the first villain

Chapter 378 Young Stepmother

Chapter 378 Young Stepmother
Li Xiao looked at Zong Shao, it turned out that Zong Shao's dignified face just now was just pretending!

Zong Shao immediately gave Li Xiao a look that you understand.

It turned out that Zong Shao was looking forward to Ye Linqin's romantic affair.

In this way, Li Xiao became even more interested.

"Hey, Brother Zong, what's the relationship between Mr. Ye and that woman?" Li Xiao asked in a low voice, putting his arm around Zong Shao's shoulder.

"Hey, I won't tell you yet, you'll probably know later. After all, that woman... well, she's still very fierce." Zong Shao put it off.

The word "very fierce" is worth Li Xiao's digging.

"Let's go, let's have a look!" Li Xiao hurried out.

When he came to the Weifu submarine, he found that Ye Linqin had repelled all the guards.It seems that Mr. Ye is not afraid of that woman.

Li Xiao could see from a distance that there was a woman standing outside the Wei Mansion.From a distance, the woman's height is average, less than 1.7 meters.

But she was wearing a gauze hat, so her true face could not be seen.

That woman is definitely Nan Rongyu from Beifeng Kingdom.

When Nan Rongyu was not wearing the bloated fancy dress, he dressed more casually, and his figure was not bad.

"Old ladies still behave like this. They dare not see people with their true colors wherever they go. That's right, you are shameless in the first place." Ye Linqin was quite rude when he opened his mouth through the gate.

As soon as Ye Linqin said this, Li Xiao felt a strong smell of gunpowder.

The woman standing outside the gate seemed to want to hit someone.

However, Li Xiao felt that this place was at the gate of Wei's Mansion, and Nan Rongyu would probably not do this.

"How much do you hate to see me? I haven't seen you for so many years, and you scold me when you meet? Also, am I as old as you? I'm almost fifty. I'm a 30-year-old woman, and I'm younger than you How is the girl?" Nan Rongyu said angrily.

Nan Rongyu's voice was very calm, and there was somewhat of an unyielding temperament.

And Nan Rongyu's voice was a little soft at this time, as if he was acting like a baby to Ye Linqin?
Nan Rongyu originally came to support Wen Su and seek justice for Wen Su.

But along the way, Nan Rongyu actually thought very clearly.With Ye Linqin's personality, he and Wen Su couldn't urinate in the same pot at all.

So Ye Linqin definitely couldn't bully Wen Su, and of course Ye Linqin couldn't bully Wen Su with his little ability.

Nan Rongyu didn't ask the teacher to ask the crime, and he didn't know how to fight when he came up.

After all, I just want to meet this man I haven't seen for many years.

If Ye Linqin is really old now, she might be really shaken, and she can let go of such a thing that has been haunting her heart for more than ten years.

It's a pity that although Ye Linqin is nearly fifty years old and has more wrinkles on his face, in Nan Rongyu's view, this face is more masculine.

Temperament is something that cannot be hidden.

"What do I have to do with you? We can't fight each other. Go back and be your empress. Don't hang around in front of me, prisoner." Ye Linqin said.

It seems that Mr. Ye's charm is really not to be underestimated.Being so rude to this woman, she still has her heart set on him.

Nan Rongyu originally wanted to curse, but he still sighed softly.

If she couldn't let it go, she couldn't let it go, and she couldn't help it.

Nan Rongyu's tone softened, and he asked softly: "Ye Tiedan, do you think it's really impossible for the two of us? In another ten or eight years, you will really be a bad old man. There won't be any women looking at you."

Ye Tiedan was the nickname Nan Rongguan gave Ye Linqin.

Because Ye Linqin has a very famous nickname in Xia Guo, called Ye Tiedan.And Nanrong Yuguan simply changed the character for gallbladder into the character for egg.

Of course, only Nan Rongyu dared to call Ye Linqin that way, others would at most call Ye Tiedan.

Hearing this nickname that no one in the Xia Kingdom dared to call, Ye Linqin immediately became angry.

"Nan Rong's remnant flowers and willows, even if I have been a bachelor all my life, even if I jumped off the top floor of Wei's Mansion, I would not fall in love with you." Ye Linqin said angrily.

Nan Rongyu felt a little resentful, and whispered: "Is that why I don't let you see me? How can I be inferior to others? Is it because I am not good-looking?"

As Nan Rongyu said, he took off the gauze cap on his head, finally revealing Lushan's true face.

I have to say that Li Xiao was a little surprised.Nan Rongyu's body does not match the caricature-like figure in the portrait, and it must be very different from Wen Subi.

But this face is indeed prettier than that portrait.

It's not an exaggeration to describe Nanrong Yuguan as beautiful and beautiful.

"I don't know whether you look good or not. I'm blind. But with your figure, I feel like throwing up." Ye Linqin raised his voice and said.

When Nan Rongyu heard this, he finally became angry again.

"Then you fucking slept my old lady back then? Ye Tiedan, are you shameless? When you were in a hurry to take off your pants, why didn't you say that you felt sick when you saw my old lady's figure?" Nan Rongyan Huan shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Ye Linqin was still blushing and out of breath.

On the contrary, Zong Shao laughed wickedly, while Li Xiao was surprised.

It turns out that there is still such a relationship between Mr. Ye and Nan Rongyu!

As far as Nan Rongyu's face is concerned, Mr. Ye is also an old cow eating young grass, right?
No matter how many years before they happened, in short, Mr. Ye took advantage of it back then.

Nan Rongyu murmured in a low voice: "You said I'm not in good shape, so I stopped exercising. Now my figure is much better..."

I am very sorry.

Of course no one heard that.

However, Nan Rongyu's courage is indeed much greater than that of ordinary women.Dare to tell this secret in front of other people, without a bit of courage, it is definitely impossible to say it.

Ye Linqin really wanted to say, you fucking took the initiative to throw me down...

But that icy and snowy night, Yelinqin is indeed vivid.

As for why Ye Linqin was so rude to such a beautiful and young beauty, Li Xiao didn't know for the time being.

Li Xiao even felt that it would be great to find such a beautiful woman to be Ye Hanliu's stepmother?
If Nan Rongyu became Ye Hanliu's stepmother, there was a high probability that she would be Li Xiao's mother-in-law.

Such a young mother-in-law, then...

(End of this chapter)

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