the first villain

Chapter 379 We met just now

Chapter 379 We met just now

Ye Linqin looked upright and did not continue speaking.

"I've come so far, why don't you let me go in and sit around? Don't you plan to reminisce about the old days?" Nan Rongyu asked.

"What old things do I have with you? It's really inexplicable. Go back where you came from. Also, don't take half a step closer to Wei's mansion. Otherwise, there are [-] personal guards in Wei's mansion, and they won't recognize anyone."

After speaking, Ye Linqin immediately turned his head and left, and then saw Zong Shao who was giggling and Li Xiao who was shocked.

Ye Linqin gave Zong Shao an angry look, and walked in quickly.

Seeing Ye Linqin's back disappear, Nan Rongyu stomped heavily, put on his hat, turned and left.

Li Xiao and Zong Shao followed back to Ye Linqin's office.

"Uncle Ye, Nan Rongyu is not bad looking, why don't you give her a chance? You have been a bachelor for most of your life, it's time to find a mistress for your family." Li Xiao said.

"You know a fart! Why do you go, don't be an eyesore here!" Ye Linqin said angrily.

"All right, I'll go first." Li Xiao greeted and prepared to leave.

Ye Linqin thought for a while, and immediately stopped Li Xiao.


Li Xiao immediately turned around and stared at Ye Linqin with questioning eyes.

"If you don't have a place to live, you can stay at my house recently. By the way, I will pick up Hanliu from get off work at night." Ye Linqin said.

Li Xiao agreed and left.

After Nan Rongyu turned around and left, a car drove over on the side of the road.


Nan Rongyu took a closer look, isn't this the kid Jiang Liao?
So Nan Rongyu quickly got into the car.

"Your boy is in Jiangcheng, and Wensu is also in Jiangcheng. Is Wensu supporting you, or are you supporting Wensu? It should be Wensu who is supporting you. It is impossible for Wensu to ask me for help, so I am too. Your kid called me here. Tell me, whoever bullied you, and the teacher will make the decision for you."

Nan Rongyu said.

Nan Rongyu is very smart, whoever called her here can be known just by thinking about it.

Wen Su doesn't know how to do this, but Jiang Liao, a shameless kid, can do it.

Among the seven seniors and sisters, not everyone liked Jiang Liao.The distance between Wen Su and Jiang Liao is the closest, both of them are in Gujin City.

And Wen Su's attitude towards Jiang Liao has always been lukewarm.

The one who likes Jiang Liao the most is her eldest sister, the number one luthier in Xia Kingdom.

Because their apprentice was accepted by the elder sister.Originally, the elder sister wanted to accept apprentices on behalf of the master, so Jiang Liao was not their apprentice, but a junior apprentice.

It's just that they were rejected by the second child later, because their master had said when they accepted the seventh child that this was his closed disciple.

"Actually, Mrs. Su was bullied by that dude named Li Xiao, that's why I came to Jiangcheng. But that kid named Li Xiao is not simple, so I tried to call you, Mrs. Juyu."

"After all, compared to Mrs. Su, you are more decisive. Of course, you are also more powerful than Mrs. Su."

Jiang Liao said.

Nan Rongyu gave Jiang Liao a white look, and then said: "You kid is good at flattering, if you were so good at flattering earlier, your second wife would not have rejected the matter of the master's wife accepting apprentices on behalf of the master. "

"It's good to be your apprentice, it's my blessing." Jiang Liao said hastily.

"You're really good at talking, but I didn't expect you to be bullied. Your name is Li Xiao, right? I'll let him know later." Nan Rongyu said.

"Hey, thank you, Mrs. Beilei." Jiang Liao said with a smile.

"Remember, I'm not helping Wen Su, I'm helping you. This matter has nothing to do with Wen Su. My relationship with her is not as good as this." Nan Rong Huan said.

Jiang Liao sighed softly. He actually knew that the relationship between the seven wives was a bit complicated.

But Jiang Liao also understood that even though Nan Rongyu said so, if Wen Su had something to do, she would definitely help.

"The one named Li Xiao did something too much to Mrs. Su," Jiang Liao said.

"Why, Wen Su was slept by Li Xiao?" Nan Rongyu asked.

"That's probably not the case, but it must have been taken advantage of. These few days, I haven't seen Mrs. Su." Jiang Liao said.

"Wen Su still has such a virtue, do you still want me to stand up for her? Even if I help her teach Li Xiao a lesson, she may not think well of me. But anyway, who made her my junior sister?" Nan Rongyu said.

"Ms. Yuuan is magnificent." Jiang Liao gave a thumbs up.

Nan Rongyu asked Jiang Liao to give her Li Xiao's information, and then Nan Rongyu got out of the car and left.

Nan Rongyu is the best at making troubles.

The behind-the-scenes boss of Shengshi Group is currently worth about 800 billion and is in his early twenties.

Judging from the past few days, that young man should have some skills.

The strength of the half-step grandmaster Nan Rongyu is not afraid, and she may not take the grandmaster seriously.

Nan Rongyu was very curious, what exactly did Li Xiao do to Wen Su, did he really not overthrow Wen Su?

What does a young man who can take advantage of Wen Sutian look like?

Nan Rongyu didn't know yet, but she had met that young man just now.

Nan Rongyu went straight to Shengshi Group, and soon came downstairs of Shengshi Group and walked into the building.

At this time, Li Xiao had just arrived at the company and entered the office.

Not long after, Nan Rongyu also arrived and entered this office.

Seeing Li Xiao sitting in the back of the office, Nan Rongyu immediately remembered that this young man had appeared beside Ye Linqin when he was at the gate of the Wei Mansion not long ago.

"You are Li Xiao?" Nan Rongyu asked Li Xiao.

Li Xiao just sat down, then got up and replied: "Yes, I am."

"We met just now." Nan Rongyu said.

"Yes, I remember." Li Xiao nodded.

At this time, the system's notification sound came to mind.

[Nanrong Yuguan, the empress of Northern Fengguo, the third wife of the protagonist Jiang Liao. 】

Hearing the notification sound of the system, Li Xiao thought that it was as expected, this woman who came to Xia Guo from thousands of kilometers away was indeed one of Jiang Liao's mistresses.

It seems that Jiang Liao's relationship is really starting to go out of line.Wen Su, the pavilion master of Tranquility Pavilion, does not count, and the second mistress who appears is the king of a country.

Jiang Liao still has five mistresses who haven't shown up yet. The identities of the five people are more outrageous than the other, right?

The appearance of Nan Rongyu was unexpected by Li Xiao, but it was also reasonable.

Since he was here to support Jiang Liao, and he and Wen Su were sisters from the same school, it was only normal for Nan Rongyu to trouble Li Xiao.

Since Nan Rongyu is a dungeon character and has an inexplicable relationship with Ye Linqin, Li Xiao actually already has a way to deal with Nan Rongyu.

To Li Xiao, this Nan Rongyu is most likely a gift-giving!

(End of this chapter)

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