super farm

Chapter 807 Dragon Hyoid Bone

Chapter 807 Dragon Hyoid Bone

Soon, the men will prepare the boat.

Shi Potian took the big cruise ship and quickly moved towards Hidden Dragon Island.

at the same time.

Zhang Liang stood on the yacht, his feet were tied like shot puts, despite the violent wind and rain, his eyes were fixed on the direction of the vortex.

"The mantra of clearing the spirit, clearing away evil spirits, killing evil spirits and preventing them from invading."

Zhang Liang directly cast a spell of the Jue of Longevity on his body, and then a ray of light passed over his body, and everything around him became clear.

Even the speed of the vortex seems to have slowed down.

Now he wants to find out what is going on with this vortex, and he is sure to survive here. At the most dangerous time, at worst, he will take Zhang Xiaoyue and others into his painting energy space.

But he wouldn't do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

After he finished casting the spell, he summoned Xuanwu again, and said to Xuanwu, "Shall we go to the whirlpool?"

Xuanwu agreed.

Zhang Liang jumped directly on Xuanwu's back, and then Xuanwu swam towards the direction of the whirlpool.

As it gets closer to the center of the vortex, the suction there becomes stronger and stronger.

Zhang Liang fixed himself on Xuanwu's body.

None of the people or beasts resisted the suction of the vortex, but let the vortex suck them to the position of the vortex.

Zhang Liang didn't know that, in fact, this undercurrent and this vortex were the so-called dragon sucking water.

The position of the vortex where they are now is exactly the position of the dragon head.

Here is also the position where the dragon absorbs water.


When Zhang Liang followed Xuanwu into the center of the vortex, he found a crystal, which pierced everything in the world like the sharpest sword.

"Master, that's a dragon tongue, but this dragon is dead, the flesh of its tongue is gone, now only the tendon of the tongue remains."

At this time, Xuanwu's thoughts came over.

"What, do dragons really exist in this world?" Zhang Liang asked in shock.

He guessed the existence of real dragons in the world, but now after hearing Xuanwu's words, he seemed quite shocked.

They actually came to the dragon's mouth.

Also, how big is this dragon?
With a single mouth, it's so heaven-defying.

"Of course there are dragons in this world. You have forgotten that I am actually a descendant of dragons." Xuanwu responded from the side.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

Xuanwu is indeed a son of the dragon.

Only then did Zhang Liang remember that the person in front of him was also a descendant of the dragon.

"Then is it dangerous for us to enter the dragon now?"

Zhang Liang and I, Xuanwu, are communicating with each other with spiritual consciousness.

"If you go alone, it may be dangerous, but now that I am here, there should be no danger. After all, the same blood as it flows in my body. Although this blood is very weak, the dragon clan , are very united, and it is impossible to kill each other." Xuanwu's spiritual consciousness was transmitted to Zhang Liang's mind again.

Zhang Liang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then Zhang Liang asked again: "Then what's going on with this vortex?"

"Master, this vortex may be an opportunity for you and me."

Xuanwu said again: "Now that the vortex is formed, it is actually in its stomach, and something is absorbing the spiritual power in the sea. That is to say, there are living things in its stomach."

"Now there are two possibilities. One possibility is that its Dragon Ball has formed a climate and already has spirituality, so it will automatically absorb the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth. When it is about to evolve, the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy will be very fast. , so that this vortex will be formed; another possibility is that there may be dragon eggs in its belly."

When it comes to aura, Zhang Liang understands it very well.

He understands that his painting energy is actually a kind of aura, and because of the existence of painting energy, he is able to have such strength now.

Just like the last time Xuanwu evolved in Neihu Lake, it required a lot of energy from heaven and earth. If Zhang Liang hadn't given Xuanwu the painting energy at that time, Xuanwu might have failed to evolve.

Because the energy between heaven and earth is really too little now.

When Xuanwu and Zhang Liang were talking, one person and one beast came to the position of the crystal hyoid bone like a sword.

"Master, you can take this hyoid bone away. This thing is very good for making a sword. It is definitely the only good sword in the world." Xuanwu said to Zhang Liang again.

Zhang Liang was a little moved.

His hand quickly grabbed towards the hyoid bone.

Stab it!

As a result, he just grabbed it, but found that the hyoid bone was too sharp, and his hand was actually punctured.

Zhang Liang was shocked.

With the increase in his strength, as the painting energy continuously nourishes his body, the current strength of his body has reached a very strong level.

Just like Wangfu's body can withstand ordinary people's knives without being injured, Zhang Liang's current body can actually reach this level.

However, now it was lightly stabbed by the hyoid bone in front of it, and it was pierced in the end, which shows how sharp this thing is.

Zhang Liang is also looking forward to it. If this thing is really made into a sword, this sword may become a unparalleled sword in the world.

Dragon Sword!

Zhang Liang thought of its name.

"Master, be careful, this thing is sharp." Xuanwu's spiritual sense came over.

Zhang Liang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Isn't this an afterthought? Your hand was injured, so you came to tell yourself to be careful.

Having suffered a loss for the first time, Zhang Liang became more careful.

The hyoid bone is flat. Just now Zhang Liang accidentally touched its sharp opening, but this time Zhang Liang clamped the flat part, and then began to observe the hyoid bone.

The hyoid bone is a whole bone, but to Zhang Liang's satisfaction, the position where its Adam's apple is secret is not completely fixed, it is fixed there like a loose leaf.

Zhang Liang has no way to break off the hyoid bone and take it away, but he can loosen the loose leaf at the fixed place, and then take out the hyoid bone from inside.

After tossing for a while, Zhang Liang finally took out the hyoid bone.

With a thought, he immediately received the hyoid bone into his painting energy space.

"Master, are you okay? I can't hold on anymore. The undercurrent here is too strong."

At this time, Xuanwu's idea was transmitted to Zhang Liang's mind.

Just now, in order to ensure that Zhang Liang could remove the hyoid bone smoothly, Xuanwu used his own energy to separate the water flow, so that a vacuum area was formed where Zhang Liang was.

Now it's barely holding up.

(End of this chapter)

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