super farm

Chapter 881 Then I Choose To Be Bullied

Chapter 881 Then I Choose To Be Bullied

"Go aside!"

This time, Zhang Liang did not let Wangfu speak out.

Because today he wants to beat these big guys into obedience, and at the same time, he wants to keep these big guys from getting hurt.

He kept these big guys for a deeper purpose.

That is Jin Cheng's chrysanthemum.

Since Jin Cheng wanted to deal with him like this, he naturally wanted to deal with him in the same way.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu yelled twice in dissatisfaction.

The owner is stingy, and he can't bear a chicken leg.

Since there was no reward of chicken legs, Wangfu was too lazy to make a move, so it lay lazily on the ground next to it, and simply closed its eyes like this.

Eighteen King Kong did not know who roared, and quickly surrounded Zhang Liang, and then everyone took weapons to attack Zhang Liang.

These Eighteen Vajras are all famous for their strength, so most of the weapons they use are stew pots.

But even if it is a blunt weapon, if the weapon in their hands falls on a person, it can still bruise the person's flesh and blood. If a weaker person is beaten to death, it is possible.

Now they all rushed towards Zhang Liang.

"Boy, you are doomed. Let me tell you, my [-]th King Kong can combine strikes." Jin Cheng laughed ferociously.

Zhang Liang stood in place like this, and then made a Tai Chi gesture, signaling these people to let their horses come over.

These people quickly approached Zhang Liang.

Side grabs, elbow strikes, iron mountain leans, shoulder throws...

But for anyone who approached Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang knocked them down with just one move.

Eighteen people fell to the ground without even a minute, and everyone screamed on the ground.


Jin Cheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

If he has not realized that Zhang Liang is a very good person, then his past 20 years will be considered in vain.

I can't afford to provoke such a person.

As for the power he brought over now, he couldn't afford it.

Thinking of this, he quickly started walking.

It's obvious that we can't stay here any longer.

"You think you can go without my permission?"

Seeing Jin Cheng preparing to escape, Zhang Liang sneered.

"Hmph, if you want to leave, young master, it's none of your business."

After Jin Cheng finished speaking, he continued to walk outside.

However, he only took a few steps, but suddenly a yellow dog appeared in front of him. He looked carefully and found that this dog was not the same one that bit his nostril just now?
Thinking of this dog, he had some shadows in his heart, and was very afraid that this dog would come and bite him on the nostril again.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to retreat, to the central area of ​​the Eighteen King Kong, so that he would have enough sense of security.

"Boy, no, big brother, what do you have to do to let me go? I'll give you money. I have a lot of money. I just ask you to let me go."

Jin Cheng begged for mercy.

Zhang Liang ignored Jin Cheng at all, but looked at the Eighteen King Kongs on the ground, and asked, "Do you want to survive today?"

"Think about it!"

Eighteen King Kong's heads nod like chickens pecking at rice.

They are not Zhang Liang's opponents at all now, and the gap with Zhang Liang should be very large. Now they may not be able to escape even if they try to escape. The only way is to hope that Zhang Liang can let himself and others go.

"Okay, I'm a kind person. If you want me to let you go, there's no problem. I've found a fun for you, which is to explode your young master's ass."

Zhang Liang continued to speak: "You can choose not to explode his ass tonight, but, I assure you, you will not have that function in the future, and I will abolish you all here tonight."

Hearing Zhang Liang's words, everyone's legs couldn't help but tense.

Immediately, the Eighteen King Kong looked at each other, and walked slowly towards Jin Cheng.

Jin Cheng was afraid, and shouted: "I am your master, what do you want to do, do you want to rebel?"

"Young master, don't blame us. If we don't do what that senior said today, we will all be deposed here, and you will be deposed here too."

"Yes, young master, we are doing this for your own good. Think about it, this is saving your life."

"Of course, the young master should not have been exposed before, I think you will definitely like this feeling, and you will be obsessed with it in the future."


While the Eighteen King Kong was speaking, he kept approaching Jin Cheng.

Jin Cheng was frightened by this group of king kong.

If it is really given by the eighteen king kong, he will be ashamed to face others in the future, it will be a shame and shadow for his whole life.

"Brother, I beg you to let me go. What kind of conditions do you want before you let me go?"

Kneel down!

Jin Cheng knelt down directly, kneeling in front of Zhang Liang.

"What kind of conditions? Just now I remember you said that if you can't sleep with my friend, you will swing your sword from the palace tonight, right? I don't think it's better than this. If you leave yourself from the palace, I will let you go tonight. How about it? " Zhang Liang said lightly.

Jin Cheng's face turned red and blue.

On the one hand, he will either be bullied by a group of big men because of his shame as a man, or on the other hand, he will not even have the qualifications to be a man in the future.

Thinking of this, he regretted taking someone to find Lu Shuang tonight.

"Does it mean that I have to choose one of you tonight before you are willing to let me go?" Jin Cheng asked through gritted teeth.

"Choose one for what?" Zhang Liang asked doubtfully.

Jin Cheng said: "I was bullied by eighteen of them and I swung my sword from the palace. Do you have to choose one before you are willing to let me go?"

"Oh, if you can do one, I promise to let you go." Zhang Liang didn't expect that this guy is quite self-conscious.

"Then...then I choose to be bullied."

God knows, when he said this, Jin Cheng wished he could find a piece of tofu and crash him to death.

Shame, shame on man.

"Have you heard, don't you hurry up?" Zhang Liang said to the Eighteen King Kong.

Hearing the words, the Eighteen King Kong walked towards Jin Cheng.

"Master, this is your own choice, don't blame us."

"Shuang'er, dodge for a while?"

At this time, Zhang Liang looked at Lu Shuang with unusually soft eyes.


Lu Shuang knew that such an occasion was indeed not suitable for her.

She entered the Lu's mansion without haste.

The Eighteen King Kong rushed towards Jin Cheng, and Jin Cheng let out a shrill scream.

Zhao Chengen was very afraid that Zhang Liang would make trouble for him again, so while Zhang Liang's attention was on Jin Cheng, he slipped directly to the outside.

"Why, the person who hurt me is just going to leave?"

However, just as he was about to leave, Zhang Liang suddenly spoke, and at the same time he did not know when he appeared in front of Zhao Chengen.

"I... I can't accept being bullied by them. You want to kill or cut your dignity."

Zhao Chengen glanced at where Jin Cheng was, and couldn't help but shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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