Chapter 164 Orochi
Du Xinwu and the others saw the gnats flying towards them that killed people without seeing them, and screamed out one by one. Seeing that the way ahead was blocked, they had no choice but to run to the depths of the tomb.

"Hurry up, I'll stop these gnats!"

He Chang jumped up and jumped to Li Baozhang's side, picked up the copper coin sword on the ground, and swung it towards the bugs in the air.

I saw that the true energy was vertical and horizontal, and the gnats made a crackling sound like roasted beans, and turned into powder from the air.

In a short while, more than half of them died.

These gnats were swallowed by the women in the seven golden nanmu coffins in the tomb, ordered by the Soviet General to use the evil master from the south of Yunnan to use the bait.

Lay eggs in these human bodies, eat up their internal organs, and make people die in pain.

The fear and hatred they felt when they were about to die will pass through their bodies and enter the worm eggs in their bodies, and these worms are only poisonous.

Once these eggs absorb all the juice and bone marrow in the human body, a vacuum environment will be formed, and the eggs will not become larvae without air, and they will always maintain a hibernation state.

Only the breath of a living person can wake up the worms in these female corpses and guard the things in the tomb.

Seeing their companions dying tragically one by one, these resentful bugs gave up chasing Du Xinwu and his party, turned around and flew towards He Changzai.

"Good come!"

He Chang was brandishing the copper coin sword, and launched a wave of massacres against the oncoming gnats.

At this moment, several other coffins began to shake, and it was obvious that the bugs inside were about to fly out.

See this scene!

He Chang shouted to Du Xinwu who stopped beside him:
"If you don't want to die, burn the remaining six coffins!"

Du Xinwu looked at Ye Mo and said, "Didn't you learn Taoism from the Zhengyi School before? I'll leave this to you!"

Ye Mo hesitated for a moment, but he didn't refuse. He took out six yellow talismans from his pocket, braved up his courage, and walked towards the six coffins.

With a sword finger, he threw a yellow talisman onto a coffin, chanting:

"Heavenly fire descends, destroying all evils, I honor the Supreme Lord, the god of magic will burn the fire like a law!"

All of a sudden, a raging flame burned on the golden nanmu coffin.

He followed suit and ignited the other five coffins.

Accompanied by the burst of flames, the flaming bugs rushed out of the coffin desperately and flew towards Ye Mo.

"Oh my god, it's a big deal this time!"

Ye Mo screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

After He Chang broke the copper coin sword in his hand, he knocked out the bugs one by one.

Looking into the eyes, the flames splashed everywhere, and there were sparks in all directions, just like fireworks blooming!

Du Xinwu and others watched He Chang in charge of the gate, and Wan Fu did not open the scene.

All eyes twinkled, with reverence on their faces.

About half a stick of incense time passed, from among the seven coffins, flies flew out, some dead, some crippled, and a large area fell around He Chang.

He walked up to Du Xinwu and his party, and said calmly:
"Let's go, keep going inside!"

When Du Xinwu and the others saw He Changzai's calm expression and a hanging heart, they let go a lot and followed him closely.

Mai Ling glanced at Li Baozhang's body, and said timidly:

"Go ahead, I'll quit...I'm still so young, I don't want to die!"

Du Xinwu waved his hand at Mai Ling and said, "If you are willing to suffer five disadvantages and three disadvantages for the rest of your life, then leave!"

Mai Ling frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked outside the tomb.

The death of Li Baozhang and the departure of Mai Ling made the people in this team very depressed.

Along the way, the entire group was silent.

Gradually drifting away, He Changzai and others walked to the depths of the tomb, and he saw a very magnificent scene.

In the center of the tomb is a huge sarcophagus.

Behind the coffin is a huge circular pool, which contains a pool of scarlet liquid.

The top of the tomb is inlaid with all kinds of precious stones. At first glance, it looks beautiful, just like the stars in the sky, shining brightly.

Among these gemstones, a fist-sized gemstone that was hung from the top of the tomb with iron chains and that was hanging down was particularly conspicuous.

Yang Yue looked at the jewel in the air, with a look of shock on his face, and said:

"If my guess is correct, what hangs from the top of the tomb is a meteorite from outside the sky!"

Wu Luan looked gloomy and said:
"Ordinary animals practice, either by killing and killing lives, sucking blood, or by worshiping stars to absorb energy from the heavens and the earth... I think this meteorite is of great benefit to the cultivation of Yinlong in the tomb!"

At this moment, the huge pool behind the coffin suddenly burst into a splash of water.

I saw a bucket thick and thin, about 20 meters long, with a large green snake with a cockscomb-shaped flesh on its head, and a long cry from its mouth.

Leaping out of the water almost straightly, meandering up, began to absorb the energy of the meteorite hanging from the top of the tomb, and practiced.

He Changzai pulled Yang Yue, squatted down with the others, and hid on the side of the sarcophagus, feeling an urge to scold her.

There is no Yin dragon here, it is clearly only a big snake.

Yang Yue showed excitement, and said in a low voice: "I'm right, this big snake is really absorbing the energy of the meteorite!"

"You still think about it, how do you live to see the sun tomorrow?"

He Changzai patted Yang Yue on the shoulder and ran towards the entrance of the cave! "

The group came back to their senses and followed He Changzai to run out.

Snakes generally have poor eyesight, but have a good sense of heat.

The moment the big snake jumped out of the water, it sensed the presence of He Changzai and others.

I just thought it was more important to absorb the energy of the meteorite, so I ignored these appetizers.

Now it sees that the cooked duck is about to fly, so naturally it can't bear it.

There was a neigh in his mouth, and he turned his head and chased after the group of people.

Natural selection and survival of the fittest are fully revealed at this moment.

A group of people ran out of the tomb with all their strength, fearing that if they ran too slowly, they would be swallowed by the big snake.

The big snake snaked its body and crawled extremely fast.

Soon, he crawled to the side of Wu Luan who was running the slowest, and opened his bloody mouth, intending to swallow it in one gulp.

At this critical moment, the copper coin sword in He Chang's hand was thrown out, directly pierced through the big snake's mouth, and it fell to the ground in response.

He Chang was afraid that the big snake would not die, so he went up to ride on its chubby body, and punched its head again.

After beating the big snake's head until it was bloody and bloody, with a heart, it was released.

Seeing the big snake being beaten to death, all the people present breathed a sigh of relief, a feeling of joy spontaneously arose.

Yang Yue looked at He Changzai and suggested:
"This big snake must be the so-called Yinlong. It has been absorbing the energy of meteorites in the tomb for a long time. You can see if it has cultivated inner alchemy in its body. If so, it will be a worthwhile trip!"

"You can do it for yourself, I'll take a step first... You can take some funerary objects, but remember, don't touch the sarcophagus in the middle of the tomb!"

He Chang picked up the copper coin sword on the ground, threw away the belly of the big snake, and found a green bead the size of a pebble, put it in his pocket, and left gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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