Chapter 424

If Li Xiao had released Cang Wu from the beginning, it would only take a second or two for her to be eaten by Cang Wu.

Toad did eat her spider, but instead of eating it, he vomited it back to Li Xiao.

So Li Xiao really didn't need half a master's strength, if he just competed with Ning Wenxuan in poisoning, Ning Wenxuan would definitely not be his opponent.

Li Xiao said softly: "You can't play me with poison, the reason why I don't know how to do it is because once I do it, you will definitely be poisoned to death."

Now Ning Wenxuan does not doubt the authenticity of Li Xiao's words.

"I lost." Ning Wenxuan sighed, admitting that she had indeed lost.

Ning Wenxuan really admitted defeat, because she did not retaliate.

Li Xiao's body is very weak now, if Ning Wenxuan wants to use poison to retaliate, Li Xiao can only choose to let her die.

Of course Ning Wenxuan would not do this, she also knew that Li Xiao was in a hurry, he must have jumped the wall in a hurry.

"Who taught you how to get rid of poison?" Ning Wenxuan asked again.

Ning Wenxuan thought about it, and then added: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, anyway, I just lost."

Ning Wenxuan suddenly thought of Third Senior Sister, and she actually understood why Third Senior Sister fell in love with this man.

"Have you heard of the "Poison Canon"?" Li Xiao asked.

Hearing these four words, Ning Wenxuan was struck by lightning.

Ning Wenxuan once heard her master mention that there was a person nicknamed Mirage who pioneered poison art, but he didn't know whether he was a man or a woman.

No one knows which dynasty and generation he lived in, let alone where he came from and where he went to.

This man spent his whole life researching various poison techniques, and finally left behind a book of poison techniques named "Poison Canon".

It is said that the poisonous toad Cangwu was cultivated by this man named Mirage.

But her master finally said that this is just a little-known legend in the poison art world.

Because in the history of poison art, there is no record of "Poison Canon".

That's why Ning Wenxuan was so shocked when she heard these four words from Li Xiao.

Losing to something in the legend is not wronged.

Ning Wenxuan sat up slowly, but kept her gaze fixed on Li Xiao.

"So you are really holding back." Ning Wenxuan said.

"Otherwise?" Li Xiao asked back.

"You must have also been poisoned by Cangwu...what to do?" Ning Wenxuan asked in a low voice.

If Li Xiaozhen died, Ning Wenxuan would really have a hard time explaining it to Wen Su.

In the past, Ning Wenxuan felt that she was a genius enough, of course in poison art.

It's just that now, I met a person who is more talented than myself.

"I can detoxify countless kinds of poisons." Li Xiao said.

"Brother-in-law, your back..."

On Li Xiao's back, circles of red spots like ink began to appear again.

At this time, Li Xiao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Cangwu's poison aroused the poison of the troubled water again, and the attack was even more violent.

"Prepare me seven-star grass, hooked kisses, and chrysalis roots..."

While Li Xiao was talking, he slowly softened, Jun Tianlin hurriedly supported Li Xiao to lie on the ground carefully.

After talking about more than a dozen herbs, Li Xiao finally sighed.

"You find herbs for him, and I'll stabilize his poison." Ning Wenxuan hurriedly said to Jun Tianlin.

Without saying a word, Jun Tianlin turned around and ran away.

Ning Wenxuan quickly took out a small jade bottle, opened it, and a burst of light blue gas floated out of it, slowly entering Li Xiao's body.

The red spots that exploded on Li Xiao's body finally slowed down.

"Didn't you say that you can cure countless kinds of poisons? Why are you still poisoned?" Ning Wenxuan asked angrily.

Li Xiao heard Ning Wenxuan's words, but couldn't open his mouth to answer.

At this moment, Li Xiao really wanted to say, isn't it because Li Xiao used himself as a container to introduce all the toxins that broke out from the disaster into his body?
And the toad's life was over, if the toad Cangwu melted in Li Xiao's body, Li Xiao would be turned into a puddle of blood directly.

If Li Xiao hadn't absorbed all the toxins of the disaster water just now, the last toxin of the disaster water would penetrate into its body when it found a living thing.

Not only Ning Wenxuan, but even Jun Tianlin probably could not escape the bad luck.

Looking at Li Xiao with a painful expression, Ning Wenxuan suddenly smiled heartlessly.

"Although I lost to you, in the end you still bear everything alone. No loss, no loss!" Ning Wenxuan said to himself.

As for being beaten up by Li Xiao just now, Ning Wenxuan has no intention of revenge for the time being.

Ning Wenxuan also knew that although Li Xiao's attack just now was ruthless, she did not kill her.

Otherwise, Ning Wenxuan would have been beaten to death by Li Xiao at the first blow.

This matter, go back and find Wen Su, and then settle it with Li Xiao.

Ning Wenxuan suddenly figured out why Wen Su didn't help Jiang Liao all of a sudden, and why the third senior sister went back to Beifeng Kingdom for no apparent reason.

Talented people are indeed born in large numbers in this world, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

Jiang Liao had the support of their seven senior sisters, but none of the seven of them was invincible.

This kid Jiang Liao really needs to suffer a bit, otherwise how can he have a long memory?
"With Jiang Liao's abilities, he probably won't be able to win against this young man named Li Xiao..." Ning Wenxuan murmured again.

So what should Jiang Liao do when he succeeds to the position of head of the Jiang family?

If Jiang Liao can't make a name for himself in the south of the Yangtze River, can the Jiang family think about Jiang Liao?
Ning Wenxuan suddenly thought of a possibility, couldn't Li Xiao and Jiang Liao join forces?If Li Xiao is willing to help Jiang Liao, then Jiang Liao is more likely to take over the Jiang family smoothly in the future.

As time passed by, Li Xiao's condition became worse and worse.

Fortunately, Li Xiao showed no signs of dying.

Ning Wenxuan took a peek at Li Xiao's physical condition, and she reckoned that if Li Xiao could recover this time, his realm might not be able to improve again.

Because the air pockets in Li Xiao's body were damaged too badly.

Up to now, two-thirds of the air pockets in Li Xiao's body have been destroyed by the toxin.

Ning Wenxuan gritted her teeth and said she deserved it.

After waiting for three full hours, Jun Tianlin came back with the medicinal materials Li Xiao needed.

Then Ning Wenxuan was a little confused again, Li Xiao was poisoned too deeply, Ning Wenxuan was proficient in poison techniques, but she didn't know how to prepare an antidote for Li Xiao!
"Hurry up and make the antidote." Jun Tianlin hurriedly urged.

"I won't!" Ning Wenxuan also said anxiously.


When Jun Tianlin heard this, he immediately exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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