super farm

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Zhang Liang nodded, Zhou Chao arranged Zhang Liang in a hotel near Dawan Square, and then left.

"The development of this Zhao County is really not very good, but the population is quite large."

Because the hotel is arranged near Dawan Square, Zhang Liang saw through the window that the traffic of people in Dawan Square really increased when it was getting dark.

Although the level of liveliness cannot be compared with that in the city, it is obviously much more prosperous than the nightlife in other county towns.

Although Zhao County is poor, it has a large population base. In this case, there are more rich people. The poor can't afford to come to Dawan Plaza, but that doesn't mean the rich can't afford to spend here.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu stayed next to Zhang Liang, a little unhappy, and yelled at him twice.

Originally, it thought that it would be able to eat delicious food when it came out with Zhang Liang, but now it turned out to be fine, it just stayed in the hotel, couldn't eat anything, and was suffocated.

"Come on, I'll take you out to dinner."

Zhang Liang was amused by this product, and he knew how to eat it in a day.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu instantly flew up with excitement.

Soon after, Zhang Liang entered a restaurant called Xishilai, which is a local restaurant.

Now that I have come to Zhao County, it is natural to try the local food.

"Hi sir, how many are you?"

After Zhang Liang came in with a dog, the waiter here quickly greeted him.

After all, this is the location of the county center, and the place to eat that Zhang Liang is looking for is considered high-end, and there are dedicated waiters here.

"One...two, please arrange a private room for me, thank you."

Zhang Liang thought for a while and counted Wangfu as one. Wangfu was so happy in an instant that he raised his head high.

"Sir, we need to add an extra 100 yuan for the private room here. Do you think there is any problem?" The waiter said to Zhang Liang respectfully.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang was obviously taken aback for a moment, then he nodded and said, "OK."

"Follow me this way, please." The waiter quickly took Zhang Liang to the private room of Qiuyue, and next to him was the private room of Chunhua.

Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer rain, and winter snow, these are the four major private rooms here.

"Give me all your special dishes here."

After sitting in the private room, Zhang Liang gave instructions to the waiter, anyway, Wangfu is here, so there is no need to worry that this guy can't finish the dishes on the table.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The waiter was obviously taken aback, but seeing that Zhang Liang was calm and leisurely, he expected to be a rich owner, so he didn't remind him that he might not be able to finish ordering so many dishes.

In the Chunhua private room, a bloody scene is currently being staged.

A young man and a beautiful woman are sitting in a private room talking about things that should be talked about.

"Yueyue, I really like you, will you marry me?"

The man looked at the woman across from him, with indescribable affection in his eyes, the tenderness in those eyes could almost melt tempered iron.

"Duan Jun, as I said, please give me some time, I'm not ready yet."

Qi Yue shook her head, her attitude was unusually firm.

She does have a good impression of Duan Jun, but the good feeling is the good feeling, the two have not yet reached the stage of discussing marriage.

"I've been chasing you for three years, how long will I have to give you? Am I going to wait like this forever?" Duan Jun asked impatiently.

Qi Yue gritted her teeth tightly, and said, "Duan Jun, don't make things difficult for me, okay, the matter of marriage is not about me alone, but between the parents and children of both parties. If I want to get married, I must ask Dad agrees."

"You also know who my father is. Based on your current performance and ability, it is impossible for him to agree to us being together. Let's work hard together, shall we?" Qi Yue said with a little pleading.

Duan Jun asked back, his tone already a little impatient.

"Hmph, who is your father? Even if I work hard all my life, I can't be as capable as him. If he never looks down on me, will I only be able to have this kind of ambiguous relationship with you forever?"

Qi Yue's father is Man San in Zhou Chao's mouth.

Man San's real name is Qi Wei, and Man San is the title given to him by Taoists.

He possesses brute strength, plus he knows three amazing moves, no one can match him, so everyone privately named him Man San.

Man San is in Zhao County, he is a well-known figure, it is normal to look down on a little Duan Jun, and if Duan Jun works hard together, Man San may not be able to look up to him.

However, Duan Jun is not someone who gives up so easily.

Qi Wei has only one daughter, Qi Yue.

Once Duan Jun marries Qi Yue into his hands, then everything about Qi Wei will be his at that time, and with the support of an old man like Man San, his development in the future will definitely be more and more prosperous. The smoother.

Therefore, Duan Jun was already impatient.

"Give me some more time. I'll try my best to convince my dad. Do you think it's okay?" Qi Yue really likes Duan Jun. Duan Jun looks very decent and gentle, which is in line with her thoughts about the other half.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, come on, we'll drink this glass of wine, and I'll wait for you."

Duan Jun's eyes flashed a trace of haze and sternness, and he picked up the wine glass.

When Qi Yue heard this, she showed a sweet smile, and at the same time raised her wine glass, which collided with Duan Jun's wine glass, and then she drank the wine in one gulp.

After finishing drinking, Qi Yue looked at Duan Jun with blurred eyes and winking eyes.

Moreover, she felt as if her body was heating up, and she had an urge to take off her clothes.

"Duan Jun, why is my body inexplicably hot?"

At this time, Qi Yue felt that something was wrong, because she felt that her brain became a little excited, and some unbearable pictures would appear in her mind.

But those unbearable scenes are exactly what she desires most now.

"Qi Yue, the reason why your body is hot is because you want it. Now that we are both grown men and women, it's normal for you to have such thoughts. I don't think it's better if I take you to open a room now?" Duan Jun finally showed a ferocious smile and spoke.

"Duan Jun, you... have you put something in my wine?"

No matter how stupid Qi Yue was, she thought of something now, she looked at Duan Jun in horror, and asked.

"Hehe, you are so stupid, did you only think of this level now?"

Duan Jun smiled triumphantly, and said: "I have been with you for three years, and I hinted at you several times, but you always rejected me. In order to get you, I don't know how many tricks I have used. Now I can finally get my wish, hahahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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