super farm

Chapter 848 Let him take the blame

Chapter 848 Let him take the blame

Liu Jianing also picked up the watermelon juice.

The cups of the three collided in the air.

Li Jun drank the hot water in the cup and showed Liu Jianing his sincerity.

Liu Jianing frowned slightly, and then she finished a glass of watermelon juice in one gulp.

Li Jun looked at Zhang Liang and said with a smile, "Assistant Zhang, why don't you even give me face for drinking a glass of watermelon juice?"

Now he has to make both Zhang Liang and me, Liu Jianing, drink the watermelon juice. Otherwise, if one of them drank it and the other didn't, it would be a big problem.

Zhang Liang looked at Li Jun with a smile that was not a smile, and finally drank the watermelon juice into his mouth.

Seeing that both of them drank the watermelon juice, a grim smile appeared on Li Jun's face.

"Liu Jianing, you drank the watermelon juice, do you know what's in the watermelon juice?"

Hearing Li Jun's words, Liu Jianing had a bad premonition. At this moment, she felt that her head was a little heavy, and this bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

She couldn't help shouting: "Li Jun, you bastard, what did you give us to drink?"

Li Jun grinned and said, "It's nothing, it's just that a strong concentration of stun drugs was given to you. It's impossible for you to wake up from the coma within half a day."

"Bastard, why on earth are you doing this?" Liu Jianing felt his head getting heavier and heavier.

"Why did you do this?"

Li Jun hehe said: "To tell you the truth, I want to get you tonight. You are so beautiful and young, and you are also the deputy director of the TV station. The future is limitless. You have the right. Our Li family has Qian, the combination of the two of us will surely bring the Li family to a new height."

"Even if you put me in a coma, arrested me and molested me, it's impossible for me to cooperate with you." Liu Jianing's expression changed drastically, and he threatened.

"Really, look there." Li Jun pointed to the corner and the camera.

Liu Jianing looked at the corner, and then her expression changed drastically, and she said, "Li Jun, you are despicable."

While speaking, she rushed towards the camera.

She finally knew why Li Jun dared to be so rampant.

It turned out that the other party had a camera.

If Li Jun wanted to rape her on the spot, and then threatened her with the video of the assault, she really had no choice but to compromise.

However, as soon as she got up, she felt her body was a little heavy, and she sat back in her seat again.

"You are so smart, you must have thought of it with me."

"I will find a relationship with you here later, and I will record the scene where I found a relationship with you, and I will threaten you with this in the future."

"The guy next to you shouldn't be just your assistant, right? You should like him. You said that I molested you in front of him. That's so exciting."

Seeing that Liu Jianing was about to lose all strength, Li Jun became even more unscrupulous when speaking.

"Brother Liang, I'm sorry, I won't be able to be your woman in the future."

Hearing Li Jun's words, Liu Jianing looked desperate, she closed her eyes in pain, and a few tears flowed out.

Then she felt her head getting heavier and heavier, and finally her eyelids were lowered, and she passed out.

Li Jun couldn't help being overjoyed to see Liu Jianing passed out.

Then, his eyes fell on Zhang Liang, and he was not surprised to see that Zhang Liang was still in a coma.

After all, men's resistance and willpower are much stronger than women's resistance and willpower.

At this time, Zhang Liang looked at Li Jun with a smile that was not a smile.

Li Jun was immediately happy, and said: "Boy, you are being played by me. You are still laughing at this time, can you laugh?"

"I know Liu Jianing too well, this woman likes you."

"You said that I will insult her in front of you later, how exciting is that?"

"Tell me, are you still in the mood to laugh?"

Hearing Li Jun's words, Zhang Liang's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Hehe, of course I am in the mood to laugh, because you are doomed to fail today, you have to pay the price, and your Li family has to pay the price." Zhang Liang said lightly.

"Hmph, I can't succeed, let me tell you, the watermelon juice you drink also contains medicine, and you will pass out immediately."

Li Jun sneered and said, "When you are unconscious, I can do whatever I want."

"Really, then let's see if I will faint."

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he picked up his chopsticks and ate the food on his own, without any intention of paying attention to Li Jun.

Now he is very sure that the watermelon juice is the coma drug, not other drugs, and it will not cause any harm to Liu Jianing's body, so he has no plan to wake her up with painting energy.

Liu Jianing was very tired during this time, so it would be good to take a nap.

As for the composition of the coma medicine in his own body, he has already solved it with painting energy.

While Zhang Liang was eating, Li Jun waited beside him.

5 minute has passed...

10 minute has passed...

Zhang Liang was finally full. He put his chopsticks on the table and looked at Li Jun playfully.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, you obviously drank this watermelon juice." Li Jun said in disbelief, with disbelief in his eyes.

"Hehe, it's impossible, what's impossible?"

Zhang Liang grinned and said: "Your coma medicine doesn't work for me. Let's settle it now. You call your father Li Chenghan over here. I want him to give me an explanation about this matter."

"Hmph, confess, I want your confession, do you really think that this coma medicine is useless to you, and this young master has nothing to do with you?"

Li Jun said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, this is my hotel."

After finishing speaking, he directly called the captain of the hotel's security guard and ordered: "Call all the security guards to the supreme private room."

Soon, the security captain appeared in the Supreme Private Room with more than [-] security guards.

If it weren't for the large enough space in the supreme private room, these twenty or so security guards might not be able to stand up.

"Young Master Li, what orders do you have?"

The security captain stood up and asked respectfully.

Li Jun pointed to Zhang Liang and said, "Catch him and beat him to death."

"This..." The security guard obviously hesitated.

"If you don't want to do anything, then hand in your resignation letter to me." Li Jun threatened.

Everyone was a little scared when they heard that Li Jun was going to fire them.

Everyone moved quickly and rushed towards Zhang Liang.

"Li Jun, if I were you, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing. I'll give you one more chance, call your father, tell him my name is Zhang Liang, and let him come to plead guilty. Otherwise, people from the Li family It's over." Zhang Liang sat on the spot without moving, reminding lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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