super farm

Chapter 901 Pet Wars

Chapter 901 Pet Wars
"Three Protectors, you go!"

Liu Kun was a little uncertain about Dabai's strength, and wanted the three protectors to explore the way first.

Originally, he thought that it was a certainty for him and others to defeat Zhang Liang, but now it seemed that it was not as easy as he imagined.

It is very likely that I will stumble here today.

And the result of falling down is to die here.


The three guardians held a three-foot long sword and attacked Dabai.

Seeing this, Dabai was not afraid at all, and directly slapped the long sword of the three protectors.

"court death!"

Seeing Dabai slapping his long sword with his palm, the three protectors sneered.

He is still very confident in the sharpness of his sword, I am afraid that this big guy's bear paw may not be able to keep.

However, when Dabai's bear's paw intersected with his sword, he realized how pure his thoughts were.

He only felt a huge force rebounding towards his wrist. His hand holding the sword almost couldn't hold the sword in his hand, and let the sword go away.

He looked at Dabai's palm next to him, and found that Dabai's palm was hairy, as if he hadn't been hurt at all.

"What palm is this?"

The three protectors were quite surprised.

He didn't know at all that Dabai was originally an iron-eating beast with an earth attribute, and among the five elements, the earth attribute is known for its defense.

If Dabai was defeated by it so easily, it wouldn't be called Dabai anymore.

Seeing Dabai casually following the blow of the three protectors, Liu Kun's heart gradually sank.

He felt that he was really going to capsize today.

A beast is so powerful.

"Everyone come with me."

At this time, Liu Kun spoke to the chief protector and the second protector.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would lose more and more confidence in the future, and now he can only work hard, then decline, and exhaust himself.

Following his attack, Zhang Liang looked at Wang Fu next to him, and said with a smile, "Do you want to eat chicken legs?"

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu cried out excitedly.

Think, think, master, the dogs really want to eat chicken legs, and have not eaten chicken legs for many days.


Zhang Liang pointed to Liu Kun and said, "You just need to get it done today, how about I give you ten chicken legs?"

Zhang Liang also knew that Liu Kun was not easy to deal with. If he only gave Wangfu a chicken leg, Wangfu probably wouldn't be interested.

So, now he gives Wangfu ten chicken legs, and he can guarantee that Wangfu will dare to go all out.

"Wang Wang~"

Sure enough, just after Zhang Liang finished speaking, Wangfu flew up in excitement, yelled twice, and rushed directly towards Liu Kun.

"I still don't believe it, you, a dead dog, dare to fight me recklessly."

Seeing Wangfu rushing towards him, Liu Kun's eyes were full of disdain.

Dabai is a savage bear more than two meters tall, he understands the high defense, but he still doesn't believe that a dog still has such a strong defense.

A machete appeared in Liu Kun's hand. This machete was very heavy, and it seemed to have a sense of vicissitudes.

He slashed directly at Wangfu with a knife.

"Wang Wang~"

Wangfu saw the knife coming and hit it with his head.

Hmph, watch Mr. Ben Gou perform an iron head kungfu for you.

Liu Kun's knife fell on Wangfu's head, and as a result, Liu Kun felt as if he was cutting on a stone, and his hands shook violently.

Then he looked towards Wangfu's head, wanting to see if he had hurt Wangfu's head, but when he looked at it, his whole heart began to sink.

There was only a shallow mark on Wangfu's head, and with the passage of time, this mark was slowly recovering.

He...couldn't break through a dog's defense.

He is a strong man at the level of a grand master.

"I still don't believe I can't destroy you today."

Liu Kun was not easily discouraged, he attacked Wangfu again.

Wangfu's hard head does not mean that Wangfu's whole body is hard, so he is going to attack Wangfu's weakness.

Such as the neck, such as the legs, etc...

At the same time, the Great Protector also made a move.

"Xuanwu, this bald head is handed over to you."

Zhang Liang pointed to the big guardian next to him, who happened to have a bald head.


Xuanwu roared, and walked over to the big guardian without any haste.

"Hmph, courting death."

The big protector wore a pair of boxing gloves, which were made of special materials. He let out a low cry, and punched Xuanwu directly.

Xuanwu's head shrank inward, like a tortoise hiding its head in its shell, and then the big guardian punched the shell.

He immediately felt his fists go numb, as if he had hit steel.

"How to play this?"

The big protector was also dumbfounded.

He felt that he couldn't find a flaw in Xuanwu at all, this guy was a meat shield.

Xuanwu's defense is not lower than Dabai's defense at all, to a certain extent, it is much higher.

After all, Xuanwu is also known for its defense.

Moreover, the tortoise shell of Xuanwu is not something that can be broken by ordinary things.

Liu Kun, the first protector, and the third protector all made moves, and the only one who didn't make a move was the second protector.

At this time, the second protector stood up, but there was a black aura permeating the second protector's body, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Second Guardian, control Zhang Liang for me."

Liu Kun gave orders to the second protector at this time.

The aura of the second protector is a bit evil, and his own background is also a bit evil, so the kung fu he knows is considered an evil skill, which can control people.

The black aura on his body explained the problem.

"Control me? Your protector can't even handle the little guy on me, and still wants to control me?" Zhang Liang smiled faintly, his eyes full of disdain.

There is a reason why he didn't let Wangfu, Xuanwu or Dabai deal with the second guardian.

Just now he felt that the aura of the second guardian was a bit evil, so he left Xiaobai to deal with the second guardian.

There is a bright breath on Xiaobai's body, and this bright breath can just purify the breath on the body of the second protector.

Zhang Liang didn't even need to make a move tonight, he could guarantee that Dabai and other friends would directly exhaust Liu Kun and others to death here.

In a short period of time, Liu Kun and the others had nothing to do with Dabai, but after a long time, the physical strength of Liu Kun and the others would definitely not be able to keep up with that of Dabai and the others.

After all, Dabai and others stay in the energy space of Zhang Liang's paintings every day, and their bodies are moisturized every day. How can ordinary people compare?

The second protector rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang threw Xiaobai out, and said, "If you can handle him tonight, I'll cook you ten pieces of grilled fish."

(End of this chapter)

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