super farm

Chapter 859 Liu Jianing Was Kidnapped

Chapter 859 Liu Jianing Was Kidnapped
"Hehe, deputy director, Mr. Guo, then this number may be needed."

The man with the scar raised a finger and said, "I won't do it if it's less than 100 million."

"100, deal!"

Guo Mingzhen accepted it immediately.

100 million is nothing to him, as long as he can deal with Liu Jianing and Zhang Liang and let him vent his anger.

. . . . . .

"Okay, then I will follow Mr. Guo's command from now on."

The man with the scar licked his lips.

100 million is already a large number for him.

"It's finally come to an end. The traffic in Dongwan Village should increase soon." Liu Jianing watched the masterpiece about the brewing process of willow wine on TV and stretched himself.

This is her own masterpiece, and this masterpiece will immediately help Dongwan Village and Liujiu to rectify their names. By then, both Dongwan Village and Liujiu will definitely be famous on the Internet.

"It's so late."

Liu Jianing stretched her waist and stood up, looking out the window, only to find that the sky was full of stars before she knew it.

She looked at her mobile phone and really wanted to call Zhang Liang, but she held back in the end.

Then Liu Jianing left the TV station alone.

Today, because her car is restricted, she didn't drive, and the TV station is not very far from home. In this quiet time of night, it's good to walk slowly on the side of the street alone, thinking about things.

"It's her!"

However, as soon as she left the TV station, she was followed by two gangsters. The two gangsters compared the photos provided to them by the man with the scar, and when they compared them with Liu Jianing, they recognized her immediately.

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other and rushed towards Liu Jianing.

Seeing the two people rushing towards him, Liu Jianing's expression changed drastically.

She knew that these two people were definitely coming for her.

Thinking of this, she turned around and left, calling at the same time, "Help."

As a result, because the location here was a bit off, and it was quite late, there was no one around here at all, so she escaped not far away, and was caught up by two gangsters.

One of the gangsters took out a wet handkerchief and covered Liu Jianing's nostrils.

Soon, Liu Jianing stopped struggling and passed out.

The two gangsters put Liu Jianing into the van next to her, and the van sped away.

When Liu Jianing woke up again, she found herself in a strange room, and a middle-aged man was standing in front of her.

This middle-aged man seemed somewhat familiar.

The middle-aged man's face gradually became clear in Liu Jianing's pupils, and she lost her voice: "Guo Mingzhen, it's you!"

"Hehe, it's not me, Liu Jianing, we are really destined to meet again." Guo Mingzhen laughed.

"Hmph, who is destined to be with you, you should let me go quickly, or I will call the police." Liu Jianing glared at Guo Mingzhen, never expecting that he would actually tie her up.

"Call the police, can you report it?"

Guo Mingzhen sneered.

Liu Jianing tried to move, but found that his hands were completely tied.

"Guo Mingzhen, you are breaking the law by doing this." Liu Jianing reminded.

"Breaking the law, you're right, I'm breaking the law. Since you won't let me live, I won't let you live either."

Guo Mingzhen said, "Do you know that the advertisement you broadcast will destroy my Fushi Liquor Industry?"

"That's what you deserve. Now you will not only destroy Fushi Liquor, but also yourself." Liu Jianing said without the slightest timidity.

"Hmph, I don't want you to educate me."

Guo Mingzhen said.

After finishing speaking, he took Liu Jianing's phone, scanned her face, and unlocked the screen directly. After unlocking, she began to look through Liu Jianing's address book.

Soon, he found Zhang Liang's contact information and called Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang was practicing, when he heard the ringtone of his mobile phone, he took out his mobile phone and found that it was Liu Jianing calling. He answered the phone and asked, "Jianing, you are calling so late, what's the matter?"

"Zhang Liang, I'm Guo Mingzhen. Now your girlfriend is in my hands. If you want her life, come to my company alone. If you dare to bring another person, I'll kill her. "

As a result, Guo Mingzhen's threatening voice sounded from the opposite side.

Killing intent surged in Zhang Liang's eyes, but he suppressed it, knowing that saving Liu Jianing is the most important thing now.

"Let me tell you, don't mess around, give me the address, and I'll go there right away. If I go and find that she's missing a hair, I'll kill you."

"Hehe, don't worry, she will be intact before you come." Guo Mingzhen laughed sinisterly.

"Send me the address."

Zhang Liang was too lazy to talk nonsense with Guo Mingzhen, so he hung up the phone, rushed out of the courtyard, and walked quickly to Rolls-Royce.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu was sleeping in his kennel, but when he heard the movement outside, he found Zhang Liang walking outside and quickly followed him.

Hmph, I want to leave Mr. Bengou and go out wandering alone. Mr. Bengou has been on guard for a long time.

It rushed into the Rolls-Royce first, Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang didn't care too much about Wangfu, and drove to the city quickly.

Soon after, Guo Mingzhen sent a text message, which contained an address.

Zhang Liang navigated and quickly drove towards this address.

When it was almost dawn, the man with the scar couldn't stand it any longer and began to doze off.

"You give me a good look at people, I go to sleep."

The man with the scar gave instructions to the younger brother below.

The younger brothers below responded, but they complained very much in their hearts, they also wanted to sleep.

Just as the man with the scar left, Zhang Liang appeared here.


The little brother below immediately raised his spirits and roared.

"Where is Liu Jianing?"

Zhang Liang was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, grabbed one of them, lifted him up with one hand, and asked in a deep voice.

" are Zhang Liang."

The little boy reacted and lost his voice.

"I want to ask you again, where is Liu Jianing?" Zhang Liang pressed a tremendous pressure on the little brother, who was almost paralyzed from fright. If Zhang Liang hadn't lifted him up, he would probably have been scared to kneel down. on the ground.

"She...she's inside." The younger brother tremblingly said.

Zhang Liang directly threw the little brother aside and walked inside at the same time.

The people inside were already awakened.

Someone surrounded Liu Jianing, and according to the scar man's instructions, a knife was stuck on Liu Jianing's neck.

"Don't come here, if you come here again, I will kill her."

When the little brother saw Zhang Liang approaching Liu Jianing, he couldn't help shouting.

Zhang Liang stopped there, and said, "Where is Guo Mingzhen, call him here."

(End of this chapter)

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