super farm

Chapter 808 The Deformed Dragon Egg

Chapter 808 The Deformed Dragon Egg

"All right!"

Satisfied, Zhang Liang came to Xuanwu's side, and then continued to penetrate one by one.

They let the current carry them to the belly of the dead dragon.

Zhang Liang looked at the inside of the dead dragon at this time, and found that the internal structure of the dead dragon was actually complete.

"Master, this dragon is too powerful in front of it. When it died, it directly crystallized its body and turned into a small island. This is what everyone calls Hidden Dragon Island."

"I'm afraid no one knows that this Hidden Dragon Island was originally transformed by a dragon."

"Usually, if it weren't for this special time, no one would find out where its faucet is, and no one would get into its interior. I have to say, you are very lucky."

Xuanwu said to Zhang Liang.

It is obviously very familiar with the internal structure of this dragon.

"Really? How to explain it there?"

Zhang Liang pointed to the distance and rolled his eyes.

Not far from them, there are many wreckages, including those of various animals and people.

These wreckages are obviously undercurrents, swallowing all kinds of animals and people nearby.

These animals or people are ordinary animals or people, so they have no resistance at all and can only die here.

But Zhang Liang is different.

Let me first say that Zhang Liang's own skills are not bad, and he has a close relative of a dragon to help him. I don't say that he is like a fish in water here, but it is almost the same.

"Hehe." Xuanwu let out an ugly laugh.

Zhang Liang began to look at the interior, and he found that the interior was really crystallized.

The internal structure of this dragon is actually very complete.

Where they are now is where the dragon's stomach is, but the stomach has been crystallized, and it is translucent.

Through the stomach, Zhang Liang discovered that there are heart, lungs, liver, etc. outside.

These organs are very large.

Just a single heart looks as big as a football field.

It's hard for Zhang Liang to imagine how huge this dragon is as a whole?

"not good."

At this time, Zhang Liang looked towards the head and throat, and found that the yacht they were sitting on had been swept in.

Obviously, the yacht did not withstand the suction of the vortex and was directly sucked in.

Fortunately, this is a luxury yacht, and the quality is very good. Even after being involved, the interior of the yacht was not damaged, and no water entered the interior of the yacht.

Zhang Liang quickly came to the location where the yacht was, and put his hands on top of the yacht.

Immediately, with a thought, he sucked the yacht into his painting energy space.

After he sucked the yacht into the painting energy space, he felt extremely tired.

Because the size and weight of the yacht is too large, bringing such a big thing into his painting energy space will do a lot of damage to his mental strength.

But Zhang Liang still doesn't know the reason.

He only thought that he was holding his breath here.

"You stay outside first, I'll go back to the painting energy space." Zhang Liang sent an idea to Xuanwu, and then he entered the painting energy space.

After entering here, under the nourishment of a large amount of painting energy, Zhang Liang's discomfort was quickly relieved.

Immediately he opened the cabin door, and after entering the cabin, he was relieved to find that Zhang Xiaoyue and the others were in a coma and had not suffered any injuries.

Zhang Xiaoyue and the others were indeed not injured, because after they were sucked into the vortex just now, the yacht kept spinning, and they firmly fixed themselves on the fixed object.

But with the vortex of the yacht at high speed, their heads still couldn't bear it, and finally passed out.

"That's fine, you just sleep here, and I'll let you wake up when I get out of the undercurrent."

After all, the matter of painting the energy space cannot be exposed to others.

After Zhang Liang checked everyone's safety, he got out of the yacht and closed the hatch of the yacht again, and he also locked the hatch of the yacht outside.

If he didn't open the door outside, the people inside wouldn't want to get out of the yacht.

Zhang Liang was worried that Zhang Xiaoyue and the others woke up unexpectedly, and then walked out of it, and found his painting energy space, so he had to do this.

After the matter of the yacht was dealt with, Zhang Liang re-exited the painting energy space and landed in front of Xuanwu.

Because Zhang Liang had cast a spell on himself, even in the dark, he could still see everything around him clearly, but he just couldn't see clearly enough.

Just when he was about to take out the powerful flashlight that painted the energy space, a faint light suddenly lit up inside.

His gaze was immediately attracted by the light here.


Zhang Liang looked towards the light.

There was a "dong dong dong" sound from the light.

Yes, Zhang Liang was sure, that was the sound of thump, thud, very similar to the sound of a heartbeat.

"Master, that's a dragon egg, and there's a little life in it, did you see that, that's the core of the vortex."

"That dragon island has experienced the baptism of countless sea water, and after the sea water hits it, the spiritual power in the sea water will be absorbed by the dragon egg."

"Moreover, I seem to have heard a faint thought coming from the dragon egg. The little life inside wanted to come out of it, but it couldn't come out because of the lack of energy in the world."

"This is the same as my last evolution. I was also poor at that time, so I couldn't evolve successfully. If it wasn't for your help, I might have died."

Xuanwu's thoughts were transmitted to Zhang Liang's mind.

Zhang Liang looked at the dragon egg and found that the dragon egg was not particularly big, only about the size of a watermelon.

"Xiaoxuan, are you lying to me? This dragon is so big, how can its eggs be so small?"

Zhang Liang asked with some doubts.

Xuanwu rolled his eyes in a humane manner, and said, "Master, you don't look at the world now, do you think the spiritual power of this world can support the growth of a dragon egg?"

"This dragon egg, under the nourishment of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, will become bigger and bigger, and finally the little life inside will break out of its shell."

"But now it is obvious that the world's ability is insufficient. The dragon egg is seriously malnourished and has abnormal development."


Zhang Liang thought for a while, and felt that what Xuanwu said was very reasonable, but he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

"Master, do you want to have a dragon as a pet?"

At this time, Xuanwu's voice suddenly sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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