super farm

Chapter 839 The Car Is Flying

Chapter 839 The Car Is Flying

However, he had only driven out for a moment before he had to lightly slam on the brakes.

Because Zhang Liang appeared right in front of him, neither bad nor bad.

"Does this kid have eyes behind his back?" Allen was so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood.

He suddenly regretted not allowing Zhang Liang to let him for three seconds, not allowing these three seconds, as if he would never be able to run in front of Zhang Liang.


Soon, the first lap was over.

After running the first lap, Zhang Liang happened to pass by where Zhou Fan was, and made a gesture to Zhou Fan, full of provocation and contempt.

"Asshole, bastard!"

Zhou Fan was very frantic.

He didn't expect that Zhang Liang's driving skills are so good that he can keep Alan stuck behind him. Alan has all the driving skills, and he has a better car than Zhang Liang, but Zhang Liang has been stuck behind him. I can't play it.

"If this continues, I will definitely lose." Zhou Fan muttered.

According to this rhythm of development, he is really bound to lose.

Thinking that he would lose tens of billions if he lost, Zhou Fan felt bad all over.

At that time, he must be beaten to death by his family.

"No, you can't let this kid succeed."

In an instant, Zhou Fan thought of a countermeasure.

Fortunately, there are five of them participating in the competition together, which is much more convenient.

Because it is a team game, there are mics between teams.

He said: "Piggy, you guys slow down and prepare to stop Zhang Liang. His driving skills are too exaggerated. Alan is completely blocked by him. If this continues, we will definitely lose."

Piggy and their driving skills are only average, so when Zhang Liang and the others finished the first lap and entered the second lap, Piggy and the others were only in the second half of the first lap. Now they just need to slow down the car If Zhang Liang stops them, they will be considered a success.

"Everyone stop the car for me, and line up in a row to block the road for me." Piggy did things even worse. He directly asked a few brothers to put the car in the middle of the road, and at the same time asked Allen Said: "Allen, you will slow down later, our brothers have already blocked the road ahead, be careful of a car accident."

"Roger that!"

Allen was very aggrieved, but he also knew that the only way to win the game is now, otherwise, he would have to follow Zhang Liang to eat ashes.

Once Zhang Liang got into a car accident, he would definitely not be able to reach the finish line. At that time, he would be able to fly straight to the finish line.

"Zhou Fan, you are despicable."

Because Xie Qiao and the others were also watching the game, they saw Zhu Zai and others in the distance put their car in the middle of the road.

Who can drive the car in the middle of the road like this?
And there will be a car accident.

"Hmph, despicable?"

Zhou Fan sneered and said, "Now my brother's car just happened to be in an accident, and their car has to be parked there, what do you ask me to do?"

"You are making unreasonable words, and you are definitely doing this on purpose." Xie Qiao roared.

"What happened to me on purpose, you bite me, you hit me."

Zhou Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xie Qiao, and said, "There is no rule in our bet. I can't leave the car on the road, right?"


Xie Qiao's eyes were red with anger, but he couldn't answer Zhou Fan's words, because what Zhou Fan said was the truth, and none of them thought that Zhou Fan would put the car on the road, so they didn't take this into consideration, and didn't restrain them.

"Haha." Zhou Fan laughed out loud.

He won today.

"Zhou Fan, let's not compete. Let's admit defeat. You will kill people if you do this." Xie Qiao said at this time.

He wanted to inform Zhang Liang very much now, but because Zhang Liang was the only one in the game, he forgot to wear the team-specific ear veins for Zhang Liang. In order to reduce the burden on his body, Zhang Liang also handed over his mobile phone to him.

Therefore, there is no contact between him and Zhang Liang now.

If Zhang Liang didn't see a few cars crossing in front of him, he would directly bump into them, and there is a high possibility of a car accident.

Such a high-speed collision will undoubtedly kill Zhang Liang.

He would rather lose this game than let something happen to Zhang Liang.

"The game has already started, how can it be said to stop?"

Zhou Fan said with a sinister smile, "Your brother is really an excellent racing driver. If he participates in international competitions, he is very likely to win the championship. Unfortunately, he is destined to die young."

"I fought with you."

Xie Qiao rushed towards Zhou Fan suddenly.

If Zhang Liang really died, he would fight Zhou Fan at all costs to kill this guy.

"Brother Qiao, look quickly."

However, when Xie Qiao rushed towards Zhou Fan, the younger brother behind him said to Xie Qiao.

At this time, Xie Qiao looked in the direction his younger brother was pointing at.

Immediately, Xie Qiao's eyes widened in disbelief.

I saw Zhang Liang's sports car soaring into the air at this time, with a jump of two meters high, and there was a puff of air wrapped around his body.

"Boss is too powerful."

Seeing this scene, Xie Qiao roared in shock and ecstasy.

Zhang Liang's car flew up, jumping directly over the horizontal racing car, and jumped over the top of the racing car.

"Oh my God, what kind of car skill is this?"

A Lun was not far behind Zhang Liang, and when he saw Zhang Liang flying the car out, his eyes widened.

"The devil, he must be the devil." Zhou Fan's younger brother looked at the scene in front of him and lost his voice.

"how can that be?"

My Zhou Fan's eyeballs popped out.

How could the car fly on the flat road?
Of course they didn't know that at that moment just now, Zhang Liang felt obstacles appeared in front of him, and these obstacles were those racing cars lined up in a row.

At this time, it was too late for him to slow down, because even if he slowed down while driving at high speed, he would definitely slide and hit him.

With such a high speed, even with his physical strength, he might not be killed or injured by then.

In this case, Zhang Liang took measures.

He simply injected energy into the front two tires of the car, creating airflow here.

Then, with the two front wheels lifted slightly, his car flew straight out just like going up a slope.

So, in everyone's eyes, the car flew up like this, and passed through the sky above the row of racing cars blocked in front of him.

"Hmph, dare to bully me, I will remember this hatred."

After Zhang Liang's car passed the crowd of racing cars, it landed firmly on the ground. Then he poked his head out and gestured to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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