Suddenly, at this moment, Zi Lingding interjected coldly: "Lin Buyi, what is the relationship between Ouyang Fenggu and you?"

Lin Buyi was stunned and said: "It is indeed my advice that Ouyang Fenggu go to the Nether Blood Sea, but I just want to refine him into a sharpening stone for Tang Fang. What he did in the Nether Learning Sea is not out of my original intention .”

Zi Lingding nodded and said, "That's enough."

Lin Buyi said anxiously: "Xiao Zi, I led Ouyang Fenggu into the Nether Blood Pool just to let him wash away Tang Fang's control over him, so that he can strengthen Tang Fang's practice, and I didn't expect you to be in the Nether Blood Pool Meeting him, even..."

Zi Lingding said coldly: "You owe me too much, why bother to pay more, but I am too lazy to care about it now, after all, no matter whether you are a good person or a bad person, you are kind to Tang Fang after all, you My enmity will be written off today. But your favor to me will also be written off, you and I owe nothing to each other."

"Hey, Xiao Zi, why are you bothering?" Lin Buyi shook his head and said, "I brought you up with my own hands..."

"I'm not the only person you brought up, right? What happened?"

Lin Buyi was at a loss for words, and said, "Did you guess it?"

"Is it necessary to guess?" Zi Lingding looked around and said coldly: "Wang Yunguang, Lin Buyi, I don't care what your intentions are for Tang Fang, and I will not pursue the past. , but from now on, if the two of you dare to play Tang Fang's idea again, and want to push Tang Fang into a place of eternal doom, I, Zi Lingding, swear to the heavens, as long as I, Zi Lingding, have a breath, this life will definitely end in the ends of the earth, You two are killing me!"

Wang Yunguang was taken aback for a moment, then sighed and said: "If you have a wife like this, what more can you ask for from a husband."

Lin Buyi said: "Little Zi, your thinking is too simple. As I said just now, both the Wang family and I have only one purpose, which is to fight against Fa Hai. Once Fa Hai is born, there will be no one except Tang Fang who wins." Inheritance of the Gou bloodline is invincible, if he does not act, the world will be in trouble."

Zi Lingding said: "Back then you and him were just brothers, now he has slept for 500 years, and you have practiced for 500 years, are you afraid that you will not be his opponent?"

Lin Buyi sighed and said, "It's hard to cultivate Taoism. Even if I'm powerful, I'm limited to a mortal body. How can I compare with Fa Hai? If Fairy Qing didn't take action back then, the world would have been in great trouble. I have worked hard for hundreds of years, this time, you will help me no matter what."

"Why should I help you?"

"Xiao Zi, it is the inheritance of Fairy Qing. Except you, no one in the world can help Tang Fang get rid of the shackles of Yinggou's bloodline and make him a 'true self'."

"Just like what you said on Longhu Mountain back then, let me sign a blood contract with Tang Fang, and everyone will be prosperous, and everyone will be damaged?"

"In the world, except for Fairy Qing who has such abilities, we and other mortals do not have the ability to help Tang Fang thoroughly wash his hair and cut his marrow. Ying Gou originally does not belong to the six realms, the underworld does not accept it, and evil ghosts are difficult to entangle. But Tang Fang is different. After all, he is just a parasite of Ying Gou. Now Ying Gou has completed the complete fusion of blood and memory in Tang Fang's body, just like a bomb, which may explode at any time, and in Tang Fang's body , and even a heart of Chiyou that no one knows what is going on."

"Think about it, if Chi You and Yinggou fight in Tang Fang's body, how many lives does Tang Fang have? Of course, Tang Fang has been studying the Yin Fu Jing diligently these years, and in his body, the three have produced a mysterious and mysterious Xuan's delicate balance, but if it is really impossible to break through and build up and achieve the true self, Tang Fang will only have a broken chaos after all, and will not be able to produce the real 'Tao'."


Lin Buyi said slowly: "Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces thousands. Tang Fang already has his own chaos, what is missing is the 'Tao' of guidance. And Xiao Zi, your mission is to Become Tang Fang's guide and achieve his way."

Zi Lingding took a deep breath and said, "It must be like this."

Lin Buyi said in a deep voice, "If it weren't for that, the way would be hard to come by."

Zi Lingding said coldly: "I don't believe you."

Lin Buyi was dumbfounded.

Tang Fang said in a deep voice, "I believe it."

Zi Lingding cut her mouth and said: "Lin Buyi is cunning and changeable, he just wants to deceive you, so don't trust him."

Tang Fangchang took a breath and said, "I already feel my own chaos."

Lin Buyi said: "That's right."

Wang Yunguang clasped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Brother Tang Fang must have opened the door of the Innate Realm, and reached a height that is unattainable for our generation. It is only around the corner that we can cultivate the Dao and ascend in the daytime."

Tang Fang shook his head and said: "In ancient times, the gods are so lonely, you take it as a lifelong pursuit, in my Tang Fang's eyes, it's just a fart, in my eyes." At this point, Tang Fang gently squeezed Zi Lingding's hand and said : "The most carefree thing in the world is to be with Xiao Zi. Even if life is only a few decades long, with white hair reaching waist, and being able to drink and talk happily is what I, Tang Fang, have pursued all my life. Mou, you people who don't know what love is, how can you understand the true meaning of love, Lin Buyi, you have practiced the Tao for thousands of years in vain, how can you understand the Dao if you can't see through the world."

"It's not that he doesn't understand love, it's that he disdains to understand it, and he doesn't want to understand it at all." The door was pushed open, and Wei Rou and Mrs. Su San walked in, and said, "Tang Fang, you are playing the piano with the cow when you tell them these things, because they are a bunch of people. , a cold-blooded animal who has been dazzled by the so-called monasticism."

"No." Wei Rou shook her head and said, "Perhaps animals have more emotions than them. Am I right, Wang Yunguang?"

When Wang Yunguang saw Wei Rou, his eyes immediately changed. He stood there at a loss, and said, "Rou... Mrs. Tang, you are here too."

Wei Rou gave Wang Yunguang a hard look and said, "Madam Tang, Wang Yunguang, when did your memory become so bad?"

Wang Yunguang's whole face changed suddenly, and he whispered: "Rou'er, what's the matter, let's talk about it in private, now is not the time to talk about it."

Wei Rou said coldly: "Wang Yunguang, if you dare to do it, don't you dare to be it?"

"Tang Fang, come back with me to wish you." Wei Rou said to Tang Fang.

"But I'm busy right now, so I don't have that in mind."

"You don't need to go back, but Tang Yi in your family may have trouble."

Tang Fang's expression changed immediately, and he said, "What did you do to Tang Yi?"

"Don't worry, our Wei family is upright. How could we embarrass a little girl? She was disobedient and insisted on secretly practicing the technique of tribute head behind our backs. In addition, I don't know which irresponsible master taught it. There is no end. , Now something went wrong with the repair, of course you can rest assured, my grandfather has suppressed the evil in her body, but my Zhuyou technique is very different from the tribute technique, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, go and see her Can't figure out what to do."

"How could Tang Yi practice the technique of tribute head!" Tang Fang suddenly understood, and couldn't help being furious, "Wang Xianqiao, get the hell out of here, let's see what you've done!"

Tang Fang had Tang Yi in mind, so he was about to get up at that time, Wang Yunguang hurriedly said: "Brother Tang Fang, what about you and me..."

"What is there to say, is Fa Hai more important than my own niece?"

"But time is running out. Although I asked Duan Guanyin from the animal path to use the technique of Guanyin sitting on a lotus to restrain Fahai for me, Fahai may be born at any time."

Tang Fang thought for a while and said, "Well, you and I will go to Xiangxi together. After I go to see Tang Yi and make sure she is fine, you can bring me to see Fa Hai again. I want to make sure of something. If you and Lin If I don’t keep my word, I’ll keep my promise.”

"Tang Fang." Zi Lingding was slightly unhappy.

Wang Yunguang nodded and said: "If this is the case, it would be great, Yunguang kneels and thanks."

"I'll go too," Lin Buyi said, "I really want to meet this old friend too."

"I'll go too." Mrs. Su said.

Tang Fang said: "Well, let's all go. It's best to understand everything. We won't owe each other in the future. Don't bother me anymore."

Tang Fang was so anxious that he didn't even have time to wait for Wang Xianqiao, so he, Zi Lingding and others followed Wei Rou to Xiangxi Zhuyou. Tang Fang didn't even care about revealing his identity, and ran all the way. They were all skilled people, and the tutorial was natural It's not slow, no matter how dangerous or difficult the mountain road is, as long as you can take a short cut all the way, it's even faster than trains and cars. A few people arrived in Xiangxi within a few days.

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