super farm

Chapter 838 Trust Me

Chapter 838 Trust Me

"You are shameless!"

Xie Qiao was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

Now where can they find such a great supercar.

Moreover, they don't know anyone who owns such a great supercar.

Not to mention giving them two hours, even if they were given two hundred days, they still couldn't find such a character.

"Hmph, anyway, you have signed the betting contract. If you don't play now, it will be considered as abstention." Zhou Fan said.


Xie Qiao had the urge to hit someone. He looked at Zhang Liang next to him and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't know that the other party was so insidious. He prepared this sports car in private. After we made a bet , he asked someone to bring this sports car over."

"This time we will lose. I will find a way to repay your 100 billion at that time. Even if my Xie family goes bankrupt, if it is not enough to repay, I will work for you for the rest of my life."

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Liang was amused by Xie Qiao's words, "I took the bet voluntarily, what does it have to do with you? And you're just so disrespectful to your boss? Do you think I can't win this game?"

"Today, I will tell them with my strength that with real strength, the so-called generals are worthless in front of me. Even with such a good car, they still can't win."

"Boss, you don't know that the general's performance is a whole class higher than our car, the two sides are not at the same level at all." Xie Qiao said.

Zhang Liang interrupted Xie Qiao and said, "Trust me."

Just three simple words, but full of power.

This time, Xie Qiao chose to trust Zhang Liang.

He has been in contact with Zhang Liang for a long time, and he knows that Zhang Liang is not a person who talks nonsense. Since the other party said so, he must be sure.

Xie Qiao not only looked forward to it.

"Now, can we start?" Zhou Fan looked at Xie Qiao provocatively, then at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang nodded and said, "On our side, I can play alone."

Originally, this was a team competition, as long as one member of the team reached the finish line first, that team would win.

But now Zhang Liang is confident that no one on his side can run faster than him.

"Boy, you should think about it. If something happens to you, you won't even reach the finish line, and you will lose." Zhou Fan didn't expect Zhang Liang to be so rampant, so he couldn't help reminding.

In fact, if both Zhang Liang and Allen have accidents, then the winner may be determined by the second score in the two groups.

Although this probability is relatively small, it does not mean that it does not exist.

Driving a sports car is risky.

That's why he reminded Zhang Liang.

"Don't worry, there won't be any risks." Zhang Liang said confidently.

"Hmph, since you don't think there will be any risks, then you can compete alone." Seeing that Zhang Liang insisted on being alone, Zhou Fan sneered and scolded Zhang Liang in his heart for being a fool. Use practical actions to let Zhang Liang understand how naive Zhang Liang's thoughts are.

"Boss, do you really want to be alone? In case something goes wrong with the car, how about I play with you?" Xie Qiao also reminded.

Zhang Liang shook his head.

Seeing Zhang Liang's insistence, Xie Qiao didn't say anything more.

Next, the race members from both sides sat in the car.

There is only Zhang Liang on Zhang Liang's side, but there are five people on Zhou Fan's side.

Zhang Liang looked at the crowd and said, "I'll give you three seconds."

"Young man, you are so crazy, I will let you know what a stupid decision you made to let me take these three seconds."

Allen was irritated by Zhang Liang.

He is a world-class champion, and he is still driving the "Warlord" sports car, where does Zhang Liang have the confidence to let him go for three seconds.

"Hmph, I don't need you to give me three seconds." Allen said in a deep voice.

"That's up to you." Zhang Liang said lightly, and then he waited for the instructions ahead.

Soon, the special person who gave the order to start fired the signal gun into the sky.

As soon as Zhang Liang stepped on the accelerator, the car flew out.

"No, why is this kid's reaction so fast?"

Zhang Liang rushed out first, and Allen behind him was dumbfounded.

The acceleration time of his supercar is [-] seconds longer than that of Zhang Liang's car. Don't underestimate this [-] seconds. This [-] seconds is a very important [-] seconds in international racing competitions. Second.

However, now he was thrown away by Zhang Liang for [-] seconds, and Zhang Liang ran in front of him.

In other words, Zhang Liang's reaction force reached the limit, and it can even be said that there is no reaction time. At the same time as the start command sounded, Zhang Liang flew out.

Such reflexes are terrifying.

However, Allen is very confident.

Because he is a world-class racing driver and has a top-notch racing car, it only takes a while for him to catch up with Zhang Liang.

"How, how is this possible?"

At the next moment, his eyes widened incredulously.

Because in front of him, there is a sharp turn.

Zhang Liang actually floated the car directly into the air, completely floating the car.

how did you do that?
Even he himself can only do a half-drift, can only make half of the car float in the air.

That's full drift, and Zhang Liang's car is still an ordinary car.

He suddenly had a bad premonition, as if he might lose the game today.

"Why is this kid so good at driving?"

Zhou Fan, who was standing in the distance watching the excitement, was also shocked.

Zhang Liang's racing skills are definitely better than Allen's, which can be explained by the full-air drift.

"Xie Qiao, that bastard, is here to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger." Zhou Fan gritted his teeth for a while, but he was relieved when he thought that A Lun's car was better than Zhang Liang's.

The final victory must still belong to him.

Sure enough, Allen soon caught up with Zhang Liang, stuck behind Zhang Liang's car, and was looking for an opportunity to pass through Zhang Liang's car.


Zhang Liang muttered lightly.

He kept turning the steering wheel left and right.

Allen behind him was quite aggrieved, feeling like he was about to suffer internal injuries.

The reason is very simple, every time he wants to overtake, Zhang Liang's car will appear in front of him inexplicably, and deliberately dodge him, so that he has to slow down, otherwise he will crash into it.

This kind of thing has happened several times, and it feels as if Zhang Liang knows where his car is behind him.

"Hmph, I'll go to the blind corner of your car, you can't see where I am, right?"

This time, Allen drove the car directly to a blind spot that Zhang Liang couldn't see through the rearview mirror, and then rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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