super farm

Chapter 900 I'm Actually a Summoner

Chapter 900 I'm Actually a Summoner
After Liu Kun accepted the move, someone brought paper and a pen, and wrote a life and death statement on it.

At the same time, he asked three guardians to sign the life and death certificate.

This sign of life and death is only a unilateral sign of life and death, not a sign of life and death bound by both parties.

For Zhang Liang, they can only defeat, not kill.

But Zhang Liang can kill them directly.

This life and death status is obviously unfair to them.

However, there has never been an absolutely fair thing in this world.

Now it is equivalent to Liu Kun being the fish on the chopping board. Zhang Liang can cut it as he wants. Zhang Liang can give them a chance to survive. That is their chance. Zhang Liang does not want them to survive. There is no chance of going down.

"Brother Zhang Liang, you should think about it clearly. They are all very strong. They are all master-level powerhouses. If they attack at the same time, even I can't stop them. Can you do it alone?" ?”

Although he signed such a certificate of life and death, Zhang Liang can still unilaterally choose to terminate this certificate of life and death, so now Liu Zhen kindly reminds Zhang Liang.

At the same time, he was a little startled.

Does Zhang Liang know martial arts?And the martial arts should not be low, otherwise how dare you make such a bet with Liu Kun?
He didn't realize that Zhang Liang knew martial arts.

Zhang Liang not only knows martial arts, but also very powerful martial arts.

Because his cultivation system is different from that of ordinary people, others can't feel his strength and will only treat him as an ordinary person. However, if there are other master-level figures around other master-level powerhouses, there will be some induction.

Liu Zhen is now worried that Zhang Liang overturned the car, so he kindly reminded Zhang Liang.

If Zhang Liang really wants to play like this, then he will naturally play with Zhang Liang like this.

Later, as long as Liu Kun and the others act aggressively, he will immediately send people to shoot, not giving Liu Kun and the mermaids a chance to die.

"Hehe, Uncle Liu, don't worry, I'm actually a summoner. I have a few powerful friends, and it's easy to deal with them." Zhang Liang had already thought about his future career in the rivers and lakes.

Has anyone verified the profession of Summoner, but as long as he summons Wangfu and others, some people will gradually believe in his profession.


Liu Zhen was a little dumbfounded. He had never heard of such a profession in this world, but he heard about the existence of summoners from some novels about cultivating immortals and fantasy.

But, this is in the real world.

Zhang Liang didn't speak, but with a thought, Wangfu came out of the painting space directly.

"Wang Wang~"

After he came out, he yelled at Zhang Liang twice in dissatisfaction.

The owner is really bad, this time the dog is locked in the painting energy space for such a long time and the dog is not released, the dog will not be able to eat delicious food.


Seeing Zhang Liang summoning a pet, Liu Zhen was stunned.

Not only was he stunned, but Eddie and Shuke beside him were also stunned.

At the same place, only Lu Shuang was very calm.

Because Lu Shuang had already heard Lu Zheng talk about the scene of the battle at his Lu family that night, Zhang Liang just summoned a few pets out, and she also saw Zhang Liang show off his skills later.

Lu Shuang had already accepted Zhang Liang's identity as a summoner.

However, the surprise has not completely stopped.

After Wangfu was summoned, Zhang Liang immediately summoned Dabai again.


After Dabai was summoned, it roared into the air, the roar was earth-shattering, and everyone felt a sense of turmoil.

"It's so powerful."

Liu Zhen immediately felt the surging energy and blood in Dabai's body, and was a little shocked. This big panda-like thing is absolutely extraordinary.

He became more and more curious about Zhang Liang's identity.

This young man gave him a lot of surprises today.

Except for Liu Zhen, everyone else was also very shocked.

Their shock was not over yet, and then Zhang Liang summoned Xuanwu from the painting energy space.

After Xuanwu came out, he also roared loudly. His voice was as thick as a mountain, just like his body shape.

"This... is this a turtle? No, this is... Xuanwu?"

Liu Zhen is in a high position, well-informed, and knows some legends, but he has never actually seen them. Now he is quite shocked when he sees what Zhang Liang summoned.

The thing that Zhang Liang is summoning now is very similar to a tortoise, but it is a little different from the tortoise, that is, besides the tail at the back, there is another tail that is thrown on the back, and the one on the back The end of the tail looks like a dragon's head.

The dragon has nine sons, one of which is Xuanwu.

This is also the origin of Xuanwu.

If there is Xuanwu in this world, then there must be dragons, Liu Zhen became a little excited.

China's guardian totem is originally a dragon, but everyone has only heard the legend of the dragon, and has never really seen a dragon.

Liu Zhen has also been shouldering the responsibility of searching for the traces of Shenlong, but he has not found anything, and now he saw Xuanwu here.

It shocked him so much.

He was shocked, and so were the others.

Especially Liu Kun and others, they suddenly had a bad feeling.

Because they felt the majestic qi and blood from Dabai and Xuanwu's bodies, this qi and blood were only stronger than theirs, not weaker.

At first they still thought that the four master-level powerhouses attacked Zhang Liang at the same time, and they were bullying Zhang Liang, but now they felt that they might be bullied.

"We will go all out later, don't show mercy. If we accidentally beat Zhang Liang to death, at most we will be buried with him, but it's not a loss. If we can't beat Zhang Liang to death, if we are defeated or killed by him, we will all have to die." die."

At this time, Liu Kun whispered to the other three guardians.

The three guardians nodded solemnly.

They also understand this truth.

However, their astonishment was not over yet.

When Zhang Liang called Xuanwu out, he had a thought, and then another animal appeared not far from Zhang Liang.

After the appearance of this animal, it added a little bit of relaxed atmosphere to the very depressing scene, because it was Xiaobai who was summoned.

Xiaobai ate good things for so long, but his body basically didn't grow, and he was still gnawing on a fish, stumbling towards Zhang Liang while gnawing on the fish.

When it got to Zhang Liang's side, it murmured and gave the grilled fish to Zhang Liang, and at the same time hung it on Zhang Liang's body, asking him to feed it.

Zhang Liang fed Xiaobai something to eat, raised his head to look at Liu Kun and the others, grinned and said, "I'll give you a chance to make the first move."

(End of this chapter)

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