the first villain

Chapter 400 Landscape

Chapter 400 Landscape

Li Xiao immediately nodded seriously and said: "This is a philosophical topic, and of course it makes sense for you to say so. But the original sin is that you are too good-looking."

"It's not my original sin to be good-looking, it's a man's greed." Wen Su retorted.

"Because you are good-looking, you can attract men's greed. So good-looking is the original sin. I am praising you for your good-looking. There are not many people who can make me praise your good-looking." Li Xiao laughed.

Wen Su didn't continue to discuss this topic with Li Xiao, and said, "You really have to be careful, my junior sister might not kill you. But if you don't know her well, she can really easily cut you off."

"Then tell me about her details." Li Xiao said.

Wen Su frowned, then shook his head, saying no.

"Okay, I won't make it difficult for you, I'll go first." Li Xiao got up and said.

Wen Su almost blurted out, are you coming back for dinner tonight?

Fortunately, I didn't say it, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't matter if you say it. This is Li Xiao's house, so it can be regarded as his home.

After Li Xiao left, Wen Su directly called Ning Wenxuan into the house.

Wen Su showed a rare warm smile after seeing the little junior sister.

They don't have many teachers and sisters, only seven of them.

To this day, almost everyone is separated from each other, each has his own career, each has his own yearning, and it has long been that we gather less and leave more.

But now Wen Su met the junior sister with the best relationship, so she was naturally happy.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." Wen Su smiled.

"Of course it's braised pork and pigeon soup." Ning Wenxuan smiled happily.

"Go, go downstairs and buy."

The two went out together.

Wen Suwen understood Ning Wenxuan's reason, and Ning Wenxuan also asked Jiang Nanwei if he made things difficult for Wen Su.

Then Wen Su said: "Actually, you don't need to stay in Jiangcheng. This is a place of right and wrong. Why don't you come back to the Central Plains with me, and I'll take you to have fun for a while. Anyway, you have nothing serious."

"Why do you want to urge me to leave as soon as I come? Jiangcheng is also pretty good." Ning Wenxuan said with a smile.

"That boy Jiang Liao coaxed you here, the little bastard is now thinking deeply, he is not a light-saving lamp now. Now the Jiang family is in civil turmoil, so be careful that you fall into the quagmire of their Jiang family." Wen Su said.

"Jiang Family? What is it? If it wasn't for Jiang Liao, believe it or not, I would have wiped out the entire Jiang Family in minutes?" Ning Wenxuan said.

"What nonsense! Jiang Liao called you here, there must be his plan. I just don't think this place is suitable for you. Let him deal with Jiang Liao's mess."

"Even if he can't handle it by himself, no one in Jiangcheng would dare to kill him. As for the affairs of the Jiang family, the eldest sister has clearly ordered that none of the six of us can interfere."

"It's a big deal. Jiang Liao came to Jiangcheng at this juncture, it's impossible to come here just to be a dude."

Wen Su said.

"Senior Sister, do you think Senior Sister will let Jiang Liao inherit the Jiang family's residence? If Jiang Liao takes over, it may not be a good thing for us, right?" Ning Wenxuan asked.

"Elder Sister naturally has her considerations. Whether Jiang Liao can succeed the Jiang Family's Patriarch, I think it depends on whether he has the ability himself."

"You also know that Jiang Liao can run rampant in the ancient and modern city now, nothing more than we have some of us to support him. Without us, the Jiang family will definitely look down on him."

Wen Su said again.

"I understand, what Eldest Sister means is that she wants Jiang Liao to live in the Jiang family. So, this time, I really have to help this kid." Ning Wenxuan said.

Wen Su sighed softly, she guessed right, she would not be able to persuade Ning Wenxuan to leave the land of right and wrong in Jiangcheng.

In fact, Wen Su was the first to understand what the big sister meant.And now, Ning Wenxuan also wanted to understand.

"Senior sister, don't worry, if I go to Gujin City, I will definitely just go to see you. But in this Jiangcheng, I can still do something for this little bastard." Ning Wenxuan said.

"Helping him deal with Li Xiao is equivalent to dealing with the entire Jiangnan Dao. You know who is in charge of the Jiangnan Dao. Now that the Jiangnan Dao and the Northwest Dao are unclear, Jiang Liao wants to deal with the entire Jiangnan Dao with his own strength. Huge monster. Even with you, it would be difficult." Wen Su said.

"Ye Linqin, Chu Menxuan. Oh yes, there are also Zong Shao and Dragon King." Ning Wenxuan said.

Wen Su thought for a long time, and finally said something crucial.

"Actually, it's enough to deal with one Li Xiao. If you can convince Li Xiao, Jiang Liao will win. And Jiang Liao's goal has almost been achieved," Wen Su said.

"A mere dude? With so much energy? How could he be ranked ahead of Ye Linqin and the others?" Ning Wenxuan was a little disbelieving.

Wen Su's reminder was so obvious, Ning Wenxuan must have heard it.

One Li Xiao represents the entire Jiangnan Road.

Wen Su didn't give Ning Wenxuan too many reminders, otherwise she would really feel sorry for Li Xiao.

The reason why I want to remind Ning Wenxuan is because in Jiangcheng, it is completely Li Xiao's home game.

On the bright side, Li Xiao has the support of Jiang Nanwei's two big bosses.This point is now clearly seen by everyone in Jiangcheng.

In secret, Li Xiao has such a powerful assistant as Jun Tianlin.

It's really not that easy to take down Li Xiao in Jiangcheng.

"Don't underestimate this young man. If we can accept Jiang Liao as an apprentice, then there will be more outrageous young people than Jiang Liao in this world." Wen Su said.

"When you say that, it's clear that you are more optimistic about Li Xiao. I really want to see what Li Xiao looks like." Ning Wenxuan said with a smile.

"Don't all men look like this?" Wen Su said.

Ning Wenxuan suddenly took Wen Su's arm, and asked with a smile: "Hey, sister, are you still planning to get married? Are you almost thirty?"

Wen Su gave Ning Wenxuan an angry look, and asked, "Why, is 30 very old?"

Ning Wenxuan raised her hand to cover her mouth with a smile, and said softly: "That's not what I mean, senior sister, you must be young forever. But if you don't get married, those handsome guys will grow old. Look at the third senior sister, Ye Linqin gave birth to her A good-looking talent, right? Isn’t he old now?”

"Then can't I find someone ten or eight years younger than me?" Wen Su asked.

Ning Wenxuan was surprised when she heard this, and then gave a thumbs up to Wen Su: "Senior Sister Su, you are worthy of being you. I have ambitions, and I want to learn from you. In the future, an old cow will eat tender grass."

Wen Su looked suspicious: "Why do I always feel that you are mocking me?"

"Ang Ang, it must be your husband-in-law's blessing to marry you home, hehehe..."

"Still so poor!"

(End of this chapter)

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