy, he is not winning the hook, nor is he the Chi You you imagined, he is just him, he is just Tang Fang."

Wang Yunguang was silent.

"From the moment Tang Fang was born, you began to influence their lives. Your Wang family forced his parents to death, and later treated him like a desperate situation. Even Tang Fang's joining the army was arranged by you behind the scenes. Your purpose was nothing more than to stir up trouble. The hostility in his heart. Because there is no place in this world that is easier to arouse a person's hostility than war."

Wang Yunguang was silent.

Tang Fang's face turned pale immediately, and he said, " parents, so you forced me to death..."

Wang Yunguang remained silent, and said: "It is indeed related to my Wang family, but..."

Tang Fang shook his head. Ever since he was sensible, he had never seen his parents. Because in his parents' time, the war situation was chaotic and countless dead. There were not a few orphans like Tang Fang. Tang Fang always thought that his parents were dead. Due to the chaos of the war, he lived with illnesses, but he never thought that his parents died unexpectedly.

Tang Fang smiled bitterly and said, "Wang Yunguang, it's useless for me, Tang Fang, to have been guilty of your Wang family all these years. It turns out that you are my father-killing enemies. The family feud is irreconcilable. Wang Yunguang, take your life."

"Tang Fang," Lin Buyi said in a deep voice, "this matter is not entirely the fault of the Wang family. You are born with a hostile spirit after winning the bloodline. Even if you live with your parents, they will be under your hostility. You can't live for three years."

Wang Yunguang said: "Brother Tang Fang, let me finish my sentence. When the time comes, you will be killed or cut to pieces. I, Wang Yunguang, will do as you please."

Wang Yunguang said: "My Wang family has indeed been plotting against you from the very beginning, because you are so important to us. Since you were born, Mr. Lin is right. Since you were born, our Wang family has been paying attention to you in the dark. , but after I saw you, it was completely different from our Wang family's original plan, and I even began to doubt whether you were the blood of the Wingou, so I tricked you into going to Shili Gufen and asked you to get the Fantian Seal, because the Fantian Seal was from back then. Only the true bloodline of Yinggou can control the fetish left by Fahai and display its true power, obviously you have done it."

Wang Yunguang continued: "It is the blood of Yinggou, but the anger of Yinggou, how can my Wang family accept this, so my Wang family can only come up with the last trick, to force out the hatred in your heart, to force out the hatred suppressed in your heart. I'm angry. That means forcing you to kill!"

"So, the 72 members of your old Wang family died not at the hands of Tang Fang, but at the hands of your Wang family."

Wang Yunguang continued: "Only by forcing you into a desperate situation and seeing through the ugliest betrayal in the world can the hostility in your heart be aroused. Only by recreating the winning trick of the Wang family can we succeed, but it seems that there are people who are more intelligent than my Wang family. Helping you in secret," Wang Yunguang said with a sad smile, "Mr. Lin, you let the lives of 72 members of my Wang family go to waste, and you have really hurt my Wang family."

Lin Buyi said indifferently: "Your royal family's plan to win the hook again has huge flaws. I just follow the trend and prevent Tang Fang from becoming a ruthless murderer."

Wang Yunguang said: "But your Yin Talisman Sutra is so powerful that the zombies can even cultivate Taoism, and even erase the hostility in Tang Fang's heart."

"If the Yin Talisman Sutra really has such supernatural powers, with Tang Fang's mind, why would he do those cruel things? If Tang Fang didn't have good thoughts in his heart, he would have already gone crazy. Think back, Tang Fang, since you When the Wang family came out, was there anything you didn't understand about what they did?"

Tang Fang's heart was shocked, yes, since he came out from the Wang family, he has become very manic, for example, when he was fighting with the Tianxin Sect, Tang Fang even lost his nature and wanted to kill Tang Mengya!There is also Mieyin Mountain, for Ouyang's character, that is not a case of madness and cruelty, and it was not until recent years that he gradually returned to his original nature. It turned out that all of this was the result of the secret struggle between the Wang family and Lin Buyi!

Wang Yunguang continued: "When I saw the tattoo on Tang Fang's body back then, I knew there was another expert, but I, Wang Yunguang, didn't know that that person was you. Mr. Yun Daozi, the head teacher of Longhu Mountain, my Wang family was defeated. In your hands, the defeat is not unjust. However, my Wang family is not defeated, because our purpose is the same."

"So you figured it out later."

"That's right." Wang Yunguang said, "It will be a thousand times better for Tang Fang to be guided by a big man like you than in the hands of my Wang family."

"That's not true. Your Wang family is considered powerful. Over the years, I have spent a lot of effort to integrate Tang Fang's blood, and even recreated the world, letting time kill the anger, so that Tang Fang can Go Wu Cunzhen, of course, it’s not as good as God’s calculation after all, if it’s not for Xiao Zi who has been taking care of him and preserved Tang Fang’s precious humanity, on the day when the little girl surnamed Tang “died in Huangquan”, maybe Tang Fang really has never recovered from this setback and can't afford to fall, if that's the case, even if I have all kinds of abilities, it will be difficult."

Lin Buyi glanced back at Tang Fang and said, "Boy, do you know how nervous I was when you destroyed Yinshan Mountain?"

A thought becomes a Buddha, and a thought becomes a demon. At this time, Tang Fang, thinking of the past, couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat in his heart, but these years, it is not only Zi Lingding who made Tang Fang find good thoughts, but also a person with these people. People who are completely irrelevant, even, these people will never notice her existence.

Tang Yi.

It was this little girl, Tang Yi's brothers and sisters, who made him feel the warmth of true love in the world and the pain of life and death. If it wasn't for this little girl, when Tang Fang was almost escaping into the magic way, she gave him a push in the dark, He pushed to the shore of the sea of ​​bitterness. Tang Fang, who left Tang Mengya and had no love in his life at that time, really didn't know what he would do.

Maybe it really turned into a cold-blooded and ruthless killing machine as the Wang family thought.

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