super farm

Chapter 866

Chapter 866

Soon, both Xiaobai and Wangfu fought the Taoist priest.

Zhang Liang was secretly shocked as he watched from the side.

Whether it's Xiaobai or Wangfu, both of them are very powerful, especially Wangfu's teeth, I don't know how sharp they are.

However, even so, Wangfu did not leave even a trace on the Taoist priest.

Zhang Liang didn't know that there was no winner between the two sides in a short time.

Although the Taoist priest's defense is strong, his attack power is limited, especially for animals whose defenses are not weak at both ends, and it is even more difficult to injure the two animals in the slightest.

Of course, it is not easy for Xiaobai and Wangfu to hurt each other.

Zhang Liang looked at the rest of the room at this time.

Then, he found a few people in a corner. These people were men and women, and they were wearing modern clothes.

Now they are comatose in the corner, there is a red dot between their eyebrows, and that red dot is flickering.

"Sacrificing life and death!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Liang's expression changed drastically.

The so-called sacrificial life and death.

It is a kind of magic technique, which can resurrect the dead through the way of sacrifice.

Therefore, this is called sacrificing life and death.

Of course, the people who are used to sacrifice must be alive.

And at least ninety-nine 81 people can sacrifice life and death once, and exchange the death of 81 people for the life of one person.

"This Taoist priest doesn't still have wisdom. He wants to exchange ninety-nine and 81 people for his resurrection?" Zhang Liang was taken aback by his own thoughts.

He quickly approached these missing people, and then began to check on them.


After checking that several people were breathing evenly, Zhang Liang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

These people are all alive, and their bodies have not suffered any injuries.

"Soul Purification Curse, to clear away demons and ward off evil spirits..."

Zhang Liang began to cast spells on these people again, hoping to wake them up through these spells.

However, before he finished casting the spell, the dead Taoist next to him suddenly reacted, roared, gave up attacking Wangfu and Xiaobai, and rushed towards Zhang Liang.

"I want to see how hard your bones are."

Seeing the Taoist approaching, Zhang Liang was not only not afraid, but was full of excitement.

While speaking, Zhang Liang thought, and the dragon tongue sword that draws the energy space appeared in his hand, and then he swung his sword towards the dead Taoist priest.

After the dead Taoist felt a stream of pure masculinity belonging to the dragon on the Dragon Tongue Sword, there was even a trace of fear in the bright red pupils.

However, if Zhang Liang finished casting the spell and rescued these people, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen.


It roared and rushed towards Zhang Liang.

The dragon tongue sword in Zhang Liang's hand struck the dead Taoist.


There was a crisp sound from this sword.

"So hard?"

Zhang Liang had already guessed that the dead Taoist's body was very hard, but he didn't expect it to be so hard that his Dragon Tongue Sword only left a trace on the dead Taoist's body.

You know, his dragon tongue sword cuts iron like mud, and there is a breath of dragon on it, so it only left traces on this Taoist priest.

Moreover, Zhang Liang found that that shallow trace was slowly recovering.

"Soul-binding curse, all things surrender."

Zhang Liang once again cast the spirit-binding spell on the dead Taoist priest.

After casting the Spirit-Binding Curse, a rope formed by drawing energy was formed, and then pulled towards the Taoist priest.


After the Taoist priest saw the spirit-binding spell, he was scared, and it quickly backed away.

It was bound by this strange thing last time, and it took so long to break free from here. If it was bound again, it would definitely take him a long time to untie this thing.

This is something it doesn't allow to happen.

So, it ran away quickly.

"Wang Wang~"

The opportunity is here.

Wangfu was excited.

It rushed towards the dead Taoist priest quickly, and then directly hit the dead Taoist priest's chest.

The dead Taoist priest was planning to run away, but he never expected that Wangfu in front would rush over.

It is too late to adjust its direction now, and it is in the air, and there is no way to adjust its direction.

Wangfu's body collided with its chest.

Then, Wangfu only felt a huge force coming, it knocked itself upside down and flew out, fell to the ground dizzy.

Wangfu was very angry and kept yelling on the ground, but he didn't dare to approach this dead Taoist again, this dead Taoist was too scary.

After being hit by Wangfu, the dead Taoist also staggered back a few steps.

Just by taking these few steps back, Zhang Liang's Spirit-Binding Curse was bound to it.

After the spirit-binding spell was bound to its body, it gradually disappeared into its body. The dead Taoist wanted to move again, but found that he couldn't move at all.


He yelled twice, wanting to use this method to vent, struggling to break free, but found that he couldn't struggle at all.

"Soul-binding curse, all things surrender."

However, Zhang Liang was not particularly relieved of this dead Taoist, but cast a spirit-binding spell on it again.

Once the two spirit-binding curses were hit, the dead Taoist wanted to struggle again, but it was not so easy.

When the dead Taoist was subdued, Zhang Liang came to its side, took out the Dragon Tongue Sword again, and slashed at the dead Taoist's neck.

As a result, the Dragon Tongue Sword only left a shallow white mark on the dead Taoist's neck, and this white mark soon returned to its original state.


Zhang Liang muttered.

"This time, it's impossible to let you go so easily."

Zhang Liang looked at the dead Taoist in front of him, muttered, and then he had a thought, ready to receive the dead Taoist into his painting energy space.

It's too dangerous to keep this thing outside. If someone is traveling around here, they might fall into this dead Taoist's maze again.

As long as this guy is brought into the painting energy space, Zhang Liang is the master of the painting energy space, and he can use the painting energy space to suppress this dead Taoist in any way at that time.

However, something unexpected happened to Zhang Liang. He found that he couldn't receive the energy space of his painting no matter what.

"What's the matter, what kind of monster is this?"

Zhang Liang couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang had no choice but to cast two more spirit-binding spells, and then bound this guy.

He has already decided that he will come here once a month in the future, and then he will give blessings to the shackles on this dead Taoist.

Don't let it come out again to harm people.

(End of this chapter)

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