super farm

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Then, fists and feet intersected, and two consecutive low voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Afterwards, two huge figures shot out like cannonballs and fell in front of Li Changtian.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, and their jaws dropped.

The two Zhao Dahammer brothers were defeated.

And it was so utterly defeated.

Everyone looked to the ground, and saw Zhao Dachui and the two holding their legs, and blood oozed from their knees.

This can only show that Zhang Liang's punch went through the soles of the feet and directly broke the legs of the two people, and their leg bones were broken at the knees.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

How much power is there to cause the two of them to be so traumatized?
The most important thing is that after Zhang Liang punched two punches, he stood still and did not move at all. That is to say, these two punches were insignificant to Zhang Liang.

"With your level, you dare to come out and shame face? You go up together, after I clean up you, I have to eat barbecue."

Crazy, so crazy!
This was Yuan Kai and Li Changtian's first feeling.

"Let's go together, this kid just has a little bit more brute force, there are so many of us, even a spit by one of us can drown him."

After a while, Yuan Kai was the first to wake up, and shouted at the brothers below.

The brothers below heard Yuan Kai's words and thought it made sense.

Zhang Liang is just a little stronger. With so many of them, they can always destroy each other.


A group of people rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Wu Lin watched from the side with sweaty palms, and kept praying for Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang stood where he was, and suddenly made a Tai Chi gesture.

Then, the No.1 boy appeared in front of him, and with a stick in his hand, he swung the stick at Zhang Liang's head.

Zhang Liang took a step forward, and gently swept his hand on the back of the little brother's hand, leaving a bloodstain on the back of the little brother's hand.

The back of this little boy's hand hurt, and he couldn't help letting go of his swinging stick.

Zhang Liang picked up the swinging stick and hit the boy's head with a swing of the stick. The boy's head exploded immediately, his eyes rolled around, and he fell slowly to the ground.

No.2 and No.3 brothers appeared almost at the same time, and two sticks greeted Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang turned sideways calmly, avoiding the two throwing sticks, then he took a step forward, pushed his hands horizontally, and leaned forward.

He pushed his two palms on the chests of the two younger brothers, and the two younger brothers felt a huge force coming from their chests.

Then the two were thrown out like kites with broken strings, and hit the table a few meters away. The two tables shattered with a bang, and the two of them passed out immediately under the attack of huge force.

"So handsome!"

Wu Lin clenched her fists, a little excited.

She didn't expect Zhang Liang to be so fierce.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Kai and Li Changtian in the distance turned gloomy.

Zhang Liang is not as simple as being strong, the other party is clearly a trainer, how can this nima play?
The two of them are just ordinary gangsters. To be able to get into this position, apart from being a little bit better than everyone else, they just have more ruthlessness.

However, the current ruthlessness is useless in front of Zhang Liang.

The two watched Zhang Liang deal with his younger brother, their faces uncertain.

In the end, Li Changtian looked at Yuan Kai and ordered, "Let's go."

Obviously, it was impossible for them to stay, and if they stayed, they would not be able to leave.

Originally, they wanted to get a huge sum of money from Lu Zheng, but now it seemed that they couldn't get the huge sum of money, so they had to run for their lives.

After speaking, the two quickly fled to the distance.

"Both, where are you going?"

Just when the two were about to run away, a figure suddenly appeared beside them, looking at them playfully with arms folded.


When the two saw Zhang Liang suddenly appearing in front of them, they couldn't believe it. Then they turned around and glanced behind them.

Then, the two swallowed their saliva almost at the same time.

I saw that behind the two of them, there was no longer a younger brother standing, and more than half of the younger brothers passed out, and the other younger brothers were also wailing on the ground now.

How long has it been since?

Their little brother was all taken care of.

"Brother, no, Boss Lu, that, we don't know Taishan with our eyes, we admit to being wronged in today's matter, we are willing to apologize, and we are willing to make compensation."

"I promise you, I will never dare to mess with you again."

"No, no, we are willing to be a dog by your side in the future, we will bite whoever you ask us to bite."


The two were scared at this time, they looked at each other, and began to beg for mercy.

"Beg for mercy, have an attitude of begging for mercy."

Zhang Liang looked at the two of them coldly.

When the two heard his words, they thought it was a joke to beg for mercy, so they slammed their knees on the ground and begged for mercy again.

Seeing the two of them like this, Zhang Liang was indifferent, and said, "You guys still want to be a dog in front of me?"

"Let me tell you the truth, my dogs are much better than you."

He wasn't joking, Wangfu was indeed much stronger than them.

Neither of them dared to refute.

Zhang Liang ignored Yuan Kai, looked at Li Changtian, and asked, "Just now your younger brother said that you killed the parents and husbands of these women for the sake of women? Are you telling the truth?"

"No, absolutely nothing."

A look of hesitation flashed across Li Changtian's eyes, then he shook his head repeatedly and replied.

He knew that once he admitted these things, he would be finished. If he didn't admit it, there was still a glimmer of life.

"Zhang Liang, there is indeed this incident. It was reported at this time two years ago, but at that time it was only suspected that this incident was related to Li Changtian, and there was no definite evidence."

At this time, Xie Changtian spoke from the side.

He didn't like people like Li Changtian at all. Now that this guy was subdued by Zhang Liang, if possible, he hoped that Zhang Liang would let Li Changtian recruit him.

This can be regarded as an explanation for those who died.

"Is that so?"

Zhang Liang pursed his lips.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Liang, Master Liang, don't listen to your friend spouting blood. I really didn't do this."

When Li Changtian heard Xie Qiao call Zhang Liang, he also changed his address, begging for mercy in fear.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Liang smiled, dragged a stool and sat in front of Li Changtian and the two, and said, "If you confess, I will let you live. If you don't want to confess, then I will kill you tonight." Only to kill you here."

"You probably don't know it yet. When I came from the Yuanshan mansion just now, I killed Master He, so killing you is no different from killing a dog."

(End of this chapter)

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