super farm

Chapter 809 Moisturizing Dragon Eggs

Chapter 809 Moisturizing Dragon Eggs
"Forget it, I can't support you anymore."

Zhang Liang shook his head.

The dragon is a relatively sacred creature, a legend of China, and a symbol of the spirit of China. Zhang Liang dare not desecrate the spirit of the dragon.

Moreover, he also guessed what Xuanwu was up to.

This guy wants to use his painting energy to nourish the dragon egg.

Xuanwu almost sucked him dry last time, this little thing doesn't know how much appetite it has, if it sucks him into a mummy, Zhang Liang will have no place to cry.

"Master, just help me. After all, this little thing is also my close relative."

Hearing that Zhang Liang was not fooled by him, Xuanwu suddenly put his huge head in front of Zhang Liang in a very humane manner, and began to rub against his face, acting coquettishly.

"There is really no way to help me with this favor, I will be sucked dry." Zhang Liang replied helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he really can't help.

"Master, this might be the last purest dragon in the world. If you don't want to save it, the dragon clan might really be extinct."

"I know that the dragon is the spiritual sign of China, and the totem of China. Don't you think China really has dragons?"

"Don't you want this creature to be passed down?"

Xuanwu began to persuade Zhang Liang.

It really hopes that Zhang Liang can make a move. After all, this may really be its only blood relative, and it also hopes that the dragon egg can survive.

Now the only one who can save this dragon egg is Zhang Liang.

"Okay, stop talking, I'll ask you, I'll save it, I won't have any problems, right?" Zhang Liang asked.

It's not that he is selfish, but that Zhang Liang also has his own concerns. He is afraid that he will be sucked dry. After all, he still has a grandfather to be filial to him. He doesn't want to die in such a vague way.

"There will be absolutely no problem. At most, after your painting energy is absorbed by it, your practice will be slower, but if it can break out of its shell in the future and really grow up, it will be of great help to you. In fact, in general, you will not suffer." Xuanwu conveyed his thoughts.

Hearing Xuanwu's words, Zhang Liang was relieved.

He doesn't care whether this little guy can help him in the future. If he can save it, Zhang Liang is willing to save it within his ability, but if it exceeds his ability, he will not only be able to save this little guy. If it can't be saved, it is very likely that even oneself will be involved, so it is completely unnecessary.


Xuanwu was excited.

"What should I do now?" Zhang Liang asked.

"The energy in this little guy's egg is seriously insufficient now. Look at the dent under it. It used to be as big as a dustpan, but as it consumes more and more energy, it has now shrunk to the size of a watermelon. gone."

"The energy it absorbed this time is definitely not enough for it to use. If you don't shoot, its size will shrink again, and I'm afraid it will only become as big as the mouth of a bowl."

"So, what you have to do now is to transfer the painting energy inside your body into its egg body, and it will slowly regain its vitality."

Xuanwu said to Zhang Liang.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang walked up to the egg emitting a hazy light, and put a hand on it.

The surface of this egg is as moist as jade, and Zhang Liang feels very comfortable to touch.

Immediately, with a thought, Zhang Liang slowly input the painting energy into the dragon egg.

The dragon egg seemed to feel the huge energy breath in Zhang Liang's body, and it suddenly began to crazily absorb the painting energy in Zhang Liang's body like a whale.

Zhang Liang was frightened to death by this sudden change, he felt that he was going to be pumped and fucked.

He wanted to take his hand back from the dragon egg, but found that he couldn't take it back.

In the end, his hands seemed to be glued to the eggs, and he lifted the dragon eggs from their original positions.

"Xiaoxuan, you bastard, I'm about to be sucked dry."

Zhang Liang felt the painting energy in his body decrease rapidly, and the decrease was too fast.

In the blink of an eye, the painting energy in his body was actually reduced by one-third, and then he had to frantically absorb the painting energy in the painting energy space to make up for the lack of painting energy in his body.

After he made up for it, Zhang Liang felt that the painting energy in the painting energy space was also rapidly decreasing.

The colors of the lush vegetation are gradually becoming lighter, and the sky is also gradually becoming darker.

Needless to say, a lot of painting energy must have been lost.

"Master, you don't have to worry, the huge painting energy in your painting energy space, this little thing is so weak now, it can't be exhausted at all." Xuanwu comforted.

As soon as it finished speaking, the dragon egg stopped and continued to absorb the drawing energy in Zhang Liang's body, and the suction sticking to Zhang Liang's hand also disappeared.

Immediately, the dragon egg was in free fall and fell toward the ground.

"not good!"

Zhang Liang was shocked by this sudden change.

It was too late for him to pick up that dragon egg now, because this dragon egg fell to the ground as soon as he saw it.

The dragon egg collided with the ground, making a loud noise, and a small dragon egg directly smashed a hole in the ground.


Seeing that the dragon egg was fine, Zhang Liang heaved a sigh of relief.

As the dragon egg absorbed enough energy, the vortex here also disappeared.

Because the vortex of the dragon egg is actually to absorb the energy in the sea water, and now it doesn't need it.

Hidden Dragon Island became calm again.

"Master, we can go out now, but before going out, you'd better put this little guy in your painting energy space."

"You have to nourish it for a long time, and when it breaks out of its shell, it will treat you as a parent. Otherwise, if this guy doesn't recognize you, you won't be able to control it in the future." Xuanwu said to Zhang Liang.

Its memory is passed down to its ancestors, so it knows a lot more than Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang nodded, and received the dragon egg into the energy space of his painting.

"Hey, this thing seems to have grown a lot."

Only then did Zhang Liang realize that the dragon egg was bigger than what he had first seen.

According to his guess, it should be that this little guy grew bigger after absorbing his painting energy and filling his stomach.

After the dragon eggs were put away, Zhang Liang stood on Xuanwu's back and motioned for Xuanwu to take him out of the dragon's body.

Soon after, Xuanwu appeared on the surface of the sea with Zhang Liang on his back.

The sea is calm now, and their location is where the dragon head of Hidden Dragon Island is.

With a thought, Zhang Liang called out the yacht in the painting energy space and let it swim on the sea again.

(End of this chapter)

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