super farm

Chapter 824 Are You A Man?

Chapter 824 Are You A Man?

Because of anger and transformation, Zhou Can punched Zhang Liang directly.

Zhou Can's spiritual intelligence is obviously a little confused, which is also the defect of the Xiaoyao Boy Kungfu he cultivated.

He is not able to control this skill.

"I want to see who dies!"

Zhang Liang stood on the spot, and the painting energy in his body rushed towards his fist at a high speed, forming a faint halo on his fist, and the whole fist was wrapped in this halo.

Then Zhang Liang also punched Zhou Can.

His black hair was flying, and his eyes seemed to be full of divine light.

The fists of the two hit the air.

A violent sound came, followed by the sound of Zhou Can's clothes being torn.

This is because Zhang Liang's painting energy bombarded Zhou Can's body. Zhou Can's body couldn't bear this energy, and the energy surged out and pierced his clothes.

Painting energy can heal people, but it can also hurt people.

This is like water, it is the fountain of life. If you drink it slowly, it can restore a certain amount of vitality to an exhausted person, but if you want to throw a person into the water, you will soon drown for a reason.

Immediately after his clothes exploded, there was another crackling sound from his fist, which was the sound of his fingers breaking.

Although his strength is great, the strength of his body cannot withstand the release of his strength, because his physical body is too weak.

Therefore, his fist was smashed by Zhang Liang.

Almost at the same time, he flew upside down again and hit the ground.

Not only is his physical body inferior to Zhang Liang, but he is also inferior to Zhang Liang in strength. All his abilities are crushed by Zhang Liang in all directions.


Zuo Yi in the distance couldn't help swallowing hard.

Her strength is similar to Zhou Can's. After Zhou Can's transformation, she must be stronger than her for a short time, but Zhou Can was directly punched by Zhang Liang.

How good is Zhang Liang?

Immediately, her heart was full of spring, and only such a man could conquer her.

"How can you be so powerful?"

Zhou Can fell to the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood, and looked at Zhang Liang in horror.

He thought that after his transformation, even if he couldn't kill Zhang Liang, he could still cause some damage to Zhang Liang, but the reality was so cruel, Zhang Liang had nothing to do, and he was completely crushed.

Yes, he is indeed not Zhang Liang's opponent.

Whether it is strength or physical strength, Zhang Liang is much stronger than ordinary grand masters. It is just that he may not be as good as ordinary grand masters in terms of body skills, but he has the spirit-clearing spell to make up for it. The so-called agility.

Moreover, the collision between Zhou Can and Zhang Liang just now had no technical content at all, and it was originally a head-to-head encounter.

"Since you want to kill me, then save your life!"

Zhang Liang didn't talk to Zhou Canduo, and walked towards Zhou Can step by step. His footsteps made a uniform sound, but the sound urged Zhou Can like the curse of death.

The color of fear in Zhou Can's heart became stronger.

"Zhang Liang, please, let me go, I'm willing to do your best for you."

Zhou Can was scared.

A master-level powerhouse begged Zhang Liang for mercy.

"I have so many little friends, what do I need cows and horses for?" Zhang Liang smiled sarcastically, and, can people compare with these little friends of mine?
When Xiaobai heard Zhang Liang's words, he responded forcefully.

We are the best, our master doesn't need you to be an ox or a horse, heh heh.


Zhou Can's face turns pale and blue.

I can't compare to a few beasts.

However, after thinking about it, he realized that he was really no match for Dabai and other bears. Dabai and the others were very obedient, with rough skin and flesh, and could be used as a meat shield. He would be suppressed by them in a short time.

"Zhang Liang, you can think clearly, you are making an enemy of my Xiaoyaomen."

Zhou Can reminded him in his dying struggle.

Zhang Liang sneered, looked at Dabai next to him, and ordered: "Smash his head."

He thought very clearly that when Dabai shot Zhou Can to death and threw Zhou Can to the suburbs, even if the people from Xiaoyaomen came to investigate, they would only find that Zhou Can was beaten to death by animals.

The animal killed has nothing to do with him.

And even if he was found out later, he believed that he would have a countermeasure by then.

When Dabai heard Zhang Liang's words, he roared and rushed towards Zhou Can, and then slapped Zhou Can on the head.

"Do not……"

Seeing Dabai attacking him, Zhou Can's face changed drastically. He roared wildly, trying to gather his strength to escape, but he found that his internal organs were all damaged, and he couldn't gather his strength for a while. .

Then, his head was crushed by Dabai like a watermelon.


Seeing this scene, Zuo Yi almost vomited.

It's so cruel and disgusting for a person's head to be crushed like this.

Even if she is a master-level powerhouse, she has never seen anyone die in such a cruel state.

For a moment, her delicate body softened a little.

Of course, this is being scared weak.

Although she is a master-level powerhouse, both Tang Long and Zhou Can have died here, and she may die here too.

Zhang Liang walked towards Zuo Yi without haste.

Only then did Zuo Yi come to his senses, Zhang Liang was about to deal with him.

She said coquettishly: "Master Zhang, why don't you let her go, she can be a maid for you by your side in the future, wash and cook for you, make your bed and warm your bed without any problem, she will know a lot, is it okay?"

That voice was charming to death, and she used all her charming skills to the extreme.

"Put away your charm skills, your charm skills are useless to me." Zhang Liang sneered.

Zuo Yi's face was embarrassed, but in order to survive, she had no choice but to use any means.

"Master Zhang, she is so beautiful, are you really willing to destroy her with your hands?" While speaking, she changed from the charming she was just now, and became very pitiful.

If she can't let Zhang Liang let her go with a charming route, she will pretend to be pitiful now, hoping that Zhang Liang will have enough sympathy to see her pitiful and let herself go.

"Hehe, even a flamboyant woman like you can be called a flower?"

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he grabbed Zuo Yi with one claw.

Zuo Yi's complexion changed drastically, and he looked so ugly.

Zhang Liang was not tempted by her at all. Her beautiful body was useless in front of Zhang Liang.

"Are you still a man?" Zuo Yi shouted angrily while backing away.

This guy actually managed to get his hands on her.

"Hmph, you'll know if I'm a man later."

Zhang Liang quickly chased Zuo Yi out.

(End of this chapter)

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