super farm

Chapter 444 I Can't Do It Without You

Chapter 444 I Can't Do It Without You
"I took you as a fart, but I never fart, what do you think I should do?"

Zhang Liang asked jokingly.

Li Changtian was so frightened by Zhang Liang's words that he broke out in sweat.

If Zhang Liang is really unwilling to forgive him, then his Azure Dragon Society will definitely become powerful, and even he may have to die.

"Boss, I'm damned, I'm obsessed with sex, I'm damned."

In order to get Zhang Liang's forgiveness, Li Changtian slapped himself in front of the younger brother below, regardless of his face.

"Since you deserve to die, then smoke yourself to death."

Seeing Li Changtian slapping himself, Zhang Liang didn't stop him. After he finished speaking, he said to Lu Zheng, Xie Tian and the others: "Come on, since you're here in the city, if you don't eat at this restaurant, you'll have wine and barbecue. It's a big loss, and we ate while enjoying the slap from the boss of the Blue Dragon Club."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Liang yelled at the owner of the barbecue shop: "Boss, why are you so dazed, come here to grill us, and give him ten skewers for each item."

The boss next to him was shocked by the changes here.

He didn't know Zhang Liang and others, but Li Changtian, because Li Changtian often came here to eat Bawang's meal.

However, it is this awesome boss who keeps slapping Zhang Liang in front of him. What is Zhang Liang's identity?
The boss didn't dare to delay, and quickly grilled Zhang Liang and others.

Not long after, the barbecue was served, and Zhang Liang greeted Lu Zheng and others to drink.

Li Changtian slapped himself for a full minute. Even if he slapped slowly, he had slapped himself a hundred times.

Seeing that Zhang Liang had no intention of forgiving himself, he reminded him, "Boss, my apology is so sincere, can you forgive me?"

"forgive you?"

Zhang Liang snorted coldly and said, "If Lu Zheng and I didn't show up tonight, Wu Lin might have already been murdered by you, right?"

"I just heard the person next to you bragging about your glorious history. In order to get a woman, you actually forced the other party's parents to death, and forced someone else's man to death?"

Li Changtian's face changed greatly when he heard the words, and then he denied it: "Boss, what Yuan Kai said just now is not the truth, he just said it on purpose to scare your girlfriend."

"But, I took it seriously."

Zhang Liang raised his downcast eyes, and said, "I'll give you two choices tonight, either keep an arm or keep a life."

"My friend, are you really going to do such an amazing job?"

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Li Changtian's face suddenly became gloomy.

If one arm is broken, he will be half useless in the future, which is definitely not something he can accept.

"I shouldn't have done it without you, but you even killed other people's family members."

Zhang Liang replied indifferently: "It seems that you don't want to leave your arm or your life?"

"Alright, since that's the case, then I'll use my own way to get some parts from your body, but you may suffer a little bit in this way."

Zhang Liang stood up while speaking.

"Brothers, copy guys for me and tie them up. We will take Lu Zheng's life and ask the Lu family to pay us a huge sum of money. Then everyone will go abroad to enjoy themselves."

Li Changtian knew that tonight the two sides were in the same situation, and one of them would definitely fall. In this case, he simply tied up Lu Zheng and demanded a ransom from the Lu family.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes lit up and they all took action.

Many people pulled out their sticks and forced them towards Zhang Liang and the others.

Seeing dozens of people holding sticks in their hands, and even a few people holding machetes in their hands, Wu Lin's face changed drastically, and then she shouted: "Zhang Liang, why don't you all take a step back, don't embarrass them, and let them go!" Let them go."

"Hey, even if I want them to leave now, they won't be able to leave. They have already broken their face with us, and they can't stay in Yuanshi anymore. Naturally, they want to get a huge sum of money from the Lu family tonight. .”

Zhang Liang smiled, showing a reassuring smile, and said, "Don't worry, these people are not enough threats to me."

Wu Lin had seen Zhang Liang make a move, but when Zhang Liang made a move, Wang Fu was by his side, and to a large extent it was Wang Fu who took care of the enemy.

Wangfu is not here today, so she has no confidence in Zhang Liang.

"Then be careful."

Wu Lin also knew that the talks between the two sides had collapsed, and the only thing to be decided was the winner, so she told Zhang Liang.

"Lu Zheng, protect Wu Lin and Xie Qiao for me, and leave the rest to me." Zhang Liang instructed Lu Zheng.

"Boss, don't worry, with me here, no one from Xie Qiao and Wu Lin will dare to move."

Lu Zheng replied with a smile, looking very relaxed.

Outside the Yuanshan mansion, Zhang Liang even defeated Master He. Now these little shrimps are not enough to look at in front of Zhang Liang.

Therefore, Lu Zheng didn't have any worries about Zhang Liang.

Only Wu Lin and Xie Qiao, because they didn't see Zhang Liang fighting Master He at the scene, if they saw it, they would just treat the current scene as a child's play.

"Boy, you are crazy."

Yuan Kai was the first to stand up and growled at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang nodded seriously, and grinned, "I'm crazy because I have the capital to be crazy."

"I won't let you go crazy today, you two will fuck me."

Yuan Kai gave instructions to the two men who were two meters away and looked like iron towers.

"Brother Kai, leave it to us, we promise to blow all his shit out."

Two big men stood up and said sharply.

"Zhao Dachui, I think you want to beat out not only his shit, but also his urine, right?"

"You don't have to worry about killing him, as long as Lu Zheng is there, everything is easy to talk about."

"Do it to death, if you can die, you must not spare his life."


Everyone saw Zhao Dachui standing up with another tall man and joking with each other, and the atmosphere seemed relaxed and happy.

Zhang Liang's height is only about 1.8 meters, a head shorter than both of them, and these two people would have fought in the Dragon Club. The members of the Dragon Club are full of confidence in them.

The two walked out of the crowd and approached Zhang Liang. His tall body gave people a strong visual impact and a sense of oppression.

The two squeezed their hands, their fingers crackling in the air.

Immediately, the two roared and kicked Zhang Liang's chest at the same time.

"Just like you, you also want to punch out human shit?"

Seeing the two move their feet towards him, Zhang Liang looked disdainful, and then he stretched out both hands, then made fists with his fingers, and rushed directly towards the soles of the two of them.

"Isn't this kid dumbfounded that he used his hands against his feet? And it's the feet of Lao Zhao and his wife?"

"Who knows? Maybe he knows he won't live today, so he might as well pretend to be forced while he's alive."

"I can guarantee that his hands will be kicked off by Lao Zhao and the others later."


Seeing Zhang Liang's behavior, everyone laughed again.

(End of this chapter)

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