super farm

Chapter 114 Sister Wants to Hold Your Hand, Can You Do It?

Chapter 114 Sister Wants to Hold Your Hand, Can You Do It?

Although the business of Xianghai Restaurant is very good now, the business of Xianghai Restaurant is only so good when Zhang Liang has vegetables to supply.

In the past, there was a big lucky restaurant to compete with, and the profitability of Xianghai Restaurant was not so strong, so Yang Siqian didn't make much money in the past few years.

If she really plans to build a large hotel, she still needs to use the method of project financing and find a bank loan based on Xianghai Restaurant's operating capabilities.

"Sister Siqian, you don't have to worry about money, I'll find a way to solve it, but give me at least a month."

Seeing that Yang Siqian had a headache, Zhang Liang felt a little heartbroken.

A woman has to bear so much.

"Can you solve the financial problem?" Yang Siqian looked at Zhang Liang incredulously.

She has been doing business in partnership with Zhang Liang. She knows very well how much Zhang Liang's income is now, and it will never exceed 200 million.

How can the other party have the ability to make tens of millions come over?

"There should be no problem!"

Zhang Liang nodded seriously.

He still has ten century-old ginseng kings in his hand, and it is conservatively estimated that they can be sold for 2000 million. The income of Ganoderma lucidum is 2000 million, which is 4000 million.

Coupled with the fact that his Cordyceps can mature within a month, it can generate at least 2000 million income.

Finally, there are potatoes he planted, which can be supplied to Chen Caijie twice, and the income here will also be several million.

After all, the money should be about the same.

Originally, Zhang Liang thought that he would become rich soon, but after this calculation, he was a poor man again.

"Okay, if you can find funds, my sister will use your money. From now on, you will be the major shareholder, and my sister will work for you."

If possible, Yang Siqian does not want to use bank money.

The loan interest needs to be paid with the bank's money, but if Zhang Liang's money is used, the money is earned by Zhang Liang.

She has already regarded Zhang Liang as her own, so naturally the fat and water cannot flow to outsiders.

And now, whether it's the decoration of the new hotel or the construction of the rafting center, it's a long-term project, and she doesn't need so much money in the early stage.

In a month, Zhang Liang found 5000 million funds, which was fully able to keep up with the pace of capital demand.

"Sister Siqian, it's better for you to be the major shareholder. Let's discuss privately. You can share as much as I want."

Zhang Liang doesn't want to be a major shareholder. He doesn't have the energy to manage the hotel and the rafting center. It would be inconvenient for Yang Siqian to manage it as a minority shareholder.

"Okay, let's do this!"

Yang Siqian took the initiative to extend her hand and joked: "Then wish us a happy cooperation."

"We are so familiar, why should we hold hands?"

Zhang Liang was amused by Yang Siqian.

"Sister wants to hold your hand, can you?" Yang Siqian teased.

She kind of likes to make jokes about Zhang Liang, the kind that makes Zhang Liang blush when she talks about it.

Sure enough, Zhang Liang blushed slightly, then turned his face hard, and said displeasedly: "Sister Siqian, if you do this again, I will get angry."


After solving the financial problem, Yang Siqian was in a good mood, and took the initiative to take Zhang Liang's hand and walked to the private room regardless of Zhang Liang's objection.

"Let's go, sister is happy today, drink some red wine with sister in the evening."

After dinner, because Zhang Liang drank, Song Bao personally sent him home again.

"Boss, that person has found out some clues. I heard that I went to a second-hand car shop to wash a car today. I'm not sure if it's the other party. How about you give me Liu Ming's phone number, and I'll find out about it next time." The whereabouts of the person, call Liu Ming and ask him to come and confirm?"

In the car, Song Bao started talking again.

"Okay, I'll leave his phone number to you later!"

Zhang Liangliang nodded and continued to ask: "By the way, have you checked this person's details? Is he related to Qian Jin?"

"We haven't found any relationship between him and Qian Jin yet." Song Bao replied.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Liang responded.

Song Bao suddenly said again: "Boss, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"What else do you want to say?" Zhang Liang realized that Song Bao seemed to talk too much.

"In the past two days we saw Mr. Yang, she always had a sad face, only when she was with you today, she showed a smile, she is really different to you, I also think you are a good match, do you want to Take the initiative? Mr. Yang is beautiful and talented."

Song Bao brought up the old matter again, and talked about the matter of men and women.

"Don't talk nonsense. I helped her solve her troubles today. She is naturally happy that she has no troubles. The relationship between us is not what you said."

Zhang Liang shook his head, but his eyes were a little blurred. Unconsciously, Yang Siqian's heroic figure in pointing Jiangshan appeared in his mind, and also the amorous feelings on Yang Siqian's eyebrows when he stared at him.

For a while, I was crazy!
There was a moment of silence in the car.

Song Bao didn't dare to say more, but just drove quietly.

When the car reached the entrance of the village, Song Bao said, "Boss, we're here."


It took Zhang Liang a long time to come back to his senses, and he got out of the car.

"Boss, call me Liu Ming!"

Seeing this, Song Bao reminded.

Zhang Liang then gave Song Bao Liu Ming's phone number.

Song Bao remembered the phone number and watched Zhang Liang go home, then he muttered: "He also said that he didn't like Mr. Yang, and he was so thinking about Mr. Yang."

After speaking, he jumped out of Zhang Liang's van and got into a car driven by his younger brother, and the two of them headed back to town.

When Zhang Liang returned home, he found that Zhang Feng was looking at Liang Jian again.

And now it is probably at the climax, Zhang Feng didn't even notice that he had gone home.

Zhang Liang suddenly felt that something was missing, and the house seemed deserted.

"By the way, where did Wang Fu go?"

In the past, when he came home, Wangfu would rush up to ask for food as soon as possible, but today is a bit strange.

Seeing that Wangfu was not at home, Zhang Liang didn't plan to take care of it anymore. Anyway, this guy couldn't die.

Zhang Liang entered the painting space and began to observe the growth of the Cordyceps inside.

The growth of the Cordyceps is very good, and now the larvae have grown. It is estimated that in ten days, the Cordyceps can be sold.

Zhang Liang re-exited the painting space, and Wang Fu ran back.

She yelled at him, her voice full of grievances.

"Has a dog bullied you?"

Zhang Liang asked suspiciously.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu gave Zhang Liang a dog eye, only the dog bullies other dogs, how can other dogs bully the dog?

"Being beaten?"

At this time, Zhang Liang noticed blood on Wangfu's hind hoof and asked.

Wangfu yelled contemptuously again, with Mr. Gou's skill, can ordinary people beat it?

At this moment, a huge roar sounded.

Wangfu shivered uncontrollably, then ran behind Zhang Liang and hid, with fear in his small eyes.

"Wang Wang~"

Master, it's that big guy who bullies the dog's family, and you beat him up for the dog's family.

(End of this chapter)

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