super farm

Chapter 113 Follow in Zhang Liang's Footsteps

Chapter 113 Follow in Zhang Liang's Footsteps

"I didn't pay attention to the license plate number of the other party!"

Liu Ming scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Do those two people have any characteristics?" Zhang Liang continued to ask.

This incident was obviously aimed at Xianghai Restaurant. If they were not caught, these people might be playing tricks in the dark in the future.

"They don't seem to have any special characteristics."

Liu Ming was a little annoyed, how did he think that these people who stopped his car were poisoned?
After a while, he added something, and said: "By the way, there is a person who is a bit small and looks like a mouse."

"Okay, I see. You should rest well in the hospital, and you don't have to worry about other things." Although Liu Ming drank Zhang Liang's water, he still felt unwell. The doctor suggested that Liu Ming stay in the hospital for two more days.

"Thank you Ryoko!"

Liu Ming was a little ashamed. He couldn't even deliver a fish by himself, so he almost made a big mistake.

"What's there to thank? I'll call Juanzi and ask her to take care of you for two days."

Now He Juan has nothing to do, so she can come to the hospital to take care of Liu Ming.

"No, no, I'll just call my dad!"

Zhang Liang didn't even blame him for making mistakes today, how dare he ask Zhang Liang to arrange someone to take care of him.

"That's fine too!"

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he told Liu Ming not to feel burdened again. This matter has nothing to do with Liu Ming, and it has nothing to do with Yang Siqian leaving the hospital.

"Liangzi, who do you think will do this?" Yang Siqian was also a little worried that the person in the dark would do something bad again, and really wanted to find out the person in the dark as soon as possible.

Zhang Liang thought for a moment, then replied: "It should be Dajili's boss, Qian Jin, who did it, but I can't be sure until I get the evidence."

Qian Jin made trouble for Xianghai Restaurant, and even asked his bodyguards to poison Zhang Liang's vegetable patch not long ago.

Later, the bodyguard was taken away by the police, and he insisted that his head was hot to spray the poison and had nothing to do with Qian Jin. Qian Jin was not punished by law.

It is not difficult to speculate now that it is very likely that Qian Jin wanted to repeat his old tricks, and this time he almost succeeded.

"I think it's very likely that it's him. This Qian Jin is really nothing. Fair competition is not my opponent. He even engages in such indecent methods." Yang Siqian was so angry that her pretty face was full.

"Song Bao has had contact with Qian Jin, so he should know something about Qian Jin. You can ask Song Bao to investigate this matter secretly, maybe you can find out something." Zhang Liang thought for a while and suggested.

A gleam of light flashed in Yang Siqian's eyes.

"That's a good idea. I'll ask Song Bao to investigate now."

After speaking, Yang Siqian took Zhang Liang back to the restaurant.

Let's talk about Liu Xiaodong.

In the afternoon, Chen Can, the owner of the construction company, came to the village and got in touch with Liu Xiaodong, but Liu Xiaodong pushed the matter away because he was considering whether to agree to Chen Shi's conditions and was not in a hurry to repair the house.

As soon as Chen Can left, he received a call from Liu Ming and learned that Liu Ming was lying in the hospital with food poisoning, so he rushed to the hospital immediately.

After arriving at the hospital, he almost grabbed Liu Ming's collar and yelled.

"What did you do, how did you get food poisoning?"

He is such a son, if something happens to Liu Ming, how will he live in this life?
"Dad, I accidentally poisoned the fish, and almost killed Liangzi and Xianghai Restaurant."

Liu Ming was a little ashamed. If he had been careful not to poison anyone, the current situation would not have happened.

"Did Liangzi blame you for this?" Liu Xiaodong asked in disbelief.

Liu Ming shook his head and said, "He didn't blame me. He told me to rest in the hospital and wanted He Juan to take care of me. He also paid for the medical expenses."

Liu Xiaodong nodded, sitting beside the hospital bed and thinking for a long time, he suddenly said: "Let me tell you something, you can make up your own mind!"

Then, Liu Xiaodong told Liu Ming about the deal with Chen Shi.

He is half buried in the ground, and all his plans and considerations are for Liu Ming. Now whether Liu Ming wants to take Chen Shi's money or not, it is up to Liu Ming to decide.

"Dad, why are you so confused? Can you take this kind of money? If you take this kind of money, how will we behave in front of Liangzi in the future?"

"He treats our family well, and how capable am I? If you really give me 40 yuan to start a business, I'm afraid I'll lose money in a year or two. I'm not a boss."

"Let's just follow Liangzi. I believe that he will expand his business in the future, and he will not treat me badly. In the future, I may get more than what Chen Chen gave."

Liu Ming went through life and death this time, and suddenly figured out many things that he couldn't figure out before. Zhang Liang was sincere to their family.

"Okay, actually Dad also wants to follow in Zhang Liang's footsteps, but he can't make up his mind, now I know."

Liu Xiaodong nodded.

Yang Siqian went back to the restaurant and told Song Bao to check on a small middle-aged man with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, and at the same time secretly check on Qian Jin.

Song Bao is the leader in the town, he has a lot of brothers under him, and his social relationship is not weak, and he has a lot of earbuds, so he quickly confessed this matter.

Yang Siqian brought Zhang Liang to her office and laid out a drawing.

"Sister Siqian, I didn't notice it, your hand painting is pretty good!"

Zhang Liang was a little surprised when he saw Yang Siqian's hand-drawn drawings.

It's hard to imagine that Yang Siqian can draw, and the paintings are very delicate.

"There are so many places you haven't discovered."

Yang Siqian rolled her eyes at Zhang Liang, her brows full of charm.

Zhang Liang looked a little fascinated.

Many times, Yang Siqian's frown and movement are so touching.

As if realizing that Zhang Liang's gaze was abnormal, Yang Siqian quickly changed the subject and said, "This drawing is the drawing of the rafting center I am going to build. See if there is anything unreasonable."

Yang Siqian is a vigorous and resolute woman. After Mayor Zhou agreed to build the rafting center, she has already set out to design the blueprints herself.

Zhang Liang took the blueprint and looked at it carefully. After looking at it for a while, he said with a smile: "The design is very good, especially in these areas with turbulent water flow. There are special buffer zones, which greatly enhance the safety of tourists. After a while, how long will it take to build this rafting center, and how much money will it need?"

"It will take at least half a year, and the capital investment will be around 500 million, and that doesn't include my money for building a large hotel. A loan may be needed to build this large hotel."

Yang Siqian rubbed her temples, she had a headache when she mentioned money.

(End of this chapter)

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