the first villain

Chapter 399 You are thinking crooked again

Chapter 399 You are thinking crooked again

"Ning Wenxuan's method of using poison is first-class, so she got the elegant title of Narcissus. It is said that as long as she wants to kill people within three feet of her, no one will live to see the sun the next day."

"She once slaughtered a gang of more than 300 people in the southeast rainforest."

"And the scene looks like a scene of medical skills. If you look at it from a distance, you can hardly see any traces of murder."


Zong Shao talked about Ning Wenxuan's glorious deeds back then, and then he realized that Ning Wenxuan suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng, could it be that Li Xiao lured him here again?
"Boy, why did Ning Wenxuan come here suddenly? Does it have something to do with you?" Zong Shao asked suspiciously.

"If you want to say that it has something to do with me, I don't even know her. But if you say it has nothing to do with me, it seems that there is such a vague relationship. However, the relationship with the Wei Mansion's recent detention of Wen Su is more important. big."

"Think about it, Ning Wenxuan suddenly appeared, she must have come to save someone, right?"

Li Xiao said.

"But Wen Su didn't know that her freedom had been restricted before. You really don't know Ning Wenxuan?" Zong Shao asked repeatedly.

"I really don't know her. If I knew her, would I not know her name?" Li Xiao said.

"If Ning Wenxuan came to deal with you, we and Mr. Ye may not be able to help you much. Ning Wenxuan's relationship is a bit complicated, you know." Zong Shao said.

"I know, there is a Nanrong Yuguan in the middle." Li Xiao said.

Zong Shao gave Li Xiao a sensible look, and then let Li Xiao go.

On the way back to the company, Li Xiao thought that Ning Wenxuan actually used poison.

Only then did Li Xiao realize, didn't he still have "Poison Canon"?Fighting poison with poison is what Li Xiao is best at.

It's no wonder that the system said that the heroine who will appear next can be dealt with without additional rewards from the system.

It is so...

Li Xiaozai thought carefully about the process of bringing Ning Wenxuan back to the city. The fragrance on her body would change subtly with Ning Wenxuan's various changes.

As for the fragrance, Li Xiao used to soak in a crowd of women, and could tell the slightest difference in perfume.

So that's not the smell of perfume, it must be Ning Wenxuan's weapon.

After all, Li Xiao had never smelled that kind of fragrance before.

In the Holy Book of Poisons, there are many highly poisonous herbs with aromas recorded.But that was only a literal description, and Li Xiao couldn't smell it either.

So Li Xiao couldn't tell what kind of poison that fragrance came from.

Li Xiao didn't go to the company, but to the duplex building in the city center.

At this moment, Wen Su was still at home and did not leave.

Wen Su sat by the floor-to-ceiling window, drinking tea there alone.

"Your junior sister is here, do you know?" Li Xiao asked.

"Got it, she called me. Is it for you?" Wen Su asked.

"You won't help her deal with me, will you?" Li Xiao asked in a low voice.

Wen Su remained calm, shaking the teacup gently in his hand.

Li Xiao is not simple, Wen Su knows this clearly.But now Wen Su really couldn't hate Li Xiao, so she felt that Ning Wenxuan didn't have to make trouble with Li Xiao.

If Li Xiao and Ning Wenxuan confronted each other head-on, whether Li Xiao was at a disadvantage or Ning Wenxuan was at a disadvantage, Wen Su felt that it was not the same thing.

"I'll go back and talk to my little junior sister, and ask her to leave Jiangcheng. Of course, before that, don't act rashly. I'm afraid you may have some misunderstandings," Wen Su said.

Li Xiao stared at Wen Su and asked, "Are you worried that I will suffer?"

Wen Su asked rhetorically: "Do you think you are easy to suffer? I am afraid that my little junior sister will suffer."

"Don't worry, I have no idea about her, she's not my type." Li Xiao said with a smile.

"Huh? Have you seen it?" Wen Su asked again.

"That's right. On the way back from sending Wei Yan back, I was stopped by a slightly barbaric woman and used as a taxi. It's so tall, it's a lump of black charcoal." Li Xiao said with a gesture.

Wen Su gave Li Xiao an angry look.

"If my junior sister hears it, your intestines will turn into a puddle of blood." Wen Su said.

"Don't worry, for your sake, even if Ning Wenxuan and I have a conflict, I won't kill her," Li Xiao said.

Dealing with it must be dealt with, Li Xiao didn't hide this from Wen Su, and of course it wasn't necessary.

Li Xiao could see that the relationship between Wen Su and Ning Wenxuan was not bad.

So if there is a conflict, Li Xiao will definitely save Ning Wenxuan's life.

It's not because of that, but there will definitely be conflicts.

Who told you that Ning Wenxuan is Jiang Liao's teacher-wife?

"My junior sister is covered in poison all over her body. Be careful not to lose money." Wen Su said.

Wen Su will definitely intervene, but she is also very sure that she cannot persuade Ning Wenxuan, so even if Li Xiao doesn't go to Ning Wenxuan, Ning Wenxuan will definitely go to Li Xiao to trouble her.

Because Jiang Liao bulldozed Li Xiao's lair, Li Xiao must have grudges.

And among their teachers and sisters, Ning Wenxuan was the one who behaved the most erratically.

Except for her, Wen Su, the other six seniors were more or less protective of Jiang Liao.Wen Su actually protects the calf, but it's not so obvious.

The one who protects the calf the most is Nan Rongjuan who is thousands of miles away, followed by Ning Wenxuan.

If Jiang Liao troubles Li Xiao, Ning Wenxuan will definitely help.

If she wanted to help Ning Wenxuan deal with Li Xiao, Wen Su couldn't do it now, because she already regarded Li Xiao as her confidant.

Because of that dance, but also because of that line of poetry.

Many people have watched Wen Su dance, but Wen Su thinks Li Xiao is the most unique one.

Only Li Xiao was really admiring her dance at that time, and didn't have any other superfluous thoughts.

Wen Su feels that when all the people are not so pure nowadays, suddenly there is the most impure person, but the simplest moment appears, this is already quite commendable.

Then this person is destined to have something that attracts her Wen Su.

"I only have one poison on me, I guess your junior sister can't take it." Li Xiao said with a smirk.

Wen Su was only thinking about Li Xiao's strengths, but this kid started having a fit.

Seeing Wen Su's expression, Li Xiao immediately laughed and said, "I mean, I can use poison too. Look at you, and you're thinking about it again. Hey, the more beautiful you look, the more you feel All men have thoughts about you?"

"Isn't it?" Wen Su asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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