super farm

Chapter 143 I must have seen the devil

Chapter 143 I must have seen a ghost

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "Boss Zhao doesn't have to worry about how I raise fish. You just need to guarantee that the fry will be alive when they are delivered to the village."

Zhang Liang is still confident about the water in his paintings.

"It seems that Zhang always has experience in breeding, but I, Lao Zhao, have been playing ax in the class instead."

Since Zhang Liang bought these fry, he must be able to feed them, otherwise he would definitely not buy them.

When Boss Zhao was talking, he gave Zhang Liang his bank card. After Zhang Liang successfully transferred the money, Chen Caijie decided to invite everyone to lunch, but Zhang Liang and Yang Siqian had already eaten, so they left.

Then, Yang Siqian took Zhang Liang to the merchant who sold grape seeds, and the grape seeds were successfully bought there.

Boss Zhao's efficiency was extremely high. When Zhang Liang returned to the village, he had already personally driven the team and sent the fry to the entrance of the village.

A total of eight cars lined up side by side, the scene was very spectacular, and many villagers were attracted.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu saw someone driving a car over, and it quickly ran over.

Mr. Dog has already smelled the smell of fish, it is really great, someone brought fish to Mr. Dog.

When the door opened, Wangfu couldn't wait to jump into the car.

"Go away, dead dog."

Zhang Liang was speechless, and quickly kicked the guy out of the car.

This batch of fish fry is so expensive that they want to eat it directly.

Wangfu fled with his tail between his legs in an instant.

Master Dog just wants to try something new, is it easy for me?
"Mr. Zhang, the fry you want has been delivered to you. You can check it. In addition, where do you want to keep the fry? My people will put the fry there for you."

Boss Zhao greeted Zhang Liang and asked.

Zhang Liangliang nodded and said, "Come with me."

"Everyone bring down the fish!"

Boss Zhao waved to the employees in the car.

The employees got out of the car carrying buckets one by one.

In these buckets, some buckets have fish grass in them, some buckets have ice cubes in them, and some buckets even have acidic substances in them...

Mr. Zhao’s fish are all rare species. Each fish has different living environment. Some fish like acidic water, while others like cold water.

Therefore, it is very troublesome to transport these fish, and they can only be transported separately.

Soon after, Zhang Liang appeared beside Neihu with Boss Zhao and others.

"Mr. Zhang, you're not going to keep these fish here, are you?" Boss Zhao's eyes widened in disbelief.

When he raised these fry by himself, he used the ecological environment to raise them. Different fish live in completely different environments.

Now Zhang Liang actually wants to raise a hodgepodge, these fry must be raised to death.


Zhang Liangliang nodded, and ordered like Boss Zhao's employees: "Everyone, pour these fry into the lake for me."

"Mr. Zhang, no!"

Boss Zhao's face changed drastically, "These fish cannot be raised in this way, most of them will die."

"Boss Zhao, just let them pour it in. Don't worry, even if these fry are dead, I will pay you the rest of the debt." Zhang Liang replied with a smile.

Boss Zhao said angrily: "Mr. Zhang, it's not a matter of money or not. I sell these fish fry to you, and I have an obligation to help you keep these fish alive. You are doing nothing like this."

"Boss Zhao, why don't you pour two barrels of fish fry into the lake first? If these fish die, I will ask you to take the fry back, and I will still pay you for the fry, okay?"

Zhang Liang was a little dumbfounded by Boss Zhao, and he refused to let him raise the fish he bought.

"Okay, just as you said, you two pour the fish into the lake for me."

Boss Zhao pointed to one of the people. The fish in this person happened to like extremely cold ice water to survive.

Now the temperature in the inner lake is more than ten degrees. Once this kind of fry is thrown into the lake, it will die.

When the staff heard Boss Zhao's words, they poured the fry into the lake without any hesitation.

Then, a scene that shocked Boss Zhao and others appeared.

I saw that the fish that were poured into the inner lake suddenly became more active.

As soon as they were thrown into the water, they swam happily, and some small fish even jumped out of the water excitedly.

"how can that be?"

Boss Zhao and a group of staff were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Instead of dying, the fish became more active.

"Boss Zhao, can we throw the other fry into the lake now?" Zhang Liang smiled slightly.

Boss Zhao was a little unbelievable, so he personally brought another bucket of fish fry that must survive in acidic water, and poured the fish fry into the inner lake.

Then, those fish that Boss Zhao seemed to be sluggish became active in an instant, and quickly swam out to the distance.

"I must have seen the devil."

Boss Zhao lost his voice.

Then he started to pour the third bucket of fish fry, the fourth bucket of fish fry...

It's just that every bucket of fish fry is poured into the inner lake, and these fish will immediately become very lively.

"Mr. Zhang, what kind of water is this?" Boss Zhao has now guessed that it is probably a problem with the lake water, otherwise no fish would be so active in it.

"This is the water I specially prepared, and it has special effects." Zhang Liang said casually.

"Mr. Zhang, can you sell me the secret recipe of this water? I assure you, I will only use it for myself and will not spread it to the outside world."

Boss Zhao couldn't bear the temptation of this water, and asked Zhang Liang.

Many of his fish need special water quality to be able to feed. To create such a special water quality, he needs to spend a lot of manpower and material resources. If Zhang Liang's water can directly solve all his water quality problems, it can save him too much money. Too much money.

So as long as Zhang Liang is willing to sell the secret recipe of water, it will only benefit him in the long run.

"Boss Zhao, I'm really sorry. I can't sell you this kind of water. It's my business secret. I hope you can understand." Zhang Liang shook his head firmly.

It is impossible for him to sell a large amount of water in the painting to others. If someone has a small amount of demand, he can consider it.

"Understand, understand!"

Boss Zhao nodded.

He understood that the request he just made was actually somewhat unreasonable, mainly because Zhang Liang's fish breeding water was too attractive to him, so he couldn't help but raise it.

When he proposed it, he expected that Zhang Liang might reject it.

"Long live the understanding!"

Zhang Liang smiled.

Don't worry about Zhang Liang's water quality, water temperature and other issues. Boss Zhao didn't have any scruples anymore, but quickly notified the staff below to move all the fry into the fish pond.

After three hours, the fry were placed.

"Mr. Zhang, the fry are finished, please make the final payment!" Boss Zhao appeared in front of Zhang Liang again.

(End of this chapter)

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