The sound of the wind was blowing from nowhere, the paper window was shaking, and the dark clouds covered the top, and the surroundings were deadly silent, only the sound of crying could be faintly heard from a distance, as if some kind of lonely soul was constantly approaching.

woo woo woo woo. . .

The sound became louder and louder, as if they were approaching the old house of the Wei family purposefully, and the snakes, insects, birds and beasts all around began to run and dodge desperately, as if they could hide as far as they wanted.

"Hundred ghosts at night. It's none of my business, it's none of my business!" Wang Xianqiao turned pale with fright, and quickly rolled under Tang Yi's bed, shouting, "Old Ancestor, you are the God of Zombies. Once you roar, you will be the best! No matter how people got you, this matter will be settled by you."

Tang Fang couldn't help but get angry, that's all Wang Xianqiao's promise was, he nodded to Zi Lingding, and the two opened the door and went out.

Looking outside, Tang Fang and the materials were all battle-tested characters, and he couldn't help but take a breath at this time. The mountainside outside the door was densely packed with wild ghosts, rushing towards the house Come on, no less than a few hundred!

Tang Fang leaped, jumped onto the roof, and screamed at the sky. Suddenly, all the ghosts stopped walking, trembling all over, with fear on their faces.

Tang Fanglang said: "I am the zombie god who won the hook. You lonely ghosts, don't retreat quickly!"

Sure enough, all the wild ghosts stopped, bowed down to Tang Fang, all ghosts knelt down, Tang Fang couldn't help but secretly complacent, and secretly scolded Wang Xianqiao for being as cowardly as a mouse, why not just walk around at night with a hundred ghosts have!

Among the ghosts, there were still a few standing, at a loss, Tang Fang said in a deep voice, "Why don't you worship?"

The lonely wild ghost was obviously captured by Tang Fang's power, and he couldn't help but slowly knelt down, and suddenly a wild ghost stood up!

Immediately afterwards, another one, two, three, all the kneeling ghosts got up one after another, and rushed towards the hut again.

what's going on

Wang Xianqiao howled like a pig from under the house, saying: "This plate of ancient knowledge is the bane of all ghosts, all ghosts can't allow such people to exist, they are determined to break with the old ancestor fish. "

Tang Fang couldn't help being furious in his heart, and said: "Okay, even if that's the case, I don't need to be polite anymore!"

Tang Fang's figure flashed, his roar was like thunder, and he said it was too late and then quickly, he sacrificed the seal of turning the sky, and shot down towards the crowd of ghosts...

Boom, there was a loud noise, and countless ghosts were turned into powder, but the remaining ghosts not only did not retreat, but instead attacked the hut without any hesitation.

With an illusion in Zi Lingding's hands, the pair of mirrors soared into the sky, and countless golden lights shot out rapidly. Everywhere, the ghosts turned into green smoke and disappeared.

But the harder the two of them killed, the closer the ghost moved forward, howling like crying, one after another poured out from under the shade of the trees, from the foot of the mountain, and from the ground, attacking the two of them.

I come!Wei Rou screamed, and the light in her hand flashed one after another. Two pale golden crescent scimitars whirled through the air and rolled continuously in the air, forming two crescent moons.

At this moment, suddenly a two-headed wild ghost appeared from nowhere, and it slammed down on Wei Rou. Wei Rou was caught off guard and turned pale with shock. Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of him. Wang Yunguang didn't know why Time is already by his side, blocking this catastrophe for himself.

Wei Rou was shocked and said angrily: "I don't want you to cry like a cat and a mouse to pretend to be merciful." After speaking, as if angry, she clasped her hands together, held the two crescent scimitars in her hands again, and charged towards the center of the ghost like angry!

"Rou'er, be careful!" Wang Xianqiao couldn't let her go, his figure shook, and he squeezed out the Sanyin Huaxue knife in his hand, protecting Wei Rou comprehensively.

Standing on the roof, Tang Fang couldn't help but gasp as he could see as far as he could see: It turned out that not only the mountainside, the foot of the mountain, the top of the mountain, but even in all places, there were ghosts approaching him continuously.

Wherever I am, it is like being submerged in the underworld, where is still the world.

"Mother, good you Wang Xianqiao, what good things have you done, all the ghosts in the world of feelings have been recruited by you..."

Tang Fang counterattacked with the seal of God, Zi Lingding attacked the enemy with double mirrors, Wei Rou pierced the ghost's heart like a steel knife, Wang Yunguang carefully protected Wei Rou comprehensively, the four young masters shot at the same time, what a power, but what These endless ghosts are still pouring in continuously, they can't be killed or eliminated, making it impossible for a few people to protect every place even if they have thousands of hands and feet.

Finally, a wild ghost broke a piece of wood and rushed into the house. Tang Fang couldn't care less about other things, and he was about to throw at the crowd with the "Tiantian Seal" in his hand.

Before Tang Fang's seal was sealed, there was only a "boom", the blazing light exploded, deafening, dozens of circles of colorful halo spread, and all the ghosts everywhere were wiped out.

Old Ghost Wei said indifferently: "Leave the little things in the house to the old man. Just wait and guard the outside to prevent the ghosts from raging!"

There is a master like Wei old ghost sitting in the house, Tang Yi will undoubtedly protect it, Tang Fang didn't take it into account, he felt relieved, and shouted loudly: "You lonely ghosts, I pity you for being lonely in this world, if you retreat, the ancestor will not If you are persistent, I will beat you to death!"

The group of ghosts hesitated. Although their eyes were terrified, they still had no intention of retreating. They attacked the hut. Tang Fang shouted, "If this is the case, don't blame me for being rude!" Diffuse, thick as fog, black and white qi stirred, Tang Fang said loudly: "Yin submerges in yang, yang submerges in yin, yin and yang grind each other, the world is in turmoil!"

Tang Fang lowered his hands and closed his eyes, and the black and white breaths condensed in the air, as if they had become a blooming white lotus, while the surrounding wind blew, as if it was centered on this, continuously gathering towards Tang Fang's cloud of white air , all kinds of breaths are constantly rolling and mixing,

"Drums for the wind!" The four characters are like golden thunder piercing the sky, and the black and white air suddenly descends from Tang Fang like two whirlwinds, and thousands of ghosts everywhere are involved in it and disappear instantly.

The black and white qi are still condensed into substance in the air, Tang Fang is exhaling, exhaling, exhaling green, red, and gold breaths in succession, intertwined with the black and white two qi in the air, the five colors appear together, which is very beautiful.

Tang Fang shouted: "The shock is thunder!"

Boom, there was a loud bang, and the five auras were like dark clouds coming under the rumble, and with a loud bang, thousands of ghosts disappeared instantly. Tang Fang shouted again: "Shock and become electricity!" The five auras gathered instantly, and a force The lightning that split Huashan came rushing down with light that could pierce any kind of light. The thunder and lightning passed by, and the mountains, rocks, vegetation, and trees were all turned into powder!

"It turns into hail!" Tang Fang said again, taking advantage of the trend, the five auras instantly solidified, and the sky and the earth were snowed for no reason in June, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to below zero, and all the ghosts seemed to be frozen It was normal, and instantly solidified.

"Steam into clouds!"

Tang Fang let out a snort, and instantly the clouds broke and the sky opened, the shower stopped immediately, all the clouds around him were translucent, and all the frozen ghosts evaporated!

The Art of Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain!

This technique that Tang Fangwei had really used was finally fully used because of Tang Yi!

Wang Yunguang and the others looked at Tang Fang as if they were stunned. Tang Fang, who was standing on the roof, looked like an ancient real fairy at this moment.

"Call the wind and call the rain." Old Ghost Wei's voice came from inside the house, "You can also control this kind of thaumaturgy, Tang Fang, you have exceeded my expectations by a lot."

After all the ghosts were gone, Tang Fang showed his hands in front of his beloved again. He couldn't help being happy, laughed, jumped off the roof, walked up to Zi Lingding, and said with concern, "Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, ghosts of this level can't hurt me." Zi Lingding said indifferently, "The move you just made was quite interesting."

"It's okay. It's just that there are some tricks in the world, such as the purple fairy's eyes. I'll get you something more fun next time."

"Bah. You're being good-looking when you get a cheap price, right?" Zi Lingding spat, "You just want me to praise you, but I don't. But this trick was taught by Lin Buyi, so don't use it in the future."

"Enen." Tang Fang nodded again and again, and whispered in Zi Lingding's ear, "In the future, I will definitely learn how to push a cart like an old man, and sit on a lotus with Avalokitesvara, in order to repay Fairy Zi for saving her life."

Although Tang Fang's voice was low, how could such a thin-skinned person like Zi Lingding bear it, her ears turned red all of a sudden, she gave Tang Fang a hard look, and cursed: "Slick tongue, make such jokes later, I cut out your tongue."

"Rou'er, are you okay?" Wang Xianqiao said.

"It's not what you want if you die, and the little cat cries for the mouse and pretends to be merciful." Wei Rou said bitterly.

Several people from Tang Fang entered the room, and seeing that Tang Yi was safe and sound, they felt relieved and said, "Wang Xianqiao, you are the most cowardly in the world, get out of here."

"I won't come out, the little ghost is gone, there are still big ghosts, the big ghost is gone, there are still old ghosts, I won't come out." Wang Xianqiao yelled from under the bed.

"What?" Several people suddenly changed their expressions.

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