Xiangxi, the long-lost Xiangxi, here, Tang Fang encountered too much, from the moment he debuted, to destroying the Wang family, breaking into the Yin Mountain, and becoming the suzerain of Zhu You, everything is inextricably linked with this place. Here, he has gained and lost, and these gains and losses have finally slowly condensed into the present Tang Fang.

If he can really let go of everything and live in seclusion with Zi Lingding, this place must be Tang Fang's first choice. After all, no matter the mountains or the water here, they have already melted into Tang Fang's blood and become his body. a part of.

Coming back, the world is still the same, but Tang Fang is no longer that Tang Fang.

The Wei family hut is still there, standing alone on the hillside, compared with the surrounding mountain scenery, it looks a little abrupt, Wei Rou walks in front and leads the way, followed by Tang Fang Zilingding and Su Sanniang, as for Lin Buyi, I don’t know Whereabouts, Gao Ren's whereabouts have always been like this, when he appears, he will naturally appear.

Wang Yunguang hangs at the back, it's not that his Taoism is inferior to those in the front, because this place is really unspeakable for him. If it wasn't for Tang Fang, he might really have no contact with the Wei family.

With the Wei family close in sight, Tang Fang couldn't help speeding up his pace, walked in first, and opened his mouth to shout, "Tang Yi. Where is Tang Yi?"

The voice of the old man of the Wei family came to mind in the back room: "It's finally here."

Tang Fang rushed in, smelling the smell of medicine in the room, Tang Yi lay pale on the bed, while the old man of the Wei family put his hand on her wrist lightly, Tang Fang was about to step forward, Zi Lingding was behind her Gently pulled him back and said, "Old Ghost Wei is checking Tang Yi's pulse, please don't disturb him."

Tang Fang stood in the room and kept pacing back and forth, taking a look at Tang Yi every few minutes. It could be seen that Tang Fang was really nervous about Tang Yi. He said in one breath: "Fortunately, the meridian is not injured, but the Yin Qi in the body is too heavy. If you want to get rid of it slowly, it will take five to ten years! Tang Fang, why are you so reckless, you actually put the tribute head If I hadn't discovered it early, I'm afraid she would have already been backlashed by Yin Qi, and it would be hard for gods to save her."

Tang Fang already felt very confused at this time, and regretted that when Wang Xianqiao taught Tang Yi the art of tribute head, he did not stop him. Although he knew that Wang Xianqiao was always unreliable, he never thought that this kid was so unreliable!

Tang Fang nodded again and again, "It's my fault, old ghost Wei... oh no, old Wei... Mister, can you help him?"

"Of course I used all the methods I could. In fact, I called Wei Rou here to let you see her for the last time. However, this little girl was blessed with a life, and I used my skills to pull her back from the gate of hell. She died." It's been saved, but don't be too happy too early, the viciousness in the body will not be removed, and it may turn back at any time."

Tang Fang was so frightened that he rubbed his hands again and again, "Is there no cure?"

Old Ghost Wei said indifferently: "I'm ashamed, the old man's ability is low, Tang Fang, don't you know many masters in the Taoist sect, maybe they are ten times better than the old man."

Tang Fang slapped his head, that's right, Lin Buyi, this kid has lived for so long, and he has already cultivated the skills of a vixen. He can even cure his own Yinggou blood. not difficult.

It's just that this old boy's whereabouts are strange, and his whereabouts are unknown now.Tang Fang regretted secretly in his heart, if he had thought of this earlier, he would have been bound even if it was tied.

"Let me take a look." Wang Yunguang came out, bowed slightly to the old man of the Wei family, and said, "Yunguang has seen senior."

The old man of the Wei family seemed to have a bad impression of Wang Yunguang, so he snorted slightly and did not respond.

Wang Yunguang probed the pulse with three fingers and listened attentively. After a while, he let go of his hand and said doubtfully, "It's strange."

Tang Fang hurriedly asked, "What's going on."

"This woman's pulse is peculiar. I have never seen it before. Tang Fang, is he really your relative?"

Tang Fang briefly explained the process of getting acquainted with Tang Yi, and Wang Yunguang was even more puzzled: "Since she is the person I wish you, how could she have this pulse? It was born with it, it’s just that it didn’t happen when I was young.”

Old Ghost Wei quickly reached out his hand again, held Tang Yi's hand, listened carefully, nodded and said: "It seems that the old man misdiagnosed, this girl really has the appearance of Tianyin Xuannv. Moreover, she has cultivated like It's not like the general tribute head technique."

Wang Yunguang nodded and said, "Pangu is obsessed with the magic!"


Everyone present couldn't help but gasped, Zi Lingding hurriedly said: "Hasn't this evil art been lost for a long time?"

Wang Yunguang nodded and said: "It's good that she has been lost for a long time, but if she is an apprentice taught by that person, it's a different matter."

"This technique can control hundreds of thousands of lonely souls and wild ghosts. It can be said to be the first in the bardo of the Taoist sect. It originated from the Taiyin Sect in ancient times. However, the Taiyin Sect has disappeared many years ago. This Pangu ecstasy method has also disappeared for a long time. I can't imagine it. The girl can actually practice this technique again. If she masters this technique, wouldn't she become a Rakshasa in the world? Whether it is good or evil is difficult to decide. It's better to get rid of it first." Old Ghost Wei said.

Tang Fang couldn't help being furious, before Tang Fang could open his mouth, he heard a voice thinking strangely, "Son of the Wei family, if you dare to hurt even half a hair of my apprentice, I will have your Wei family die!"

Wang Xianqiao rushed in, pointed at the nose of the old man of the Wei family, and cursed: "I have practiced Taoism for 500 years, my ancestor, and I just accepted such an apprentice. If there is something wrong with her, I will kill you alive!"

As soon as Tang Fang mentioned Wang Xianqiao, seeing this person, he became furious and shouted loudly: "What the hell did you do to Tang Yi? If you don't save her, I'll cut you alive first!"

"Old Ancestor, getting angry hurts your body, don't get angry, don't get angry," Wang Xianqiao said with a smile, "I just saw that this little girl fell in love with me, but she had a good life, so I had a momentary idea to kill that Pangu The technique of obsessing the gods was mixed with the tribute technique and passed on to her, so I didn't dare to tell you because I was afraid that you would be frightened."

Wang Xianqiao broke away from Tang Fang, approached the bed, looked at Tang Yi carefully, and said with a smile, "That's right, that's right, this girl is pretty good, she is surrounded by thousands of ghosts, and she can still maintain a trace of wisdom. , the title of living Yan Luo in the world must belong to her."

"Don't tell me these things. You save her and I'll settle the score with you." Tang Fang said viciously.

"How can the road of Taoism be smooth sailing? If everyone can achieve Taoism smoothly, the position of the gods in the sky will have been filled long ago. Besides, the more advanced the Taoism, the more risky it is. But if it doesn’t come, it can only be said that she is destined to miss the Dao.”

"Fuck your ancestor!" Tang Fang twisted Wang Xianqiao, and flung Wang Xianqiao desperately into the corner. Wang Xianqiao was thrown on all fours by i, and he said in his mouth: "Old ancestor, I am all because of this girl Well, if you still treat me like this, you really treat my good intentions like a donkey's liver and lungs."

"You! You still dare to talk back." Tang Fang went up to beat Wang Xianqiao, but Zi Lingding stopped him and said, "This old monster is right, there is no risk in cultivating Taoism, not to mention that Tang Yixiu is a fan of Pangu The magic technique, the most important thing now is how to let Tang Yi get through this hurdle safely, Wang Xianqiao, please clarify the principle of this Pangu mystery magic technique, and then we will find a way. With so many of us, we can always There is a solution."

Wang Xianqiao patted the dirt on his body, stood up and said: "This Pangu enchantment technique is a mysterious technique left over from the ancient times. If it is cultivated, it can directly penetrate the Pangu knowledge. It is a pity to use all the ghosts and ghosts in the world. Nine days, the gods will also shake three times, but unfortunately the old man's bones are not good, so he can't practice this technique. He is not as lucky as this little girl."

Wang Xianqiao said: "Humans have six senses, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, body and mind, but ghosts don't have these five senses. Ghosts have a seventh sense, mind consciousness, but humans don't."

"Some people practice Taoism and can have happy consciousness, so they can communicate directly with ghosts, and even drive ghosts. For example, Yin and Yang eyes are actually a kind of consciousness, but it is more advanced, and there is no need for cumbersome prayers. Consciousness, such as spiritism, is to connect consciousness with consciousness, in fact, the principle is the same, it is to open up the seven consciousnesses and communicate with gods and ghosts, I think you all understand this point."

Everyone nodded. Everyone present had more or less psychic abilities, and Wang Xianqiao understood it at a glance. Wang Xianqiao continued: "But on top of these seven consciousnesses, there is actually one more, which is obscure and difficult to understand. , from ancient times to the present, no one has ever opened it, if someone has opened it, it must have practiced this Pangu God-confusing technique."

"This is the knowledge of Pan Gu."

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