"The reason why lonely souls and wild ghosts exist is that some are born with resentment and refuse to reincarnate, some are lazy ghosts from the underworld and do not bring them into reincarnation, and some are so full of yang energy that even ghosts can't get close to them." body, so no matter these types, they all have the same thing, that is, they are full of resentment and hostility."

"However, there are also ghosts who have pursuits among ghosts. They are not willing to wander around in the world like this. They have gods but have no form. They also want to practice and have the desire to become immortals. We can't discriminate against them, right?"

"Get to the point!" Tang Fang said coldly.

"But ghosts are a thousand times more difficult than humans to cultivate. Why, because they have no body, only resentment, and even a soul, and the soul cannot be cultivated. The only thing they can get rid of is this mind. Relying on this mind, they can slowly 'create' a form. Of course, this process is long, but the form they created is still nothingness. It’s just that ghosts think it’s real. So many ghosts are addicted to the shape they created, and they can’t get out forever, becoming a world that only belongs to them. It can be said that they imprison themselves in the illusion, and they will be like this forever. .”

"However, there are still some ghosts who can see through this point. Of course, this part of ghosts, first of all, were powerful people in life, so they retained a part of their spiritual wisdom in life. When they can see through this point, they will not indulge in it. On the contrary, it can break the consciousness and turn into a higher consciousness. It is the Pangu consciousness."

"Once the Pangu Consciousness can be broken, then such a ghost is no longer a ghost, but a powerful ghost that surpasses ordinary ghosts. Simply put, it is a ghost fairy."

"Once this powerful ghost can break through its heart consciousness, it can truly absorb the essence of the world and condense it into a tangible form, that is, it has the capital of cultivating the Tao. I won't talk about the good fortune in the future. Presumably You don't want to hear it either, I'm going to talk about the key points now."

"It's this plate of ancient knowledge."

"When Nuwa created man, she left eight consciousnesses for people. But because of the lack of human hearts, Nuwa was afraid that people would be overwhelmed, so she took back the Pangu consciousness, and the consciousness also gradually disappeared because the human heart slaughtered the living beings, lost their minds, and only a few Some people are born with consciousness, including what are born with yin and yang eyes, what are born with a seven-apertured exquisite heart, etc. To put it bluntly, they are born with retained consciousness, but this ancient consciousness was forcibly withdrawn because of Nuwa Well, it is only possible for a person to die, and it is absolutely impossible for a living person.”

"However, there was another book handed down in ancient times, which is the Pangu Mystic Art, which teaches you how to open the Pangu Consciousness. You are wondering whether it is strange to Nuwa, on the one hand, take back the Pangu Consciousness, and on the other hand On the one hand, leaving another book to teach you how to open ancient knowledge is simply unnecessary."

"This Pangu ecstasy technique can only be practiced by people with Xuannv's yin veins, and Tianyin Xuannv's lineage is actually Nuwa's direct lineage. Presumably this Nuwa empress only wants to let her lineage be able to open up ancient knowledge." Zi Ling Ding nodded and said, "I didn't expect the saint in heaven to have a selfish side."

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to talk about the benefits of opening the Pangu Consciousness now."

"Pangu Consciousness is very strange. I don't know what's so good about it, because I haven't opened it, but as far as I can know, this Pangu Consciousness is an upgraded version of mind consciousness. That is to say, this ghost has mind consciousness. People who have Pangu knowledge can naturally have a mind, and can communicate with ghosts. People who have opened their minds can also communicate with spirits and expel ghosts, but the premise of exorcising ghosts is that you are better than ghosts. If you are three points weaker than ghosts, you may be eaten alive by ghosts instead. Of course, even if you are stronger than ghosts, ghosts actually obey you on the surface, but they may not obey you in their hearts, and they may not be happy one day. If you are not careful, and if you slap you, it will be too late for you to cry and call your mother. Therefore, this psychic technique has advantages and disadvantages. A cultivator will never use it unless it is a last resort. Am I right, Purple Fairy ?”

"But this Pangu Consciousness is very good. Not only can he communicate with ghosts, but he can use Pangu Consciousness to create a ghost's mind, that is, to make ghosts believe that it is real. This Pangu Consciousness can be used forever and ever. Control this ghost from a distance, and don’t worry that it will betray you. And there are limits to spiritism. Finding one ghost to help is a beginner, and finding ten is a master. But theoretically, this plate of ancient consciousness can create endless consciousness, so that all the lonely souls and wild ghosts in the world can be driven by you, don't you think it's wonderful?"

"Of course, this is only the ability that Pangu knows now. As for the others, I have to figure it out on my own. Maybe one day, this little girl will have good fortune and be even more powerful than you, the ancestor!"

"That's the end of the explanation. If you still don't understand, Sanniang, you are welcome to come to my room at midnight tonight. I will explain it to you in more detail." Wang Xianqiao laughed.

Tang Fang frowned and said, "Hearing what you said, it makes some sense, but I don't understand one thing."

"Although the ancestor said it, I will know everything without saying it."

Tang Fang yelled: "When the hell did I pass this troublesome kung fu to Tang Yi!!"

Wang Xianqiao said with a mournful face: "This little girl has such a good foundation. If I don't pass on her, I'm so itchy."

Tang Fang mentioned Wang Xianqiao, pointed to Tang Yi on the bed and said, "Look at Tang Yi's current state, don't say that the Pangu Consciousness is not opened now, even the most basic consciousness is lost. I don't care if Tang Yi can't open the Pangu Consciousness, but If Tang Yi can't get up alive today and call me uncle, Wang Xianqiao, I'll fucking ask you to go to the underworld to open ancient knowledge today!"

Wei Rou suddenly said: "Tang Yi seems to have blinked!"

When Tang Fang heard this, he didn't care about Wang Xianqiao, and rushed to Tang Yi's bed, grabbed Tang Yi's hand tightly with his hands, and said anxiously: "Tang Yi, I am Tang Fang, I am your uncle Tang Fang, Can you hear it. Blink when you hear it."

Tang Yi blinked with difficulty, Wang Xianqiao patted his head and said: "I understand, this little girl must have reached the critical moment, the Pangu knowledge is opened, the seven senses are all closed, this little girl has reached the most critical moment to open the Pangu knowledge It's time!"

"What should we do now?" Although Tang Fang was angry with Wang Xianqiao, the only person who could save Tang Yi now was this unreliable person.

"The enlightenment of Pan Gu will definitely anger all ghosts, and all ghosts will definitely take Tang Yi away if they travel at night. Whether Tang Yi can pass this test depends on good luck."

"You're so fucking crazy," Tang Fang was anxious, and became unscrupulous, "No matter what, Tang Yi can't have anything to do!"

"Here we come." Wang Xianqiao's expression changed, and he said, "Here we come."

Tang Fang's complexion changed, and he said, "What."

"Hundred Ghosts Night Walk."

It was only then that everyone realized that the sky was already dark...

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