super farm

Chapter 159 Escape from the Underground Space

Chapter 159 Escape from the Underground Space
"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu instantly felt that his whole body was full of strength, and his fighting power was greatly increased, and he ran faster towards the direction where Lin Xiner and Xu Hu disappeared.

Soon, Wangfu ran to a weed and yelled at it frantically.

Zhang Liang felt his scalp go numb.

Because the location where Wangfu is located is exactly the entrance of the underground space that the weasel took Zhang Liang to last time.

It seems that the weasel has already brought Lin Xiner and Xu Hu into it.

As a last resort, Zhang Liang had to turn on the flashlight function of his mobile phone and walked inside.

"Wow, where is this?"

After Lin Xiner and Xu Hu were brought to the underground world by weasels, they were attracted by the beautiful scenery here.

She had never seen such a beautiful place, it was like the land of peach blossoms described by the poet Tao Da in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, completely isolated from the outside world.

But there are flowers and water here, and there is light shining in from the sky.

The live broadcast room was boiling again, and they kept saying that Lin Xiner had come to the underground dynasty.

Lin Xiner's eyes scanned the underground space for a while, and found the figure of the weasel again.

But now the weasel has jumped onto that side of the crystal coffin.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

When Lin Xiner saw the crystal coffin, she couldn't help admiring it, especially when she saw the corpse-flavored konjac inside the crystal coffin, she was even more amazed.

This corpse-flavored konjac is very beautiful, surpassing any flower she has seen.

Lin Xiner couldn't help approaching the crystal coffin.

Xu Hu seemed to be attracted by the crystal coffin, and then he couldn't help approaching the crystal coffin.

The weasel danced gracefully on top of the crystal coffin.

As it danced, the inside of the crystal coffin actually rippled with traces of dense breath, and the breath melted in the air circle by circle.

Whether it was Lin Xiner or Xu Hu, the eyes of the two became a little blurred in an instant.

Then, Xu Hu suddenly stretched out a big palm, and slapped Lin Xiner down.


Zhang Liang just entered the underground space when he saw such a scene, and then he yelled violently.

However, as if Xu Hu didn't hear Zhang Liang's voice, he continued to slap Lin Xin'er mercilessly.

The weasel, who had been dancing in the distance, stopped dancing when he saw Zhang Liang appearing, and looked at Zhang Liang in surprise.

Zhang Liang didn't notice the abnormality of the weasel. He was shocked when he saw Xu Hu didn't listen to his words and continued to shoot Lin Xiner.

He knew exactly how strong Xu Hu was. If this slap fell on Lin Xiner, Lin Xiner would be crippled or even killed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang flew out and hugged Lin Xiner in his arms.

Xu Hu clapped Zhang Liang's shoulder with his big palm.

There was a loud sound from Zhang Liang's shoulder, and then he was patted and rolled out with Lin Xiner in his arms.

"This bastard, why is he so strong?"

After the photo was taken, Zhang Liang felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

Xu Hu's slap just now did not spare any effort.

His body had been strengthened, but he was slapped by Xu Hu in the end. It is conceivable that if this slap fell on Lin Xiner, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Brother Liang, I want it!"

Zhang Liang was about to consider checking what was wrong with Xu Hu's body, but Lin Xiner put her arms around Zhang Liang's neck and kissed him suddenly.


Zhang Liang didn't react at all, his mind went blank.

He was actually kissed by Lin Wan'er~
The weasel pointed to the distance, and an illusory figure appeared in the distance, and that figure approached Zhang ** unhurriedly.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu seemed to be able to see the illusory figure, and it shuddered and yelled at the illusory figure.

Zhang Liang was brought back to reality by Wangfu's voice.

"No, none of them are right!"

At this time, Zhang Liang's mind was clearer than ever before, and he felt that neither Lin Xiner nor Xu Hu was in the right state.

"By the way, could the two of them be bewitched too?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang no longer hesitated, and said lightly: "The Purification Mantra, the Purification Spirit wards off evil spirits, and all demons will not invade."

As his words came out, with him as the center, a ripple spread out.

Then, the weasel screamed and ran away quickly, hiding in the corner and looking at Zhang Liang in fear, his small body trembling in the distance.

As for the Corpse Fragrance Konjac, it changed from a blooming state to a flower bone, completely closed.

The illusory figure in the distance disappeared just like that.

As for Lin Xiner and Xu Hu, they just fell to the ground.

Zhang Liang came to Lin Xiner's side, checked her body and found that there was no abnormality in her body, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

He gave Lin Xiner a drink of the painting water he was carrying with him, and then fed the rest of the painting water into Xu Hu's mouth.

Not long after, Lin Xiner and Xu Hu woke up slowly.

"Brother Liang, why are you asleep?"

After waking up, Lin Xiner asked with a confused face.

Xu Hu next to him also scratched his head naively, and fell asleep without thinking about it.

"Go, let's go out."

Zhang Liang was quite repulsed by this place, he didn't want to stay here for a moment, so he gave instructions to Lin Xiner and the two, and led them outside.

Xu Hu walked in the front, and Lin Xiner followed Zhang Liang.


Seeing that Zhang Liang and others were about to leave here, the weasel was a little unwilling and yelled at Zhang Liang, but thinking of the special method in Zhang Liang's hands just now, the weasel was a little scared.

Not long after, Zhang Liang took Lin Xiner and Xu Hu out of the cave, and he was relieved.

"Don't come here, both of you, as if nothing happened today, you know?"

Zhang Liang exhorted the two of them.

"What just happened?"

Xu Hu scratched his head with a dazed expression.

Lin Xiner also looked at Zhang Liang in a daze, not knowing what happened just now.

"It's best if you don't know what happened, let's go, let's continue hunting."

Seeing that the two of them couldn't remember anything, Zhang Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wang Wang~"

When Wangfu heard that he was going to hunt, he screamed joyously, and he ran out quickly.

Soon, it came back with a hare in its mouth.

Master, give the dog a roast hare, the dog is hungry.

"Know how to eat in one day!"

Zhang Liang kicked Wangfu, and ordered: "Go, go hunt some more, one rabbit is not enough for a dead dog like you."

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu ran away quickly, and then took Zhang Liang and others to hunt.

Its nostrils are very sensitive, as long as it runs, there are basically prey.

(End of this chapter)

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