super farm

Chapter 868 Liu Xiaodong wants to open a farmhouse

Chapter 868 Liu Xiaodong wants to open a farmhouse

After Zhang Liang summoned a few people out, he found that they were still in a coma.

He began to stimulate several people with silver needles, so that they could wake up quickly.

Not long after, they woke up faintly. Zhang Liang inquired from their mouths, wanting to know what happened to them and how they entered the underground space.

Of course, he didn't take the initiative to mention the underground space, but just asked a few people.

But to Zhang Liang's disappointment, these people knew nothing about what happened before he passed out, so they said that when they were traveling on the mountain, they suddenly passed out.

Hearing this answer, Zhang Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

These people are ordinary people, and it is a good thing that these people don't know some things.

Soon, Zhang Liang appeared in the village with these people.

When other passengers heard that a few people were just unconscious, everyone thought that these people were not in good health and passed out, so they didn't regard going to the back mountain as a kind of danger, so it was natural for Dongwan The reputation of the village has no effect.

At night, Zhang Liang found Chen Can.

"Brother Liangzi, are you looking for me?"

Chen Can appeared in front of Zhang Liang with a smile on his face all the time.

Zhang Liang is his food and clothing parents, and the guide for him to make a fortune. He has great respect for Zhang Liang.

"Mr. Chen, in this way, you arrange to build a roadblock overnight and put it on the intersection of our Dongwan Village into the back mountain. You said that there was a landslide in the back mountain due to mudslides. You are worried about the safety of passengers. The back mountain is not open to tourists, and after a while, it will be opened after the maintenance of the back mountain is completed." Zhang Liang said to Chen Can.

Because he doesn't know when the dead Taoist will come out to do evil again, or when the weasel will come out to do evil again, so Zhang Liang can't let tourists enter the mountain now, and at the same time he has to give these tourists a reasonable explanation. Go, come up with this one plan.

"Brother Liangzi, are those tourists not comatose today? Is there another reason?" Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Chen Can had a guess in his heart. He was also familiar with Zhang Liang. Not hiding.

"Well, you don't want to publicize this matter, as long as you know it."

Zhang Liang nodded slightly.

Chen Can agreed.

Chen Can quickly arranged for people to act as roadblocks.

Because it involved the safety of passengers, Chen Can did not dare to be sloppy, and personally supervised the work at night to complete the roadblock.

From the next day, more and more people came to Dongwan Village.

Now the snacks in the village have been sold, but there is no place to eat dinner. Many tourists are responding at noon and want to eat dinner.

There is only one prince in Zhang Liang's family who has just cooked, and he is too busy to take care of the many guests, which makes many tourists complain.

On this day, Liu Xiaodong came to find Zhang Liang with a proud face.

"Xiao Liang, Uncle has something to discuss with you."

The current Liu Xiaodong is really proud of himself, and he might be promoted soon.

"Oh, what do you want to discuss?" Zhang Liang asked.

Liu Xiaodong rubbed his hands together and said, "That's right, let me think about it. Now there are more and more tourists in the village, and many customers want to eat dinner at noon and can't eat it. You can see if this can be done. I will take Liu Neng Call this guy back and ask him to open a farmhouse restaurant at home, and when the time comes, any passengers who want to have dinner can come to my house."

It is a truth that people's desires are endless.

When Liu Xiaodong’s family was poor in the past, his son wanted to ask for a wife, and he had to build a house to ask for a wife. All of this required money, so Liu Xiaodong even persuaded his son to steal technology from Zhang Liang.

Mr. Zhang Liang forgave Liu Neng regardless of villainy, and let him work at his place. In addition, Liu Xiaodong rented the land of his family to Zhang Liang. Now Liu Xiaodong's family's annual income will not be less than 30.

In addition, when he himself was the village head, Dongwan Village developed very well, which is all due to him, so he can now be said to have a double harvest.

However, he is not satisfied with the status quo, and he also thinks that his family can be richer.

Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he let it go?

"Okay, Uncle Liu, I think your idea is very good. In this way, I will ask Brother Liu to go back and help you. The fish pond, I just arrange someone else to take care of it." Zhang Liang agreed without hesitation down.

Now that the village has developed, it really needs to have a real farmhouse. Now only his family has a farmhouse, so that is definitely not possible.

"Ha ha."

After receiving Zhang Liang's affirmative answer, Liu Xiaodong didn't leave immediately, but rubbed his hands with a smile, looking a little embarrassed.

Zhang Liang asked curiously: "Why, Uncle Liu, do you still have something to do?"

"Yes, there are still some things."

Liu Xiaodong blushed and said, "You also know that the farmhouse music made from your vegetables is delicious enough. Now that I am making farmhouse music myself, I can't use my low-grade vegetables to influence us. Bay Village’s impression in front of tourists, right?”

"Then what do you mean?"

Zhang Liang probably understood the meaning of Liu Xiaodong's words, but he asked pretending not to know.

"I mean, can you provide me with vegetables, so that my son can cook very delicious dishes even if he is not so skilled." Liu Xiaodong spoke boldly and looked at Zhang Liang with some expectation.

"Yes, but my vegetables have a cost price. I will give you whatever price I offer to Xianghai Restaurant. Can you accept it?" Zhang Liang said.

"Accept, fully accept."

Liu Xiaodong agreed.

He was afraid that Zhang Liang would not want to sell him vegetables, etc., as long as he could sell him, everything was easy to talk about.

Zhang Liang asked for the cost price, so he wanted to make money, so he just charged extra money on the customer's meal.

"Okay, then, go to Juanzi and ask her to give you a list of vegetable prices. If you want any vegetables in the future, just go to Huzi and let Huzi arrange picking for you." Zhang Liang He said lightly.

"Well, thank you Xiaoliang, Xiaoliang is worthy of being from our Dongwan Village."

Liu Xiaodong was overjoyed, praised Zhang Liang a few words, and ran away directly.

But not long after, Liu Xiaodong came over with a list, and now he no longer had the smile at the beginning, but a bitter face.

"Uncle Liu, what's wrong with you? Why do you put on an expression like someone borrowed your rice and returned your chaff?" Zhang Liang asked curiously.

Liu Xiaodong said depressedly: "Zhang Liang, your vegetables are so expensive, how can I make money? Can't you give me a little less?"

(End of this chapter)

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