super farm

Chapter 867 Wang Fu Subdues the Dead Taoist

Chapter 867 Wang Fu Subdues the Dead Taoist

"Wang Wang~"

When Zhang Liang was in trouble, Wangfu ran up to him, and then yelled at Zhang Liang twice.

Master, the dog family has a way to subdue it, if it is subdued, what reward does the dog family have?
Zhang Liang looked at Wangfu with a scrutinizing look.

Even if I can't subdue this guy, can Wangfu do it?
However, if Wangfu can really surrender this guy, it will save him a trouble. Thinking of this, Zhang Liang said: "If you can surrender it, I will give you ten chicken legs a day. You eat for a month."

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu's eyes lit up, and he immediately called for a deal.

Zhang Liang immediately stood aside with his arms in his arms, wanting to see how Wangfu performed.

Wangfu rushed towards the dead Taoist quickly, and then it bit the dead Taoist's mouth. When it bit the dead Taoist's mouth, a bead suddenly flew from its mouth into the dead Taoist's mouth .

This bead was exactly the one he had bumped into the dead Taoist last time, knocking out the bead in the dead Taoist's mouth, and swallowing the bead in his body.

At that time, Zhang Liang didn't realize that it had swallowed the bead.

After Wangfu swallowed this bead, he originally thought that this bead was good for him, but after such a long time, he didn't realize that this bead was good for him, and put it in his body, so that Make it feel a little uncomfortable.

Wangfu was extremely smart, it guessed that this bead should be placed here by someone to suppress the dead Taoist, and he took the bead away by himself, and the dead Taoist started to go berserk.

As long as the beads return to the dead Taoist's body again, the dead Taoist can be suppressed.

When this bead entered Dead Taoist's body, Dead Taoist's body trembled obviously, and then his body was about to freeze there, unable to move at all.


Zhang Liang stared at the side with his eyes straight!

Wangfu really brought down the dead Taoist.

"How did you get it done?" Zhang Liang asked curiously.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu quickly replied: "My lord dog used the beauty dog ​​trick, how about it, is the beauty dog ​​trick still useful?"

"I believe you a ghost!"

Zhang Liang rolled his eyes.

He knew that Wangfu must be lying. He probably discovered some secret of this dead Taoist, but he didn't want to tell it.

Of course, this is not the point now. The point is that they have subdued this dead Taoist. Now at least this dead Taoist will not come out to make trouble.

After subduing the dead Taoist, it stopped moving, and Zhang Liang took his own dragon tongue sword and slashed at the dead Taoist's body.

However, after this cut, there was no effect. After the dragon tongue sword cut on the body of the dead Taoist, it only left a faint mark on the body of the dead Taoist. Dissipates slowly.

In other words, Zhang Liang's Dragon Tongue Sword could not destroy this dead Taoist at all.

Then, Zhang Liang tried again to use the painting energy space to send the dead Taoist into the painting energy space, but he ended in failure in the end.

"What a headache."

Zhang Liang rubbed his head involuntarily.

Now he can't deal with this dead Taoist. Putting it here is like a time bomb. If others come up the mountain, tourists may still be in danger.

Moreover, it was the weasel that passively brought the tourists in. If this dead Taoist ran out to make trouble after he left, no one would be able to subdue him, and the consequences would be even more serious.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang sat on the side and began to observe this dead Taoist. He sat for four hours.

However, for these four hours, the dead Taoist remained motionless.

"Spirit-binding curse, all demons surrender!"

Zhang Liang cast two more spirit-binding curses on the dead Taoist, and then he said to Wangfu and Xiaobai, "Let's go."

Now this dead Taoist cannot be eliminated, nor can it be placed in the painting energy space, so it is the safest place to be placed here.

It is impossible for Zhang Liang to bring this guy with him. If the guy behind goes crazy, it will do more harm to the village.

Now Zhang Liang can only throw it here, and he can only find a way to eliminate this thing later. If this thing is not eliminated, it will always be a hidden danger.

"Wangfu, can you find that weasel? If you can find it, I will feed you ten duck legs every day."

After a while, Zhang Liang led Wangfu and Xiaobai out of the cave. After blocking the cave, he said to Wangfu next to him.

The cave was blocked by him last time, but the cave was opened again later. He understood that blocking the cave was of little significance, but it should be able to prevent people from entering in a short period of time and protect the lives of ordinary people. Safety.

Therefore, he blocked the cave, but Zhang Liang understood that the root cause of this problem might lie in that weasel.

"Wang Wang~"

When Wangfu heard Zhang Liang's words, he was so excited that he flew up.

Mr. Dog is indeed a bit tired of eating chicken legs. It would be a good thing if he could eat duck legs now.

So, it agreed with one bite.

"Let's go, I'll go find it with you."

Zhang Liang said to Wangfu.

Wangfu stepped forward, and his nostrils began to smell everywhere.

Then he ran towards the distance, followed by Zhang Liang.

It's just that after Wangfu searched for nearly an hour, he found that he seemed to have found the final location of the weasel, but after arriving at this location, everything was empty and there was nothing.

"It seems that your nostrils are not so easy to use." Zhang Liang joked.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu was not happy immediately.

Humph, what do you mean Mr. Dog's nostrils are not easy to use? It's because that weasel is too cunning.

"All right, all right, let's go down the mountain."

Zhang Liang knew that if they wanted to find the weasel now, they might have no hope. They had to wait until the next time the weasel appeared, and Zhang Liang would find a way to catch it.

He believed that the weasel would appear soon.

During this period of time, the road to the mountain has to be temporarily closed. For those who come to the village for tourism, the only way to open the village to these people is to operate the village as a farmhouse.

When he was about to reach the bottom of the mountain, Zhang Liang sent a few tourists out from the painting energy space with a thought.

These tourists were the ones who disappeared, but Zhang Liang didn't want them to know what happened in the underground space, so he took them directly to the painting energy space.

Now that they are safe, Zhang Liang brought them out of the painting energy space.

(End of this chapter)

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