the first villain

Chapter 423 Slowed down so quickly

Chapter 423 Slowed down so quickly
Ning Wenxuan realized that something was wrong, and by the time she reacted and wanted to call out the purple mist again, it was already too late.

"I heard that people who are within three feet of you, whoever you want to die, die? I have given you a full chance."

After all, Li Xiao's figure flashed, and a seemingly light pat on Ning Wenxuan's chest.

The moment Ning Wenxuan touched Li Xiao's palm, it flew backwards like a cannonball.


With a muffled sound, Ning Wenxuan had already bumped into the wall of the house behind her, and her energy was already disordered.

And the purple mist that Ning Wenxuan just summoned disappeared in the air in an instant.

Li Xiao rushed towards Ning Wenxuan again, and grabbed Ning Wenxuan's neck with his hand.

Pity Xiangxiyu?

Li Xiao didn't have this awareness.

When Li Xiao rushed over, the scarlet flowers on Li Xiao's back drifted backwards, forming a brilliant blue and desolate red ribbon.

Li Xiao didn't care about the pain on his back from the falling flowers, and directly grabbed Ning Wenxuan's neck.

"Give you a chance."

"You are useless!"

Gritting her teeth, Li Xiao grabbed Ning Wenxuan out, swung her in a circle in the air, and smashed her hard to the ground.

"It's useless!"

"It's useless!"

With just two punches, Ning Wenxuan's head was smashed into the dirt.

In Ning Wenxuan's body, it's not that there is no chance at all.

She is a woman who can't even reach perfection, and if she is approached by a half-step master, as long as she catches the opportunity, she may be instantly killed by her opponent.

Of course, Li Xiao didn't kill him either.

However, Li Xiao's strikes these few times were indeed severe enough to directly beat Ning Wenxuan.

Ning Wenxuan put her hands on the ground, as if she wanted to help herself up.

Li Xiao stepped on Ning Wenxuan's chest, and then stretched out the spider in his hand in front of Ning Wenxuan.

"Hey, this baby, it seems to be really important to you. Do you know where you lost? It's because you can't let go of these external things."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiao squeezed lightly, and crushed the extremely powerful poisonous spider named Huoshui to death.

"Stop!" Ning Wenxuan shouted, but it was too late.

In the next moment, Li Xiao saw countless scarlet threads bursting out from between his two legs, running towards Li Xiao overwhelmingly.

A silk thread just hit Li Xiao's shoulder, and then got into Li Xiao's body in an instant.

In the next moment, Li Xiao's face turned red, and then his whole body also turned red.

Damn, poisoned again!

It was this damn blood toxin again, and this time it was even more deadly.

Li Xiao couldn't stop the blood flow in his body when he opened his mouth, and the red thread immediately pulled the blood in Li Xiao's body, rushing to every capillary of Li Xiao.

Clouds of blood mist began to burst out of Li Xiao's body surface.

After the first strand of red thread penetrated into Li Xiao's body, the remaining red threads swept towards Li Xiao one after another, as if they had found their target.

Li Xiao stepped back instantly, and at the same time raised his hand directly, the two Cangwu got into Li Xiao's body like two black lightning bolts.

Li Xiao immediately sat down, trying to slow down the flow of Qi and blood in his body.

If Li Xiao was not wearing clothes at this time, he could clearly see two black shadows the size of two fingers moving irregularly around Li Xiao's body.

When Ning Wenxuan saw Li Xiao swallowing Cang Wu, she thought Li Xiao was crazy.

Such a highly poisonous living thing only needs a little bit of poison to kill Li Xiao ten times.

How dare he!

"Put him down." Li Xiao stared at Ning Wenxuan and said.

Jun Tianlin had already walked over quickly at this time, and Ning Wenxuan was about to get up.

Jun Tianlin smiled at Ning Wenxuan: "I don't really want to hit women, that, please do me a favor, don't be as knowledgeable as my little brother."

Then Jun Tianlin said to himself: "Hey? If you close your eyes, you won't see anything?"

After finishing speaking, Jun Tianlin stepped on Ning Wenxuan's body.

Ning Wenxuan's aura that had just started to run was instantly stopped by Jun Tianlin's means.

Then Jun Tianlin looked at Li Xiao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his face turned red and turned black.

Immediately afterwards, the red color of Li Xiao's whole body gradually became smaller, and finally became red balls.

And those two black shadows were like greedy snakes, chasing after these red shadows quickly, devouring the red shadows quickly.

After about ten minutes, Li Xiao opened his mouth, and Li Xiao spat out the two Cangwu.

After Cangwu landed on the ground, it turned into two pools of black water, then merged into the ground, and finally disappeared.

At this moment, Li Xiao's face was already pale.

Although Li Xiao's life was saved, at least one-third of the air pocket was destroyed by the poisonous thread spit out by the disaster water.

This kind of pain is heartbreaking.

Coupled with the toxin that Cang Wu left in Li Xiao's body, Li Xiao suffered even more at this time.

Those red spots that exploded on Li Xiao's body surface left countless wounds on Li Xiao's body surface.

As for the scarlet flowers behind Li Xiao, most of them have fallen.

And Li Xiao's back seemed to be rotten, and the feeling he felt was like a burning fire.

After another ten minutes of delay, Li Xiao finally stood up and came to Jun Tianlin's side.

Ning Wenxuan was pinned down by Jun Tianlin just now, and she couldn't see Li Xiao's condition either.

Originally Ning Wenxuan thought Li Xiao was doomed.

After all, even she couldn't stop the toxin that erupted from the troubled water at the end.

That's why Ning Wenxuan would speak to stop Li Xiao when he was about to blow up the fire in the end.

However, Li Xiao slowed down so quickly?

What kind of skills does this young man possess?

In fact, the moment Ning Wenxuan saw Cang Wu, she roughly knew that her poison technique was not as good as Li Xiao's.

Ning Wenxuan's master once said that Cangwu is among the top five poisonous goods.

But once this kind of thing is released, it is destined to not survive half an hour.

Moreover, it is impossible for this kind of thing to be controlled by people, so no one has raised such an extremely poisonous evil thing for a long time.

Because once Cangwu is released, it will definitely not distinguish between enemy and friend, and it will definitely suck up the blood of any living thing.

Before Cangwu sucked up human blood, the toxins on its body were enough to kill people.

But judging from Li Xiao's behavior just now, he can clearly control this poisonous toad named Cangwu.

With such abilities, how could Ning Wenxuan be her opponent?

(End of this chapter)

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