super farm

Chapter 144 Do you want to see my sister?

Chapter 144 Do you want to see my sister?


After confirming that all the fish fry had been moved, Zhang Liang transferred the remaining balance of 240 million yuan to Boss Zhao.

After Boss Zhao received the money, he said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, it's a pity that I can't buy the secret recipe of your special water, but I'm curious how the fish raised in your water will taste. It's ripe, please let me know, I want to buy some to taste!"

"Boss Zhao, if you say buy it, you'll be out."

Zhang Liang grinned and said, "Well, when my fish really grows up, I'll call you. If you come to our village to eat fish, I'll treat you warmly. What do you think?"

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

Boss Zhao laughed aloud, then cupped his hands and said, "It's going to be dark soon, so I'll take him back first. Later, if you encounter any trouble during the fish farming process, you can tell me. If you need fish fry, you can also call me."

"Okay, definitely!" Zhang Liang nodded seriously.


Boss Zhao responded and led everyone away.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu ran to Boss Zhao's car and yelled at Boss Zhao twice.

When you come next time, remember to bring some dog food for Mr. Dog. Mr. Dog’s kennel has long run out of food, and he feels very insecure when he sleeps. Why?

"Dead dog!"

Zhang Liang kicked Wangfu, and Wangfu ran away with his tail between his legs.

Beep beep!

Just as Zhang Liang returned home, Yang Siqian's phone rang suddenly.

He answered the phone and asked, "Sister Siqian? Call me so late, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, my sister called you so late, she was thinking of you!" Yang Siqian giggled.

"Sister Siqian, can you be more serious?"

Zhang Liang really has nothing to do with Yang Siqian, and her jokes are getting more and more explicit.

Yang Siqian jokingly asked: "Hey, in your eyes, isn't sister a decent woman?"

"I did not mean that!"

Afraid that Yang Siqian would think too much, Zhang Liang hastily explained.

"I'm afraid in your heart you hope that your sister will be rude to you!"

Yang Siqian thought it was very interesting to tease Zhang Liang, but she knew that this kind of teasing should be done in moderation, if it was too much, Zhang Liang would definitely get angry.

She stopped the topic and asked, "By the way, did you do something to Qian Jin? He was arrested."

"Well, it was found out that he was the one who poisoned the fish last time. He almost killed someone. How could I let him go?" Zhang Liang replied.

Zhang Liang would never sympathize with someone like Qian Jin who would risk his life for money.

"You are really amazing. I don't know anything, but you let him in."

Yang Siqian praised.

After getting to know Zhang Liang, she found that her life trajectory seemed to have changed. Zhang Liang helped her too much.

"It's not that I'm good, but that he has done too many bad things and can be easily discovered."

Zhang Liang pursed his lips.

Yang Siqian did not continue the discussion on this topic, and said: "By the way, let me tell you one thing. Now Dajili Restaurant has entered because of money, and no one is running it. His wife found me and hoped that I could make Dajili Restaurant Buy it in the past, do you think I want to buy it?"

Yang Siqian was a little moved.

Dajili Restaurant is opposite to Xianghai Restaurant. If Dajili Restaurant is bought, it will be very reasonable to serve Chinese food and Western food at the same time.

It was only because she felt that Qian Jin would not sell Dajili Restaurant to him that she rebuilt the hotel on the open space behind Xianghai Restaurant.

Buying the Dajili Restaurant now will not affect the construction of the hotel in the future. At that time, the hotel will be mainly used for accommodation, and the two restaurants will just be used for eating.

One Chinese and one Western, a combination of Chinese and Western.

"can buy!"

Zhang Liang nodded back.

This auspicious location is good.

If he hadn't provided Xianghai Restaurant with special vegetables, Dajili Restaurant would have become Xianghai Restaurant's formidable rival. It can be seen that Dajili Restaurant is comparable to Xianghai Restaurant in terms of decoration and location.

"I want to buy it too, but I don't have enough money right now." Yang Siqian smiled wryly.

Zhang Liang asked, "How much does it cost?"

"2000 million!" Yang Siqian replied helplessly.

All of her current money is spent on building hotels and rafting centers, and she doesn't care about buying the Dajili Hotel at all.

The reason for mentioning this to Zhang Liang was not to ask Zhang Liang to give her support money, because she knew that Zhang Liang didn't have much money now.

She just wanted to talk about Qian Jin and Dajili Restaurant tonight, and just mentioned something to Zhang Liang in passing.

"How about this, you give the other party some deposit first, within a week, within a week, I will give 2000 million." Zhang Liang thought for a while and replied.

Now the Cordyceps is going to mature, once it matures, it can sell almost 2000 million.

"Brother, sister is very curious, where did you get so much money?"

When Yang Siqian heard this, her beautiful eyes widened in an instant.

Because she is in partnership with Zhang Liang, she knows Zhang Liang's income and expenses well.

Even if Zhang Liang made money from growing vegetables, raising fish, and raising chickens and ducks, but after the overall calculation, the net profit of the other party will not exceed 300 million now.

But Zhang Liang's investment in the early stage is not small, it is impossible for him to have so much money.

Some time ago, she didn't know where Zhang Liang got the money for repairing the hotel.

"You don't have to worry about where my money comes from, as long as you can get the money, that's right."

Zhang Liang pursed his lips.


Yang Siqian frowned, and said unhappily: "You think I want to control you? I'm afraid that if you make money that you shouldn't make, you will end up with the money."

"Sister Siqian, you don't have to worry about this!"

Zhang Liang smiled, "The source of the money is very formal."

"That's good!"

After Yang Siqian finished speaking, she said, "That's all for now, sister is going to take a bath!"


Zhang Liang responded.

"Do you want to watch my sister take a bath?"

Suddenly, Yang Siqian started teasing Zhang Liang again.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang began to make amends in his mind, what would it be like for Yang Siqian to take a bath.

Thinking about it, Zhang Liang felt that his breathing was a little short.

The picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to think about it.

"Sister Siqian, if you do this again, I will be angry."

Zhang Liang suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and said with a straight face on purpose.

"Hey, why don't you get angry and show your sister?"

Yang Siqian laughed lightly, and at the same time asked curiously: "Could it be that my sister is so unattractive in front of you?"

"That was not what I meant."

Zhang Liang realized that no matter how he explained it, he seemed to be wrong. He said, "Let's just leave it at that. I still have something to do. Let's get busy first."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Liang's palms were sweating. Yang Siqian is simply a witch...

(End of this chapter)

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