super farm

Chapter 858 No Tourists

Chapter 858 No Tourists
"This Dongwan Village is so beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be a fake propaganda."

"No, I see, such a beautiful village does not exist at all. This is probably a video made by someone else with high technology."

"That's right, Dongwan Village dares to say that Liujiu is its own wine. Who doesn't know that this Liujiu is produced by the Liu family, and it has half a dime relationship with Dongwan Village?"

"This Liu family is really shameless. They want to use the name of Dongwan Village to make their willow wine famous, but they would rather give the trademark of their willow wine to Dongwan Village."


The power of the Internet is very strong, and soon black comments exploded all over the Internet in the city.

No matter whether everyone mentioned Dongwan Village or Liujiu at this time, they all held a negative attitude.


Zhang Liang recruited He Juan, Xu Hu and others early in the morning, looking a little high-spirited.

"Brother Liangzi, what did you call us for?" Xu Hu asked.

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "I think you all saw the advertisement of our city's TV station last night?"

"I see, sister Jianing is indeed a top student, she is really amazing, she took pictures of our Dongwan Village so beautifully."

Xu Hu said from the bottom of his heart: "I believe that after this wave of advertising campaigns, our Dongwan Village will soon become famous. At that time, there will definitely be countless people visiting our village, and our village will become lively."

"That's right, Brother Liang, our village will definitely become lively. In the future, our village will definitely become a demonstration village for tourism. I really look forward to this day."

He Juan had already integrated herself into Dongwan Village, completely forgetting that she was from Xiwan Village, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

"Yes, I thought so too."

Zhang Liang nodded and said: "So I called you two here today to give you a task. You organize two teams from our village personnel. These two teams will form a tour guide team and consulting services. In the future, tourists who come to our village will be in charge of all those who need to consult related matters and enter the mountain.” Zhang Liang said to the two.

"Brother Liangzi, promise to complete the task."

Xu Hu replied excitedly, feeling like he was about to flex his muscles.

Soon, with the cooperation of He Juan, Xu Hu organized a tour guide team of 20 people. These tour guide teams were all ready to go and full of combat effectiveness.

They understand that their Dongwan Village is about to usher in a big leap, and the whole village will soon become a tourist demonstration village.

It's just that the next three days made everyone a little confused.

Now that the advertisements on the TV station are so crazy, why are there so few people who come to the village?
"Brother Liangzi, what's going on here? Why don't many people come to our village? I think it's so strange. Our advertisement is very effective."

Xu Hu came in front of Zhang Liang and asked foolishly.

Hearing his words, Zhang Liang said, "Wait, let me ask what's going on."

Zhang Liang thought for a while, dialed Liu Jianing's phone number, and asked, "Jia Ning, what's the matter, after my advertisement was broadcast on your TV station, why didn't many tourists come to your door? Isn't it wrong? Are your television ratings not good?"

He can only think of such a reason now, otherwise he would not understand why it has been a few days, and no tourists have come to Dongwan Village.

"No, the ratings of our station are quite good, and your commercial is aired during the prime time, so the effect should be very good. How come there are no tourists?"

Liu Jianing also showed doubts, and then she said, "Wait, I'll help you find out what's going on."

Soon, Liu Jianing explained the matter and asked the people below to find out what the problem was and why there were no tourists in Dongwan Village.

"Leader, I found out. Someone spread rumors on the Internet, saying that Dongwan Village is a liar, and Liujiu is a liar's wine. Now these two rumors have been trending, just because we don't know it's about Dongwan Village. , so we didn’t click on it, it’s our dereliction of duty.”

Soon, the following people came to give Liu Jianing feedback on the relevant information they found.

Hearing this news, Liu Jianing immediately became angry, and she said, "Check, find out who is spreading the rumors for me."

Originally, according to her speculation, a large number of tourists will definitely go to Dongwan Village soon, but now because of the large number of naval forces making trouble, the tourism business of Dongwan Village has been greatly affected.

"Yes, leader!"

The people below are ordered to quickly investigate those who spread rumors.

As for Liu Jianing, she rebroadcasted Zhang Liang's phone call and told Zhang Liang about someone spreading rumors on the Internet.

"What, you said someone posted rumors on the Internet, and even got hot?" Zhang Liang looked surprised.

He has been focusing on the tourism industry of Dongwan Village these days, so now he pays more attention to TV advertisements, and when he has spare time, he will go to the village to do guiding work, and strive to make the village The service of the tourism industry, to achieve the ultimate, improve the customer's sense of experience.

So he hasn't surfed the Internet for the past few days, and he didn't expect that rumors about his Dongwan Village were spread, and the rumors were even popular on searches.

"Well, you will know if you open the ports of the major websites." Liu Jianing said.

Zhang Liang started to open the ports of various websites, and then the red eye-catching trending searches about Dongwan Village and Liujiu came out.

Zhang Liangliang went in to take a closer look, and secretly scolded the shameless person behind the manipulation of rumors, saying that about Dongwan Village and Liujiu.

After Zhang Liang thought about the solution for a while, Liu Jianing called back and said, "Brother Liang, have you read all the news, do you know who did this?"

Zhang Liang thought about it deeply, and said: "I guess this matter may have something to do with Guo Mingzhen, he wanted to take down the TV station's prime-time advertisement, but I took it down, and he He is in the wine industry and has formed a competitive relationship with my Liujiu, based on these two reasons, he has the motive to mess with me."

"You're right. He must be the person behind it. But I took a look. Now the public opinion is one-sided. Many sailors are criticizing your Dongwan Village. Your Liujiu is fake."

Liu Jianing said with some concern: "It's really not easy to find out these Internet trolls, and what's found out may not be the main media, and the public opinion has formed, and now it's very difficult to change the market's point of view, you say What do we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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