super farm

Chapter 880

Chapter 880
"Wang Wang~"

After Wangfu landed in front of Jin Cheng, he screamed twice and rushed towards Jin Cheng.


Jin Cheng was so frightened that he kept screaming and backed away.

However, although his speed is fast, it is not as fast as Wang Fu's.

After Wang Fu threw Jin Cheng to the ground, he gave a "kiss" to Jin Cheng's nostrils.

Half of Jin Cheng's nostrils were bitten off, and he wailed in pain.

After Wangfu took a bite of Jin Cheng, he obeyed Zhang Liang's will very much, let Jin Cheng go, and stepped aside, but he still looked at Jin Cheng covetously.

But if there is any change in Jin Cheng, it can immediately pounce on it again.

"Now can you tell me what's going on?"

Zhang Liang's eyes fell on Jin Cheng again, and Jin Cheng looked at Wangfu with some fear in his heart.

However, he felt relieved when he saw the Eighteen King Kongs surrounding him behind him.

Being so strictly guarded, it is impossible for him to be bitten by this dead beast again.

So, Jin Cheng covered his nostrils and became arrogant again.

"Brat, how dare you let your dog bite me, I will kill your dog and your friend in front of you later, I will tame her in front of you."

"I can see that you like her, but I want to see if it's so pleasant for you to see the person you like being bullied by other men but powerless."

"Tonight, did you see that the eighteen big men around me were originally prepared for your girlfriend, but now I want to prepare them for you to explode your ass."


Jin Cheng talked non-stop.

But he didn't know at all, the more he said, the more Zhang Liang's killing intent towards him became more serious.

"Hehe, you want eighteen big men to explode my ass? Then believe it or not, I can let these eighteen big men explode your ass today?" Zhang Liang said in a deep voice.

"Did you hear, he said he wants you to blow my ass, do you think his words are realistic? Is he blowing too much?"

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, Jin Cheng laughed loudly, but unfortunately, after laughing, the blood from his nostrils seeped in again, making him feel particularly uncomfortable.

"His bragging is not big, you will be unlucky tonight." Lu Shuang added beside him.

Others didn't know about Zhang Liang dealing with the three master masters alone, but Lu Shuang knew about it. Now these people are not enough to look at in front of Zhang Liang.

Jin Cheng used to be courteous to Lu Shuang, but Lu Shuang didn't pay attention to her at all. Now seeing Lu Shuang speaking for Zhang Liang and being so confident in Zhang Liang, his heart became more and more jealous.

He is the son of the Jin family in the provincial capital, why can't he be compared to an unknown boy?
When he thought of this, he became more and more angry, and the pain in his nostrils made him realize that the injury to his nostrils was also caused by Zhang Liang, so he ordered to Zhao Chengen: "Zhao Chengen, arrest this kid for me , I want to make him look good."

Zhao Chengen was also a little annoyed at how he had removed his hand from Lu Shuang's shoulder at first, so now he urgently needs to prove himself to Jin Cheng.

He walked towards Zhang Liang and said, "Boy, are you going to be caught without a fight and kowtow in front of my young master and beg for mercy, or should I break your legs and make you kneel in front of my young master and beg for mercy?"

"I'll choose the third one. You kneel in front of me and beg for mercy." Zhang Liang said lightly.

Zhao Chengen snorted coldly, and said: "You are looking for death. Since you don't eat or drink fine wine, then I will fulfill you. I want you to see, what will happen if the younger generation doesn't know how to respect the older generation?" such consequences."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Chengen quickly approached Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang stood there without moving.

"You said Zongshi Zhao pushed it with one palm, will that boy be pushed to death with one palm?"

"That's for sure. None of us can withstand the palm of Grandmaster Zhao. That kid is younger than us and thinner. He can't even beat us. It's normal to be beaten to death with a single palm."

"Zhao Zongshi, please be gentle, don't kill this kid with a palm, it's no fun, we're going to explode his ass later."


Everyone chattered about it.

Hearing everyone's discussion, the joy on Zhao Chengen's face became even stronger, and then his big palm approached Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang gently raised his hand, and slapped it out with the same slap.

"To strike a stone with an egg is beyond one's own strength."

Eight words came out of his mouth lightly.

"Boy, I want to see who is overbearing..."

Before he finished speaking, the palms of the two hit together, and before Zhao Chengen finished speaking, he felt a huge force drilled from his palm to his wrist, and then from his wrist reach the shoulder position.

Stab it!

The clothes on his shoulders exploded immediately, and the bones on his shoulders were directly dislocated.

This was just Zhang Liang's slap, which directly crippled one hand of the half-step master Zhao Chengen.

"how can that be?"

Zhao Chengen even forgot the pain. He didn't expect Zhang Liang to be so powerful. With such strength, he should be a master, right?

How could there be such a young master in this world?
He really couldn't accept it a little bit, and lost his mind for a while.

"Isn't this too strong? Is this a master master?"

The group of Eighteen Vajras were terrified.

If Zhang Liang is a strong master, based on what they want to debunk Zhang Liangju today, they will all be dead.

"How could he be so powerful?"

Jin Cheng was also dumbfounded. It was definitely a sure thing for Zhao Chengen to arrest Zhang Liang in the future, but now it seems that things have exceeded his expectations.

If Zhao Chengen can't beat Zhang Liang, then all of them together are definitely not Zhang Liang's opponent.

Thinking of this, he yelled at Zhao Chengen: "Zhao Chengen, are you deliberately releasing water? You let me kill him."

Zhao Chengen replied with a bitter face: "Master, I tried my best. He is a master and strong man. I can't be his opponent at all. Today we are stuck here."

"I don't believe it."

How could Jin Cheng be able to accept Zhang Liang's strength? He ordered the Eighteen King Kong next to him, "Give it to me, and let me catch him."

Eighteen King Kong also did not believe in Zhang Liang's strength, and now they heard Jin Cheng's order, they quickly approached Zhang Liang and surrounded Zhang Liang.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu cried out excitedly when he saw that there was going to be a fight.

He immediately ate chicken legs again.

Master, master, do you want to go to the dog house? The dog house charges very cheap, one chicken leg per person, not too much to ask for, right?
(End of this chapter)

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