super farm

Chapter 158 The Crimson Jade

Chapter 158 The Crimson Jade
"Food, here!"

There were two fish in the back basket, Zhang Liang saw that Dabai and Xiaobai were too greedy, so he simply threw the two fish to them.

"Uncle Gang, Zhang Liang definitely did it on purpose!"

Seeing how friendly Dabai and Xiaobai are with Zhang Liang, they are sure that Dabai and Xiaobai must be familiar with Zhang Liang.

Although I don't know what method Zhang Liang used, but the other party must have directed Dabai and Xiaobai to scare them.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two brothers Hu Hao and Hu Wei were full of resentment.

"Hi Zhang Liang!"

There was also a trace of viciousness in Yang Gang's eyes, and he was even annoyed that Zhang Liang scared himself to pee with Dabai.

"Uncle Gang, let's find a way to mess with him?"

Hu Hao asked.

"Fuck them!"

Yang Gang rolled his eyes and said, "Did you see those two big monsters? They seem to like to eat fish. Hu Wei, go down the mountain and get some fish, and add some ingredients to the fish."

Hearing Yang Gang's words, Liu Wei's eyes lit up, and then he smiled and said, "Uncle Gang, you are still smart, I think that big guy's fur is pretty good, and we will probably be able to sell this fur for some money by then."


Yang Gang gave instructions to Liu Wei and said, "That big guy should be full of treasures. If we kill it today, you two brothers will have all the money for their future marriage."

Hu Hao and Hu Wei were even more overjoyed. Hu Wei responded and ran down the mountain quickly.

Zhang Liang didn't know that Yang Gang and the others were going to target him again. After Dabai and Xiaobai finished eating the fish, he took the two guys into a deeper mountain.

During this period of time, Xu Erfu and Zhou Qiang hunted quite a lot, so that there were not many wild goods in the surrounding mountainous areas. If they wanted to ship goods, they had to go deeper.

"Gu Gu!"

However, they were not far away when the weasel appeared.

"Ah, what a cute little Huang Huang!"

When Lin Xiner saw the weasel, she fell in love with it at first sight.

Today, the lower body of this weasel was wrapped with a piece of red cloth, which made Lin Xiner almost regard it as someone's pet.

"Gu Gu~"

Lin Xiner wanted to touch the weasel, but it quickly ran away, looking at Lin Xiner with vicious eyes, full of vigilance.


Lin Xiner Qiong snorted, she was very pretty.

The weasel walked around her and came to Zhang Liang, then knelt down, then raised his hands, and a piece of simple jade appeared in his hand, but the color of this piece of jade was dark red, which looked very abnormal.

"Wow, the weasel has offered a treasure."

"Long experience!"

"Open the treasure!"


Seeing that the weasel offered treasures to Zhang Liang, the live broadcast room boiled again.

"What a strong energy!"

When the weasel approached Zhang Liang with the black-red jade, Zhang Liang felt that the painting in his body exuded an unprecedented temperature.

In other words, the energy in this jade surpassed any jade he had seen before, and he didn't know what kind of jade it was.

However, he likes this jade very much.


Zhang Liang took the black-red jade unceremoniously.

The weasel was so happy that he danced beside him.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu felt that he might fall out of favor, so he barked twice at the weasel, and it even danced the cha-cha dance beside him, and the live broadcast room was aroused by it again.

When Zhang Liang took Yu, his body couldn't help but began to absorb the energy in Yu. Zhang Liang wanted to cut off the connection between himself and Yu, but found that he couldn't.

The energy of that jade was poured into his body like a duck.

Seeing that he couldn't stop the energy in this jade, Zhang Liang simply absorbed it like no one else was there.


After inhaling for a while, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because he felt that his head was a little dizzy.

"There's something wrong with this jade!"

For a moment, Zhang Liang was shocked.

He looked at the weasel not far away, and found that the weasel was walking treacherously into the distance.

Lin Xiner seemed to be attracted by the weasel, holding the live broadcast equipment, just like that weasel chased it out.

"Xin'er, come back!"

Zhang Liang opened his mouth and called out to Lin Xiner, but found that although he opened his mouth, there was no sound.

"Damn it, what kind of jade is this, and what is that weasel?"

Zhang Liang was shocked for a moment, and then he chased Lin Xiner out.

But as soon as he took a step, he found that he had no strength in his whole body, and fell to the ground.

Zhang Liang was even more shocked.

He understood that something must have happened to his body after absorbing the dark red jade.

It is unrealistic to go after Lin Xiner now, so Zhang Liang stretched out his hand reluctantly and pointed in Lin Xiner's direction.

Xu Hu actually understood what Zhang Liang meant, and chased after Lin Xiner.

Soon, only Zhang Liang was left in place.

Zhang Liang no longer hesitated, and entered the world in the painting.

Now he can only feel safe if he stays in the world in the painting.

After entering the world in the painting, he began to check his body, but no matter how he checked, he found that it was useless, and his body was still full of a feeling of weakness and dizziness.

"The mantra of clearing the spirit, clearing the spirit and warding off evil spirits, so that all demons will not invade!"

After a while, the incantation of Qingling Mantra suddenly appeared in Zhang Liang's mind, and he quickly recited the incantation.

When the spell was finished, a circle of ripples spread around his body, and then his body regained consciousness in an instant.

"Did I fall under a spell just now?"

Thinking of the scene just now, Zhang Liang was very scared.

He has sentience, but his body doesn't listen.

If it weren't for this spirit clearing spell, he might have an accident today.

"That damned weasel!"

Zhang Liang blamed the weasel again in an instant, and then he suddenly thought of Lin Xiner and the others, "No, will that guy bring Xiner and the others to the underground space last time?"

Zhang Liang's scalp tingled when he thought that there was a corpse-scented konjac plant in the underground space, and there was a huge crystal coffin inside.

That place is really weird.

He was afraid that Lin Xiner and Xu Hu would be in danger, so he quickly left the painting space.

After they came out, Lin Xiner and Xu Hu had disappeared, as did Dabai and Xiaobai, and only Wangfu stayed where they were.

"Wangfu, go after Xiner and the others."

Zhang Liang gave Wangfu instructions.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu yelled triumphantly and ran out.

Master, at critical times, Mr. Dog is still a good friend, and he will never leave you, right?
I'm going home tonight, can I add chicken legs?
"Jia, bring Xin'er and Huzi back, and I'll add a whole chicken to you."

Zhang Liang was amused by this guy, even now, he still thinks about food.

(End of this chapter)

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