Chapter 163 Moth
After talking to his parents, He Chang, together with Du Xinwu and others, came to the outside of General Su's house in the style of the Qing Dynasty with peeling walls and many cobwebs.

Looking at the courtyard in front of them, a group of Feng Shui masters couldn't help but tremble slightly, and spoke one after another.

"This yin house is not simple. It is said that many people who entered before encountered some evil things and went crazy for no reason!"

"Some people said they saw Princess and the eunuch!"

"The big pagoda tree in the house has lush branches and leaves, which shows that this place is full of shade, it's not easy!"

When He Changzai saw a group of Feng Shui masters, he retreated behind him with a timid look, smiled indifferently, and waved a wave of true energy.

On the gate, the rusty copper lock snapped and fell to the ground.

When Du Xinwu and the others saw He Chang's ability to break the copper lock with just a wave of his sleeves, they all looked shocked and surprised.

He Changzai glanced at the people behind him, and walked into Su's house in a grand manner.

A group of feng shui masters looked at each other, seeing someone leading the way, they followed in one by one.

As soon as He Changzai entered Su's residence, he felt very uncomfortable.

The courtyard is in the style of a courtyard in the Qing Dynasty, with three entrances and three exits, some old and dilapidated.

However, the style is graceful, rigorous and elegant, with a clear mechanism and rich in human interest.

There are some black mandalas planted in the yard. Although there is no one to take care of them, they are in full bloom. There is a faint, light and elegant fragrance of flowers in the air, which is very intoxicating.

Faintly, some women cried out in the courtyard, making people feel creepy and screaming.

After He Chang waited for the group to hear it, they all felt trembling and shivered for a while.

In a trance, these people smelled the fragrance of black mandala flowers, and had some hallucinations, stared in a daze, fell into spiritual intoxication, and made ridiculous actions.

Wu Luan laughed maniacally and said, "Hahaha, you are all rubbish, I am the number one Feng Shui master in Yangcheng!"

Li Baozhang put on a posture of fighting He Changzai, "Come on, brother, let's compete again, I don't believe I will lose to you!"

Mai Ling reached out to unbutton the pink shirt, her eyes blurred, "I'm over 30 and haven't married yet, Shen Da, you want me today!"


Black mandala can make people hallucinate!

He Chang is entering the state of being enlightened and able to communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, so he is naturally fine. Seeing the hallucinations of the group of people behind him, he smiled knowingly.

After waving his hand a few times, his true energy burst out, and the black mandalas planted in the yard exploded one by one, and the branches and leaves fell to the ground.

Du Xinwu and his party shook their heads a few times, waking up from the hallucination.

With a look of embarrassment, Mai Ling stretched out her hands to cover her chest, turned her back, and buttoned up her buttons.

He Changzai smacked his lips, lit a cigarette, walked to the gate of the ancestral hall in the yard, and pushed open the half-closed door with a creak.

The light inside was dim, exuding a dull and decaying smell.

A group of Feng Shui masters following He Chang couldn't help covering their faces and coughing, and began to use their own skills to find the way to the yin house.

He Changzai walked to the wall, stretched out his hand to caress the pictures of Soviet generals sailing in flower boats, obsessed with the pictures of playing the piano and dancing, sensual and singing prostitutes, dazed in a daze.

Among a group of Fengshui masters, a Fengshui master named Yang Yue holds a compass engraved with the heavenly stems and earthly branches, eight trigrams, 24 lands, 72 dragons, and eight idols.

Walking up and down to the altar in the center of the room, he opened the altar, raised one foot, stepped down lightly, and a dark passage appeared.

Du Xinwu showed joy, walked to Yang Yue, patted him on the shoulder, and praised:

"Master Yang deserves to be the descendant of Duke Yang, his kung fu of searching for dragons and acupuncture points is amazing!"

Yang Yue said modestly: "Where is it? It's just a small skill. Compared with Master Du, I'm still far behind!"

A group of people stood on the side of the secret passage, hesitating, but they dare not go down.

Feelings These people are holding the heart of dead friends and poor people, and want to find the way by themselves!

When He Chang saw that no one dared to leave the private house, he stood silently and watched the development of the situation quietly.

Seeing that He Changzai had no intention of going down, Du Xinwu took out a bright flashlight from his pocket and walked down first.

The following group of people followed closely!

In fact, it is very dangerous for him to do so. Generally, when Tu Fuzi goes to the tomb, he will first put a fire bag or a bird down to test the oxygen content.

Going down to the tomb rashly, if the oxygen content is not enough, people will easily suffocate and die below.

Fortunately, a group of people went to the tomb, and this did not happen.

They didn't go far, and they saw seven golden nanmu coffins.

With a surprised expression on her face, Mai Ling said:

"The Qing Dynasty clearly stipulated that only the royal family could use golden nanmu. At that time, He Shen was one of the crimes that caused his death because all the partitions in the house were built with golden nanmu!"

Ye Mo sighed: "The ambition of General Su is really not small!"

Du Xinwu frowned slightly, thinking:
"I think it's necessary to open these seven coffins, so that we can get some clues about the dragon energy in the tomb!"

Mai Ling said: "If there are zongzi, it's not fun, why don't we go ahead for a while, after all, this haunted house is still deep!"

Yang Yue showed apprehension on his face, and echoed, "It's not a problem to open the coffin, but I'm afraid there are traps in the coffin!"

Du Xinwu looked at He Changzai and asked, "Brother, what do you mean... By the way, I don't know your brother's name yet!"

"My name is He Changzai...these seven coffins should be suspect coffins, we'd better not move them!"

He Changzai said something, and went straight to the tomb.

"Hey, look quickly, there is an incorruptible female corpse in this coffin!"

Li Baozhang couldn't hold back his curiosity, and took out a small copper coin sword from his pocket.

With a creak, one of the seven coffins was pried open. He looked at the lifelike female corpse in the coffin with a blush on his face, and shouted loudly with an excited expression on his face.

Hearing this, He Changzai and his group subconsciously stopped and looked back.

At this moment, a shell was very hard, like a bark and stone shell, with a pair of wings, and a soybean-sized worm cut through the belly of the female corpse with its two sharp teeth, and got out of it.

Like lightning, it sank into Li Baozhang's forehead, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground.

After seeing this scene, Du Xinwu showed a look of horror and shouted loudly:
"It's a worm, everyone run, get out of here!"

But it was too late, many gnats got out of the stomach of the female corpse in the coffin, and flew towards the group of people in a swarm.

(End of this chapter)

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