super farm

Chapter 825 Little tricks are useless to me

Chapter 825 Little tricks are useless to me
"I fought with you!"

Zuo Yi realized that his speed was not Zhang Liang's match, and he knew that if he continued to escape, he would be overtaken. Instead of doing this, he might as well attack Zhang Liang first.

Thinking of this, she turned around gorgeously, and with a wave of her hand, a piece of pink petals scattered, and a dense breath spread.

. . . . . .

Then Zhang Liang felt that she was in a trance for a moment. She seemed to see the Rouchi Dance Forest. Outside the Rouchi Dance Forest, it seemed that a woman with no matter what was swinging wildly.

That scene was very evocative.

This is a more advanced coquettish technique performed by Zuo Yi using drugs, and he just wants to use this coquettish technique to confuse Zhang Liangzhang so that he can buy himself time to escape.

However, this scene only lasted for a moment in his mind before he woke up.

He cast a spirit-clearing spell on himself, and all sorcery was useless in front of him.

However, this coquettish technique actually made the Deqing spirit spell ineffective for a moment, which shows how powerful this coquettish technique mixed with medicine is.

Zuo Yi turned around and continued to run away after performing the coquettish spell with drugs.

She knew that this was her only chance.

When she ran away, she looked back and found that Zhang Liang was stunned, and she was overjoyed.

It seems that Zhang Liang was really confused.

But she didn't dare to do anything to Zhang Liang, so she had to run away, because there were a few very powerful pets not far away, even if she killed Zhang Liang, those pets might surround her and kill her.

Therefore, she had no choice but to continue to escape.

Zhang Liang fell into a daze, and it was much easier for her to escape.

However, she had only escaped tens of meters away, but she found a figure standing in front of her. If she hadn't stopped walking faster, she would have bumped into this figure.


she asked, looking up.

"You... how did you break free from my charm?"

When she saw that the person in front of her was Zhang Liang, a look of incredulity appeared in her eyes.

Zhang Liang came in front of him unknowingly.

"Hmph, a little charm like yours is useless to me."

Zhang Liang said in a deep voice, "You should also leave your life here today."

"you wanna die!"

Zuo Yi knew that there was no point in escaping, Zhang Liang obviously would not let her go, she took her acacia ring and beat Zhang Liang with the acacia ring.

Zhang Liang's Tang Dao came out of his body.

. . . . . .

With a thought, Tang Dao appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards Zuo Yi's Acacia Ring with Tang Dao.

"not good!"

Zuo Yi's expression changed drastically.

She had seen the power of Tang Dao, and knew that her Hehuanhuan was no match for Tang Dao at all. Zhang Liang didn't take out Tang Dao just now, which made her forget about it.

She was going to take back the acacia ring.

However, time was running out.

Zhang Liang's Tang knife came out very quickly, and it slashed on the acacia ring.

There were two crisp sounds on the acacia ring, and then the acacia ring was chopped into two by Tang Dao.

With a twist of Zhang Liang's wrist, the Tang knife was lifted out, and went straight to Zuo Yi's chest.

Zuo Yi couldn't hide in time, a bloodstain was pulled open on her chest, revealing a large area of ​​snow and blood, she was injured and backed away, looked at Zhang Liang, and suddenly knelt down.

"Master Zhang, please let me go, please, I will do anything for you, and I will be your slave from now on."

In order to survive, she is willing to do anything.

Zhang Liang was unmoved, he put Tang Dao on Zuo Yi's neck, and then swung it out.

"Zhang Liang, even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go."

When Zuo Yi saw Zhang Liang's desire to kill him, his eyes were full of resentment.

But this kind of resentment was useless, Zhang Liang wiped out Zuo Yi directly with a wave of his hand.

The strength of these three people is not weak, if they are kept, there will definitely be endless troubles.

Lu Zhendong and Lu Zheng and his son next to him were already dumbstruck.

It's so bullshit.

Zhang Liang killed the three master-level powerhouses alone.

This combat power is too sturdy.

"Boss, you are so fierce, I love you to death."

Excited, Lu Zheng rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang held Tang Dao across his chest, and then Lu Zheng stopped and laughed.

"I'll take Tang Dao away, you stay with me for a while." Zhang Liang said to Lu Zheng.

Now you can guess with your toes, it is very likely that Lu Zheng leaked the news about Tang Dao, and these people will come here.

After all, these people came for Tang Dao.

"Boss, I must have been betrayed. I must investigate this matter strictly. You must help me."

Lu Zheng also realized that he had the news of Tang Dao in his hand, and he only told the rich second generation in the city. How could even people like Tang Long know about it?
Then there must be a rich second generation who sent letters to these people.

He was clearly sold.

This matter must be investigated to the end.

"Okay, if you want to check, check it out, follow me, and send someone to check it yourself. If you have a clue, I will help you deal with it. You are not safe now." Zhang Liang said to Lu Zheng.

Now that there are master-level powerhouses, it means that there may be such powerhouses in the future. If Lu Zheng is not by his side, it is impossible for these master-level powerhouses to withstand the attacks of these master-level powerhouses.


Lu Zheng nodded.

"Master Zhang, thank you for saving my Lu family."

At this time, Lu Zhendong also came in front of Zhang Liang, and bowed to him.

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "Uncle Lu, don't call me Grandmaster Zhang. It sounds awkward. From now on, you can just call me by my name or Xiaoliang. Lu is my brother and you are my elder. As for thank you Needless to say, this matter still has something to do with me, if I hadn't given Tang Dao to Lu Zheng, he wouldn't have caused the trouble now."

"Hey, okay, then I'll call you by your name from now on."

Lu Zhendong felt excited when he thought about it, he could actually call a master-level powerhouse by his name, and this master-level powerhouse killed several other master-level powerhouses, the future is limitless.

He looked at Zhang Liang and continued: "Zhang Liang, why don't you stay at our house for two days? I'm afraid that someone will come to trouble our Lu family in these two days. When you and Lu Zheng are not here, I will Don't know how to deal with it."

"Okay, I'll stay at your house for two days."

Zhang Liang thought for a while, and it was very likely that these people would also find Lu Zheng's house, so he agreed.

At the same time, he must find a way to spread the news that Tang Dao is in his hands. In the future, no master will come to trouble Lu Zheng's family.

But Zhang Liang is confident that he has the ability to deal with all kinds of troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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