super farm

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Although the folk customs in Zhao County are very tough and repelling outsiders, but money can make ghosts go, but if the money is in place, the locals are willing to work hard for you.

Just like this young man, Zhang Liang gave a high salary of 1000 yuan a day, and the young man naturally worked hard.

"Come on, let me drive the car for you."

Zhang Liang threw the car keys to Zhou Chao, sat in the passenger seat, and asked at the same time, "Did the third master tell you everything I have to do here?"

The third master is a person in the street in the city. Zhang Liang contacted Zhou Chao through the third master.

Zhou Chao is well-known in Zhao County, mainly because he is reliable in his work, so the third master recommended it to Zhang Liang.

"The third master told me all about it." Zhou Chao said with a smile.

"I'm going to open a restaurant now, do you have any good location suggestions?"

The purpose of Zhang Liang's coming to Zhao County this time is very simple, which is to spend money. Anyway, the most important thing he lacks now is money.

"I have it!"

Zhou Chao grinned and said: "In the center of our Zhao County, there is a Dawan Plaza. Dawan Plaza is usually crowded with people and belongs to the high-end consumption area. I heard that your restaurant is also a high-end consumption area, so open it in this area." The place is definitely very suitable.”

This is the advantage of finding local people. Local people have a good understanding of the local market.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang became interested, gave Zhou Chao instructions, and said, "Go, take me to have a look."

"Good Le!"

As soon as Zhou Chao stepped on the accelerator of the car, the car galloped out quickly.

Soon, the car appeared in Dawan Square.

Zhang Liang looked out of the car through the window, frowned slightly, and asked, "Is this the Dawan Square you mentioned? I don't think the traffic here is very good."

To be honest, Zhang Liang was not particularly satisfied with the flow of people in Dawan Square.

The flow of people here is sparse, which is incomparable to some bustling streets in the city.

"Brother Liang, in a place like the county seat, it's already very good to have such a large flow of people, and it's not time to get off work. After get off work, the flow of people will increase."

Zhou Chao explained smoothly, "At that time, this place will be full of feasting and feasting, and there will definitely be an endless stream of people coming."

"Well, then let's go shopping and see if there are any places you can recommend to me." Zhang Liangliang nodded, agreeing with Zhou Chao's point of view.

Zhou Chao smiled wretchedly, and replied, "Actually, before you came, I walked around this Dawan Square and preliminarily selected three areas."

"The first area is opposite to Dawan Cinema. The advantage of this location is that there are many couples who come to watch movies. Usually they go to the movies after dinner, so it must be very popular to open on the opposite side of it. "

"The second place is on the third floor inside the main entrance. This is also a golden location, because people who enter the main entrance can see the advertisement on the third floor as long as they look up a little. As long as the advertising effect is good, it will definitely attract these people. people go."

"As for the third place, it's on the first floor. In fact, the first floor is the best place, because there are many delicious snacks on the first floor. Usually, when you go shopping, how can you eat less? But, It’s not easy to take down the prosperous shop on the first floor.”

Zhou Chao quickly told Zhang Liang the three places he locked.

After Zhang Liang heard Zhou Chao's analysis, he nodded and said, "Come on, take me to these three places."

Then, Zhou Chao took Zhang Liang to watch the three places.

After reading the three places, Zhang Liang finally locked his eyes on the first floor.

Zhang Chao is right, the location on the first floor is an excellent location, and now the traffic here has increased.

Some people may think that there is no way to open a restaurant in a place like the first floor, and that is a big mistake.

Because Zhang Liang thought about it for a while, he directly connected the first floor to the fourth floor, took down the same positions on each floor, and opened an alternative restaurant.

The decoration style of this restaurant will be exactly the same as that of Xianghai Restaurant, but there will be differences.

The location on the first floor is very suitable for selling barbecue, snacks and Western-style meals.

Originally, Xianghai Restaurant had barbecue series.

Those who eat at noon can eat on the second, third and fourth floors, and those who want to eat at night can eat barbecue on the first floor.

Simply not too good.

"Zhou Chao, what do you think of my thoughts?"

Zhang Liang told Zhou Chao his thoughts and asked at the same time.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chao replied, "Brother Liang, your idea is quite good, but it will be a bit difficult to implement."

"Let's not talk about whether the bosses on the second, third, and fourth floors are willing to transfer their shops to you. Just talking about the area you chose on the first floor, there is the area of ​​Man Ye. Man Ye is a ruthless person in our county. He It is impossible for anyone to see something." Zhou Chao said with some embarrassment.

"Oh, man?"

Zhang Liang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then what do you think if I let him become a shareholder? He will also be a shareholder of the restaurant at that time. In that case, he should support me in opening this restaurant, right?"

"It's possible, but if the man knows that you are a foreigner, he will definitely not want to cooperate with you." Zhou Chao said with some embarrassment.

He is a local, and occasionally has contact with Man San, knowing that Man San is a very difficult person to get along with, and the other party has enough power and enough money, even if it is money, it is impossible to hit him The other party nodded.

The most important thing is that Zhang Liang is an outsider, and Man San really hates working with outsiders.

"If you haven't tried it, how do you know that he is unwilling to cooperate with outsiders?"

Zhang Liang smiled slightly, and the smile on his face made people feel like a spring breeze. He continued: "You take me to see him first, and we will talk about it when we see him."

"Brother Liang, don't embarrass me. One, I'm not familiar with Man Man; two, everyone knows his temper. If I want to bring a foreigner to him, he must kill me."

When Zhou Chao heard Zhang Liang asked him to take him to see Man San, his face changed slightly, and he was a little reluctant.

"If you can let me meet Man San, I will give you 10 yuan."

The strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake. Although Zhang Liang is a raptor crossing the river, he also needs his younger brother to do things at this time, so he did not force Zhou Chao, but offered conditions to make the other party tempted.

10 yuan is already considered a huge fortune in an underdeveloped small county like Zhao County. Buying a house here only costs more than [-] yuan.

Hearing the 10 yuan, Zhou Chao's eyes brightened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since Brother Liang is so generous, I will definitely not disappoint Brother Liang. In this way, I will take Brother Liang to the hotel first, and wait for me. Arranged, I will call you."

(End of this chapter)

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