super farm

Chapter 849 Tell him to roll over and accept punishment

Chapter 849 Tell him to roll over and accept punishment

"Hmph, I don't need my dad to take care of you alone!"

Li Jun was so angry now that he didn't listen to Zhang Liang's words seriously at all. I don't know why Zhang Liang mentioned his father.

He let the security below rush to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang stood there, throwing a few punches at random, each punch seemed to weigh more than a thousand catties, these ordinary security guards couldn't bear it at all.

In the blink of an eye, all the security guards were knocked down by Zhang Liang and flew out.

In the room, only Zhang Liang and Li Jun were still standing.

"The opportunity was given to you. Since you don't cherish it, don't blame me."

Zhang Liang walked towards Li Jun unhurriedly.

"Don't come here, come here again, I'm going to call you." Li Jun was a little scared when he saw Zhang Liang walking towards him.

He never imagined that Zhang Liang could know martial arts, and his strength was so powerful.

"You have no chance to call!"

Zhang Liang suddenly accelerated, and slapped Li Jun on the mouth. Li Jun flew out immediately, and a few teeth fell to the ground.

"I asked you to call Jianing, come on, you can call me another one and try."

After the slap, Zhang Liang didn't mean to let Li Jun go. He picked up Li Jun's collar, and slapped Li Jun's face with his backhand. Li Jun's face was swollen like a steamed bun.

"I hate rich second generations like you the most."

Then, Zhang Liang slapped backhand again...

After more than a dozen slaps in a row, Li Jun's face was so swollen that both eyes were completely sunken in, and the flesh on his face looked like he had been stung by a bee.

After cleaning up Li Jun enough, Zhang Liang threw him on the ground like a dead dog, and ordered: "It's the father's fault if you don't teach me, call your father and tell him to roll over and accept the punishment."

Today's incident touched Zhang Liang's bottom line, and Zhang Liang was very angry.

If he hadn't happened to be invited by Liu Jianing to have dinner together today, Liu Jianing would have been ruined tonight.

Li Jun's nature is very bad, he will not let Li Jun go so easily.

"Are you sure... are you sure you want me to call?"

Li Jun's eyes showed ecstasy, but because his face was swollen by Zhang Liang, and his teeth were taken out, his speech was leaking now, and his words were a little unclear.


Zhang Liang opened his mouth lightly.

"Okay, boy, you are dead, you are really dead."

The ecstasy in Li Jun's eyes grew stronger.

He thought that he would be killed here by Zhang Liang tonight, but he didn't expect that Zhang Liang would give him a chance to breathe, and even asked him to call his father.

He will make Zhang Liang regret it.

After speaking, Li Jun took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Chenghan's number.

"Dad, I was... beaten by... people... people in the hotel."

Li Jun cried to Li Chenghan on the phone, and said at the same time: "He also said...he also said...the son does not teach the father to...pass...pass, let you come and accept...accept the punishment."

Now Li Jun's speech is incoherent, mainly because he was really beaten badly by Zhang Liang.

"What, tell me to go there and accept punishment? Few people in Yuanshi dare to speak to me like this. Why do you speak like this? Did you get slapped?"

Li Chenghan was furious, he asked with a gloomy face.

"Dad...I...I was beaten badly, bring someone here!"

Li Jun said crying.

"Wait, bring someone there immediately." Li Chenghan's eyes became more angry.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone quickly, and then told the butler: "Go, call all the priests of our Li family."

"Yes, master!"

The housekeeper got the order, and quickly called the priest of the Li family over.

Soon, at least 20 people showed up here.

Only one of these people is a master-level powerhouse, that is, a first-rate warrior, and five of them are second-rate warriors. As for the other dozen or so people, all of them are low-level martial arts people, but these people are also one-to-ten good hand.

Ordinary people can't do three tricks in their hands.

With this group of people, it was easy to clean up a gang of more than 100 people.

Li Chenghan didn't believe that if he brought such a group of people to the Li's Hotel, he still couldn't handle a single person.

"Everyone, Master Zhou, my son was beaten in our Li's Hotel, and now I am asked to fetch him. Next, I hope that everyone will arrest the murderer who beat my son and punish him severely. Thanks a lot."

Li Chenghan bowed his hands to these offerings.

"What, Patriarch Li, the Li's Grand Hotel, I remember it's your property, but Young Master Li called him from his own hotel, what's wrong with that?" someone asked.

Li Chenghan said with a gloomy face: "There are even more inappropriate things. The person who beat my son said that he was not the fault of his father, so let me go and be punished."

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable, Patriarch Li, don't worry, we will definitely arrest this guy today and let him deal with you."

"That's right, in this Yuan City, someone dares to speak to Patriarch Li like this, and they don't take me seriously. We will make him look good later."

"Go, everyone, arrest this person for me."


Everyone chattered and walked outside.

Li Chenghan followed.

Soon, everyone came to the supreme private room of Li's Hotel.

Everyone filed in and surrounded the private room.

Li Chenghan walked in the back and appeared last.

"Who dares to let me, Li Chenghan, come here to accept punishment?"

At this time, Li Chenghan walked in with his hands behind his back, and glanced at the scene, but the first time he glanced at Li Jun.

At this time, Li Jun was lying on the ground, looking extremely weak, and one face was swollen, and now it looked like two faces.

If it wasn't for the special clothes Li Jun was wearing today, Li Chenghan might not have been able to recognize him when he saw the clothes Li Jun was wearing when he went out.

"My son!"

Li Chenghan quickly came to Li Jun, picked Li Jun up from the ground, and checked him up and down.

"Dad, you have to make the decision for me. That kid beat me so badly. Today I want him to die. I want to put Liu Jianing to sleep in front of him." Li Jun growled.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want today. In this Li's Hotel, you and my father and son are the masters." Li Chenghan said.

Because there were so many people in the room, everyone covered Li Chenghan's sight, Li Chenghan didn't see Zhang Liang's figure, if he saw it, he would be like a mouse seeing a cat now, how dare he fart?

It's a pity that Zhang Liang was blocked by a large number of offerings from the Li family, and Li Chenghan didn't see it.

"Okay, hey, boy, do you hear me, you are dead."

After Li Jun got Li Chenghan's promise, he asked Zhang Liang ferociously, "Do you know who these people who are here now are?"

(End of this chapter)

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