super farm

Chapter 865 Goodbye Dead Taoist Priest

Chapter 865 Goodbye Dead Taoist Priest

"Yah, ah!"

Xiaobai cried out in dissatisfaction.

Hmph, the master is biased.

Why did Wangfu eat roasted wild suckling pig when he went in, but the Xiong family didn't have it. If the Xiong family roasted wild suckling pig to eat, the Xiong family would be able to disregard life and death.

"All right, you're going to make a contribution tonight, so I'll give you roast wild suckling pig too, okay?"

Zhang Liang was defeated by these two foodies.


When Xiaobai heard this, he jumped off Zhang Liang and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

"These are really two desperate products."

Zhang Liang was speechless to these two foodies.

But these two foodies are willing to take the risk to enter the cave, which means that the cave is not as scary as they imagined.

At least there should be no danger to their lives, otherwise, with the nature of these two guys, let alone one roast wild suckling pig, even if they were given ten roast wild suckling pigs, they would not be tempted.

Roast wild suckling pig is delicious, but you have to die to eat it.

Soon, Zhang Liang also rushed into the hole.

He found that there was almost no difference between this hole and the last time he went out to seal it.

"Could it be that I had hallucinations last time, and the hole here wasn't sealed at all?" A terrible idea emerged in Zhang Liang's mind.

Of course, I don't know if this idea is true or not, because he has no way to prove it.

"Haw haw!"

Soon, Zhang Liang appeared in the real underground space.

In the underground space, the weasel really reappeared.

This time, the weasel was different from before. Its hair was actually yellow with traces of gold.

Even its two eyes are more piercing.

"you again!"

Zhang Liang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the weasel.

What happened these few times has something to do with this weasel.

After hearing Zhang Liang's words, the weasel knelt down and immediately kowtowed to Zhang Liang.

"Stop it, stop it, don't do this." Zhang Liang said to the weasel.

This guy always pretends to be pitiful in front of him every time, and he will cheat him in the end. It has formed a fixed routine, so Zhang Liang will not be fooled.


The weasel barked again, then pointed to the next room.

"Daxian, those people you are looking for are inside. They have entered here today and have not been deceived. This has nothing to do with me. If you want to save them, you must go to that room."

Because the weasel has been nourished by the energy of Zhang Liang's paintings before, and has also been enlightened by Zhang Liang, it can also communicate with Zhang Liang in a simple way.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang was dubious. Obviously, he didn't really believe what the weasel said. What if this beast tricked him here.

Zhang Liang's eyes fell on Wangfu.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu stretched out a front hoof and pointed to the side door of the main hall.

Obviously, what it wants to express is also the location of these passengers inside.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang had no choice but to bite the bullet and go, but he only took two steps, looked at Wangfu, and said, "Why don't you go in first, you will make a contribution tonight, and I will add another one to you." Roast suckling pig?"

Wangfu immediately shook his head like a rattle very humanely, and did not agree with Zhang Liang's words at all.

It doesn't want to risk its life.


At this time, Xiaobai spoke, it barked twice, and then stepped on its feet and rushed towards the side door.

"Look, Ren Xiaobai is much smarter than you."

Zhang Liang runs on Wangfu.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu couldn't stand the squeeze, and quickly ran towards Xiaobai.

Zhang Liang followed behind Wangfu.

He still didn't forget to look back at the weasel and said, "If you cheat me again this time, I'll kill you."

The weasel kept waving his hands, and then knelt down to kowtow to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang was too lazy to talk to the weasel, so he turned his head and quickly plunged into it.

However, when he turned around, he suddenly had an illusion, as if the weasel had shown a strange smile again.

Under this illusion, Zhang Liang turned around and looked at the weasel, wanting to make sure that the weasel was really smiling at him.

Just as soon as he turned his head, Zhang Liang's back was drenched with fright.

Because he found that at the position where the weasel was just now, the weasel was no longer there.

"The mantra of purifying the spirit, purifying demons and warding off evil spirits, preventing all demons from invading."

As a last resort, Zhang Liang typed out the Spirit Purification Curse in the formula of longevity.

After he made this move, he found that it was useless. The place where the weasel was was empty, and he couldn't find the weasel either.

"I'm really hallucinating?"

Zhang Liang shook his head fiercely, he felt that this was real, otherwise, how could the deeper level of the underground space be open to him again?
After entering the side door, there is a small room next to the side door.

This is also the small room where Zhang Liang stayed last time. There is a Bafeng formation, and next to the Bafeng formation, there is that person dressed like a zombie.

However, the person dressed like a zombie is now restrained by an invisible rope. This rope is the move that Zhang Liang used at the beginning, but because of the passage of time, the painting energy of this invisible rope has weakened a lot. .

Now it is necessary to increase the input of painting energy in order to be able to calm down that Taoist.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang came in front of the Taoist, and then used the painting energy to penetrate into the invisible rope.


He was about to transfer energy there, but the Taoist suddenly called out, and it suddenly opened its eyes.

Both of its eyes are empty, and in the depths of its eyes, there is a red light surging.


Then, it exploded the invisible painting energy rope, just like this, it rushed towards Zhang Liang, and bit Zhang Liang's neck.

Zhang Liang's face was shocked, he never thought that this Taoist would be able to stretch the Huaneng rope, so he didn't have any precautions.

The Taoist bit Zhang Liang's neck, but Zhang Liang couldn't avoid it.

With a thought, he prepared to hide in the painting energy space.

Now he has only this way to save himself from difficulties.


Seeing this scene, Xiaobai yelled and ran directly towards the Taoist.

The Taoist couldn't stand stably, and was knocked into the air.

Master, the Xiong family is okay, right? The Xiong family has made a contribution tonight, right?

Xiao Bai raised his small eyes and looked at Zhang Liang pitifully.

"Hehe, you've done a great job, you've done a great job." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

Xiaobai looked proudly at Wangfu provocatively.

Wangfu was so angry that his teeth itched, he rushed towards the Taoist priest.

"Dead Taoist priests, stinky Taoist priests, so that the dog family has no chance to be praised."

(End of this chapter)

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